Chapter 1: The Beginning

Chapter 1: The Beginning

A Chapter by Katie Wan

Welcome to a new life I've created. A place to take you away.


Click, Click, Click…

The turn signal sounded loudly in the silent car. Usually music would be blasting through the speakers. Not today. No today I wanted to listen to the sound of the rain slapping against my car. The silver hood in front of me deflected the small drops and splattered them on the windshield. I enjoyed the rain very much. That’s why I was very happy when we moved back to Oregon. It was always my favorite place to live.

The clouds hung low and luminous over the small town. School had been very tiring and I was ready to go home and relax. Home was always my safe haven. If I had nothing else I always had that. I always had a loving family who cared for me and supported me. That was something I was very grateful for.

The houses on the side of the road were getting larger as I drove closer and closer to home. The scene had begun to become familiar in my mind. My hands knew the way to turn the wheel. This was really turning into home. That was a nice change after moving every six months or so.

As I turned the last corner onto my street my heart fell to the pit of my stomach. Red and blue lights flashed. Police cars had been driven up on my lawn. A huge crowd of neighbors and bystanders stood around a barrier. Cameras were rolling and news presenters were talking into large microphones. The lights bounced off of the top of everyone’s umbrellas.

I pushed my foot harder into the gas pedal until I reached a police barrier. I didn’t take the keys out of the ignition as I ran from the car. The door was left wide open as I jumped over the wood barriers. People grunted as I shoved past them. When I got to the front of the group I shoved my head through to look at my house.

Police men had my mother handcuffed in front of them. Tears were streaming in dark mascara lines down her face. Her shoulders slammed into the cops trying to get her free. I could hear her loud shrieks sounding loudly at the men. Her dark brown hair was a mess on the back of her head. There had obviously been some resistance from her. “Mom!” I yelled out loudly. Her blue eyes snapped to the group of people. Immediately she recognized my face.

“Run Thatcher, run!” The police followed her gaze to me. Just as I started to step away I watched them pull my father out. He was resisting more than my mother was. His also brown hair was tangled and standing on end. The large glasses on his face were broken and sitting crooked. Below him his feet shoved at the wood of the front porch. They slipped on the wet rain and he went crashing to the ground.

The police kicked the side of his rib cage and started to pick him up. He spit and bit at any hands that touched him. I couldn’t just sit here and watch them take my parents away. I was thin enough to crawl under the barricade. My chest slid across the pavement leaving a mud stain on my dark green T shirt.

I kicked my flip flops off as I ran toward the house. The mud under the grass bubbled up between my toes. Police men started to run after me. My attention was on my father. He was fighting off all the men around him, I would help. My knees pushed up the stairs and I jumped on the back of one of the men.

The man yelled underneath me as I wrapped my arms tightly around his obese neck. “Let go of my, dad!” I’d never acted like this before. The man started to spin around and around trying to get me off of him. He ran both of our backs into the column behind us. My lungs huffed out and my arms slipped from around his neck.

By now the many police men had come to his aid. Hands were immediately grabbing at me. Now I had to protect myself. My bare feet kicked at the dark blue suited men. It was about five to one and I wouldn’t have been able to hold them off long. Finally someone got a hold of my arm and ripped me off the porch. Freezing cuffs were strapped tightly to my wrists behind me. Without waiting I was thrown into the back of my own cruiser. The lights and sirens were turned on and we drove off the lawn.

© 2010 Katie Wan

Author's Note

Katie Wan
Anything will help, thanks!

My Review

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Posted 13 Years Ago

I don't have any constructive criticism, I thought that this chapter was perfect and brilliant. I'm hooked onto this story, just by this chapter. I like where this is going, the action already in here, and the mystery of what is going on, all that keeps me wanting to read it. I shall read on to see what happens >:D

Posted 14 Years Ago

I like what you have done with this. You have a very creative mind when it comes to writing books.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on March 20, 2010
Last Updated on April 5, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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