Chapter 3: The Truth

Chapter 3: The Truth

A Chapter by Katie Wan

Oh the interrogation room.. finally the truth comes out.


My disappearance? What was this guy talking about? The detective told the Asian man to fetch a few more chairs for the interrogation room. The room was again silent. The bones at the bottom of my face had fallen all the way to the ground. “Whaaa-” I couldn’t even form a single word.

Woods stood up and walked to the corner of the room. “Who you thought were your parents, aren’t.”

My hands searched for the table in front of me. Somehow the blood had completely rushed out of my brain to my feet. The room spun underneath me as I tried to balance myself. “So I’ve been kidnapped?”

The door opened and the Asian cop walked back in with two chairs. He carefully sat them down next to the table and stepped out of the room. My body practically fell into the chair. I rested my head on the cool table. Woods walked around and took the second chair for himself. “Yes that’s correct.”

A million different questions ran through my head. It felt as if everything was about to explode inside of me. What do you ask in this case? This isn’t really something you work on in your mind. This doesn’t come up often in someone’s life. “You were born Fischer Marshall to Ashley and Stanford Marshall. You lived in Utah for a few months before you were taken from your home one night. You have six other siblings.”

Siblings; that thought sparked something in my mind. “Tagg, where is he? Did you take him too? Was he in on this? No, not Tagg, not him too.” Detective Woods sat up more straight as he saw my sudden panic.

“No your brother was not ‘in’ on it.” A giant sigh of relief left my chest and I leaned back in the chair. Taggart, my brother was my best friend in the whole world. “In fact he was adopted lawfully by your parents.” We were both ‘adopted’ or so I thought. We were both only months old when we were chosen by our family. “There’s a lot we must do, but first, we know your brother is out of the country.”

Taggart had a band, a quite successful band. After touring the states for awhile they met up with a fellow English musician. Taggart was adopted from England and always dreamt of going back. When the musician invited him to tour around the UK Taggart and his band Sunset Boulevard jumped on a plane and flew across the Atlantic. I hadn’t seen him in almost eight months. “He’s in England,” I answered truthfully. This was the last thing I wanted to be talking about. Taggart being gone was not what I wanted to be thinking about. My life just flipped upside down.

“We’ll need to find a way to contact him.” Woods pulled out a pad and paper from his pocket and slid it over to me. I wrote down the familiar number on the pad and slid it back to the older man. It was all returned back to his pocket.

I was past the point of words. My hand grasped each other on top of the table. Without a word I just looked up at Woods. The smile on his face showed me that he almost understood my speechlessness. A slight nod overcame his head. “I know what you’re thinking right now.” A laugh came from my chest. It was an awkward laugh. There was no way he could even imagine what was going through my mind. His brown eyes just flicked over my face and with one word he hit the number one question right on the head. “Why?”

© 2010 Katie Wan

Author's Note

Katie Wan
This one's short but it gets to the point.. right?

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oh, that was quick, you added another chapter :D I liked this one, it was short, but it was good. The ending confused me a little bit, I wasn't sure why she was laughing, and what was going on between Woods and the Main Character [... I can't remember the name... -_-'] but maybe that's supposed to add more onto the mystery. Overall, I like your addition and I'd be happy to see another chapter :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 4, 2010
Last Updated on April 5, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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