Chapter 23

Chapter 23

A Chapter by Katie Wan

The Oreson house was huge from a mile away, I couldn’t imagine what it would be up close�"I soon found out. Phoenix pulled up in to the large round-about driveway. A fountain was planted in the center of the circular parking lot. It was a statue of Larsen in his earlier days. He stood proudly with his chest puffed up with his cape flying behind him. Water flew out of a building next to him which he was holding up with one hand. His muscles bulged largely and his smile showed off his cheesy charm.

                Phoenix opened the door for me the second we stopped. I had gotten used to the fast moving by now but usually he would take his time. Once again, this night everything seemed too different. I didn’t like it one bit. With the help of his warm hand I stepped out of the low car. Nerves shot through me as we walked closer to the door. Phoenix’s hand stayed planted on the small of my back. The large mansion was made of grey bricks and had a large window above the large wooden double doors.

                Phoenix’s hand covered the door knob and I took a giant breath. The large door opened into a big empty room. The floor was covered in dark hardwood. The walls were painted in soothing colors that really lowered my anxiety. I look into a small sitting room. It was filled with large comfortable couches and chairs. They matched the orange walls perfectly and gave it a warm feeling. I lifted my nose into the air and smelt a wonderful dinner being prepared.

                My hands wrapped around Phoenix’s wrist. He continued to lead me through the house. I heard the roar of television and video games up the stairs as we passed by. The stairs went straight up into a hall on the second story. I was led past the stairs into a large room. To the left there was a huge family room with a giant TV and a huge wall of windows looking out to the trees behind their house.

                To the right, behind the stairs was the kitchen. It was a kitchen to make everyone jealous it had all the newest technology and yet had an older lodge type appeal to it. There was a large Island with a gap so that Phoenix’s mom, Eileen, could look out to the large sitting room.

We walked further into the kitchen area. Eileen stood at the stove stirring something steaming on top of the perfectly clean surface. Food was spread out, ready to set onto the table, all along the counter. Phoenix led me up to the large island on the sitting side. “Hi, mom.” He said.

                Eileen spun and smiled at us kindly. “Phoenix, it’s good to see you. Where have you been all day?”

                “I was out late, so we stayed at the hotel. Then I ran to Grandma and Grandpa’s.”

                She gave him a weird look. “They live in Texas. Why didn’t you just warp?”

                “I needed the air.” so that’s where he was�"Texas. His smile weakened and he turned to me. “Mom, this is Collin.”

She smiled at me. She wiped her hands on a washcloth on the dishwasher and walked to us. Her arms lightly wrapped around my shoulders. “It’s so wonderful to finally meet you.” She pulled me away but held my shoulders in order to get a good look at me. “You make my boy so happy, Thank you so much.” I looked up into her kind eyes and knew that she was a wonderful mother full of love and happiness. She smiled brightly like the expression would never be swept off of her face. Her hair was curled down around her shoulders like she spent hours curling it�"but I knew it was natural.

                I smiled at her. “It’s my pleasure.”

                In the time I’d spent conversing with Eileen, Phoenix had sunk his head and shoulders into the Island. Something really was bothering him, and now it was starting to bother me. “Dinner will be ready in five.” She smiled and returned to the stove.

Phoenix somehow picked his heavy head up and stroked my cheek. “I’ll show you my room.” This time he didn’t grab my hand he just led me up the stairs.

We passed a few doors. In one of them both of the twins were playing a video game and screaming at each other. The others were closed. We walked to the end of the hall. Phoenix opened a door to a light filled room. I stepped in on my own. The walls were painted Red Silver and black. It was a modern room with a large window looking out over the trees to show a beautiful beach.

                “This is it, I’m hardly ever here.” He looked around the room as if it was a part of him that he’d left behind long ago. I walked over to the window and looked out over the yard.

                “It’s beautiful.” I said with as much energy as I could muster.

                He sighed and stood in the center of his room. His hand ran up over his hair and he rested his other hand on his hip as if he was supporting all his weight on that one hip. I turned to look at him. When he noticed me staring at him a large, but fake, smile crossed his face. “Don’t do that.” I said seriously.

“Do what,” he asked kindly?”

                “Pretend there’s nothing wrong.” I walked a little closer so that I could make my point stronger.

                He smiled again but took a step back. He rubbed the back of his neck with his open hand. “Everything is fine, don’t worry.”

                I stepped closer again leading him to take another back. “Don’t lie to me.”

                “I’m not lying,” he paused and looked around the room again as if he’d seen something, “I just have something that doesn’t belong to me.”

                “What’s that?”

                “Boys it’s time for dinner.” Ryder stuck his head in the door. “I’m starving so hurry it along.” We both turned to look at him. His silver beads looked at Phoenix and immediately saw what I suspected�"something was wrong.

                We followed Jo and Ryder to the table. We sat directly across from them. Jo sat straight across from me and Ryder to Phoenix. On the end of the table sat Larsen, on his left sat Eileen. Jazz and her cuteness stayed plopped next to her mom. The twins sat on either side of the table next to Ryder and Phoenix. I had no idea which one was which. Jackson sat next to me with Veronica on his left, next to Larsen.

                The dinner looked delicious. Eileen had prepared a roast for the event. Along with is came carrots and potatoes, of course, one could not forget the blueberry muffins. She had made plenty to go around. She must have been used to cooking for a large family. We each took a turn at something and piled it high onto our plates. As we dug in, different little conversations grew around us. I talked to Jackson next to me who was trying to talk to me about college plans, the twins were still in a heated battle about the video game, Jo talked with Jazz and Eileen, and Veronica grudgingly talked to Larsen.

                As I was telling Jackson about the dance Larsen’s booming voice snapped over all the other conversations. “Ryder, Phoenix, there are no powers at the table you know that.” We all looked up to see their eyes fully lit up. Phoenix wasn’t eating a thing. At least Ryder was piling in some food.

                Phoenix’s hand slid to my thigh. He smiled an exhausted smile at me, and then he leaned back and closed his eyes. On the other side of the table Ryder did the same. Veronica noticed this and kept her dad occupied. They were talking to each other on a mind level. I kept up my conversation with Jackson who happily kept talking and asking questions. I think Jackson could also sense a dark cloud over this table. He wanted to keep me occupied from the situation. I liked him for that.

                Larsen’s voice was heard again. “Phoenix what the hell did I just say.” Phoenix’s eyes snapped open to expose silver pools glowing like a million stars. In that exact moment I saw Phoenix’s last string break. He had finally snapped and this wasn’t going to be pretty.

                “You know what dad? You tell me a lot of things but do I ever listen? I don’t think so.”

                “What the hell did you just say?” Larsen yelled as loud as he could, stopping all other conversations.

                “Go to hell, Larsen.” Everyone’s eyes got huge. No one ever talked like this to Larsen, not even Phoenix. “I hate you dad, and I can’t do this anymore.”

                “So what now, son? Are you just going to run away like Ryder?”

                Ryder jumped in, “I didn’t run away, I went to school. But if I had run away, you should be confident in knowing that it was your entire fault.”

                “Maybe I will.” Phoenix was continuing on with his conversation with Larsen. “Then where will you be? The twins can’t work near as much as me. You’ll again be alone.”Phoenix snarled at him.

                Larsen’s nostrils flared. “You were a mistake.”

                “Larsen.” Eileen gasped. “That’s not true, Phoenix.” She leaned closer to Phoenix trying to take away what Larsen had just said. Phoenix looked at her giving her reassurance that she was forgiven.

                “Don’t stand up for him Eileen. He really isn’t any good for anything.” The anger in Larsen’s voice boomed loudly throughout the hollow room. My head lowered slightly. A strand of Larsen’s dark hair had come loose from his perfect mane. Veins were appearing in the corners of his forehead and veins. His skin took on a reddish tint showing his true anger.

                I looked directly across the table towards Jo. Her eyes were wide and full of terror. She caught my gaze and pursed her lips together. Nothing she could say would help me out in this situation.

                My eyes searched around the table. Both of the Twins had their jaws gaped open, staring at Larsen and Phoenix. I was almost as baffled as them. Jazz had little streams of tears running from her not-so-happy eyes. Veronica and Jackson held hands and she leaned into him.

                Phoenix lowered his voice into a more serious tone, “I’m more a man than you’ll ever hope to be.”

                Larsen’s slammed his hands against the table. Food splattered everywhere. Everyone straightened up a little bit with the loud noise. “Larsen we have company. Boys can we save this for another time.” Eileen grabbed Larsen’s forearm.

                “No mom, I’m sorry, but this can no longer wait. Dad�"I quit.”

                Larsen stood “Good, I don’t want you around me anyways. You’re no better than your brother.”

                Ryder stood also “You b*****d.”

                “Ryder sit your a*s down, we’re not even talking about you right now.” Ryder didn’t sit instead he squared off. Jo looked up to him with fear in her eyes.

                “Stop�"this is about me, Ryder.” Phoenix tried to calm him.

                “No, Phoenix. You need to go, don’t let him tell you any different.”

                “Go where?” I asked loudly finally chiming into the conversation. Every pair of eyes snapped toward me in an instant. They had all seemed to forget that I was sitting right there. In my mind I knew that this, whole fight, was a continuation of a previous one�"one that started with me. My head sunk in embarrassment as I realized my outburst. The whole room went silent as they all stared at my sunken head.

                A red phone right behind Larsen rang loudly and flashed red and blue lights. Everyone got quiet and watched as the phone rang. Larsen pushed his chair back and walked to the flashing phone. As he began to talk Ryder sat and I turned to Phoenix. “Go where?” I asked again.

                He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. “I have to leave.”

                “No.” I gasped, “You don’t have to. Stay with me, my mom won’t mind.”

                “I have to leave, Collin. I don’t have a choice anymore.”


“Twins suit up. We’re going out.” Larsen boomed over everyone in the room. “We’ll continue this later.” His large index finger pointed towards Phoenix.

                “It’s too late Larsen, I’m already gone.”  Phoenix looked at me one more time and silver light flashed around us. The street of my apartment complex was empty and the night was black. Rain began to fall all around me accompanied with some dark thunder. Phoenix stood in front of me. “I’m sorry.” I felt my stomach churn from the warping and I grabbed my stomach, but nothing came out. Phoenix was getting better with his powers.

                I regained control of my bodily function and shouted. “What the hell are you talking about?” Panic rose in my voice. It became high pitched and obnoxious. “Take me back to your house, or come in. We can talk about this sensibly. Phoenix, don’t jump to any hasty decisions.”

                “You’re not mine, you never were.” Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked down at my frustrated body.

                “You promised.” I hissed at him clenching my jaw tightly.

                He stroked my face. “I love you so much, and I always will, forever. I don’t plan to ever break that promise.”

                “Why would you lie to me?” I started to sob and gasp for air.

                “I never lied. I will always be here for you, even if it doesn’t mean physically.”

                I stared at him trying to understand exactly what he was saying to me. There was so much hurt inside of my chest it began to constrict. “Why?” I kept asking over and over again. I pounded my fist into his chest trying to inflict the same pain in him, as I was feeling in me. He was betraying me, leaving me, hurting me. Why would he do this time me? How could he do this to me? Were these past months’ really just one big lie? Maybe he had a bet going with his friend. I’d seen that in the movies. Maybe he had six months to change my image, change my life, and then completely screw me over.

He read my mind�"each thought.  Hurt swelled in his face and I could tell he was having trouble leaving�"so I decided to help him. I turned from him and started running. He ran after me as close as he could. “What are you doing, Collin?”

“You promised you’d never leave me, so I’m leaving you. Maybe it will make it hurt less.” I shouted the words as loud as I could.

                “Collin, stop! please. Let me say good bye properly.” I could hear the sobs coming from his lungs through his words.

                I sobbed and ran straight into the rain making me soaking wet. “Go to hell Phoenix, I hate you. Don’t ever come back.”

                I knew he stopped when I said those words. So did I. He walked up to me but his eyes were behind me. As he got closer they landed on me. His hands went to the side of my face like they had the first time he kissed me. The water softened the touch as he stroked his thumb along my cheek bone. My breathing became inconsistent as I tried to get control. Phoenix looked straight into my eyes and spoke his finals words to me, “I love you Collin Hanks, and I’ll be back.” Our lips touched for the last time. The rain drops ruptured on my forehead and I sobbed through the kiss. His warm lips tangled with mine with the rain moistening the kiss. There was so much hate in this kiss�"not hate. hurting. He pulled us apart and he watched me a little before he looked behind my head. “Love him like you’re supposed to, and don’t ever let him go.” He said the words as if he was talking to someone standing behind me�"I didn’t look�"I just watched him. “Now Run Collin, Run away from me, and don’t ever look back.”

                That was something I couldn’t listen to. I ran backwards and watched as he flew into the sky and disappeared for good. I became light headed as I continued to jog backwards. I wanted away from this place. The earth shifted underneath me and my stomach lurched. Pain shot through me and exploded in my stomach. I couldn’t walk anymore. I was hyperventilating, so I turned to run, but when I did my eyes rolled back into my head sending my body into its limpest state.  Before I completely fell into darkness I was caught by two strong warm arms. My hands felt the fabric of the shirt�"it came from a Hero suit. I began to look up to see the person holding me, but all I got to was to the tan neck and I passed out. The last thing I smelled was rain and the ocean.

© 2010 Katie Wan

Author's Note

Katie Wan
hehehe. Hope you enjoyed it.

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WONDERFUL i am always a sucker for happy reunions

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 3, 2010
Last Updated on August 23, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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