Chapter 2: Trapped

Chapter 2: Trapped

A Chapter by Katie Wan

Stuck in a small room left with only your feelings and emotions. Suck.


Chapter 2: Trapped

The white walls started to give me a headache. I’d been sitting there for hours. No one had even come in to ask if I wanted a drink. My teeth bit my lower lip and play with the two snake bite piercings I had set in them. The pain from my teeth tearing into my skin started and I had to find a way to occupy myself otherwise. My knees popped when I stood up. The silver chair crashed loudly onto the metal floor. My hair had begun to curl above my eyes. Usually I would go home and straighten the unruly hair, but now I was stuck in this tiny room.

The square room’s walls were painted a bright white. It was probably to drive people insane enough to confess. My hand ran along the smooth walls. My bare feet were freezing against the cold stone floor. If the white walls didn’t get you to spill the beans either the freezing room or the complete boredom would.

With the time my anger had completely vanished. Now I was more frightened and worried than anything else. Where were my parents? Why were they arresting us? I couldn’t think of anything that we’d done. I’d been at school all day. Perhaps something happened while I was out getting an education. School didn’t help anything. Maybe we were suspects in some big murder case. Thinking back to how many cops were on my front lawn it seemed almost plausible.

A dark chill ran up my spine. I couldn’t remember killing anyone. Maybe something happened to Tagg, no, not tag. The large mirror was obviously a two way mirror. I knew someone had to be on the other side. I leapt for the shiny metal piece and slammed my palm into it. “What the hell is going on?” My voice crack as I yelled. My palm folded into a fist and I started punching at the substance between me and whatever human force was in there.

Frustration took over and I grabbed the edge of the table. I wasn’t a weak thing, so it didn’t take much to flip the table completely over. The chair slid against the force but I grabbed it. My fingers wrapped around the back rest and I picked it up in the air. The legs smashed into the mirror with a loud crack. The chair fell apart at the bottom of the wall.

My chest heaved up and down as I gasped for air. Somehow I caught my reflection in the mirror I was trying to break. Blood had started to bubble out of my bottom lip. I realized that biting my lip wasn’t such a smart idea when I was angry.

My reflection was utterly hideous, which I hated. I worked rather hard to make myself attractive to other people. It wasn’t like my looks came naturally. My face came inches from the mirror as I tried to assess my wound. The green eyes of mine stared back at the sad figure. My brown hair was still slightly wet from the rain. My hand pushed the long front out of my eyes.

The door opened and I spun around. I wouldn’t want to be caught staring at myself. After the embarrassment rushed away the anger set in once more. “What the hell is going on here? I’ve been sitting here for hours now.” I tried to make my voice as loud as I could. It was pretty in my current state of rage.

A small Asian man walked in and stared at the table. He was soon followed by a taller man. The taller man was wearing a dark brown suit. His brown eyes looked at my small figure standing in the center of the room. “What happened here?” The Asian man asked.

My shoulders squared “Who gives a sh-”

“It doesn’t matter.” The taller man butted in. He stepped in over the table and shut the door behind him. The brown suit coat scooted up his arm as he pointed to the table. The Asian man in the police uniform sighed. He bent down and started putting the room back to order. The taller man walked over to me. “Are you feeling a little angry, Thatcher?”

A disgusted huff left my mouth, “You have got to be kidding me. What are you, an idiot? Of course I’m angry. You and your little men come into my house, take my parents, and then lock me in this damn room for hours.” The tall man nodded and walked to the table that had been flipped over again. “I want to know what is going on right here before I call one hell of a good lawyer and sue you for all your worth.”

A smile crossed the face of the Asian. He knew I couldn’t actually do that. My jaw clenched tighter at his disapproval though. To my side my hands were balled in tight fists. The taller man sat on the edge of the table and looked at me underneath his brown hat. “You are not in trouble, Thatcher.” The way he said ‘you’ insinuated that there was somewhere else around here that was in a lot of trouble.

“Then what the hell am I doing here?” My balled fists rested on the edge of my hip bones. My teeth were crunching hard together. A permanent crease was being sculpted above my nose.

The taller man again smiled, “let’s start somewhere else.” There were no words that could escape my mouth. He was so nonchalant about everything. “My name is Detective Dan Woods and many years ago I was assigned to the case of your disappearance.”

© 2010 Katie Wan

Author's Note

Katie Wan
Hope you like it. :S

My Review

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:O shocker... I like the big drop in the information at the end. Overall, your writing ability is brilliant, I like the way you describe things, and I can really get into the thought of the main character. I like the way you described the snake bites [I love snakebites :D], green eyes, and the brown hair. It was a smooth way of describing the character. And I liked how you described that the room would make you want to confess xD

Anyhoo, I'm rambling on, great job. Hope you continue soon! :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 20, 2010
Last Updated on April 5, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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