Chapter 1. The others

Chapter 1. The others

A Chapter by KB McFarland

Coming into the story, introducing all the characters and setting the plot. Adventure starts with the first word! Have fun reading!!


Chapter 1. The others

Part 1. KB

I've been at this stupid school for at least 3 weeks looking for the target. This guy blended in. It was either me or him but, I was professionally trained so I wasn't going to give it to him for the world. Many interesting people at this school. For example: There was one girl who was obsessed with reading. Every time I saw her she was reading, even during a test. How she pulled that off? Don't ask me. I honestly preferred it when I was at the training academy and we trained basically all day. I was always top of my classes. Anyway as I was looking around for the other. He was obviously a good hider, or he is just not here yet. I kept a eye open for him while trying to open my locker. Locker number 107. I recited my passcode in my mind as I tried to open the locker. 11-17-27. The locker door swung open and I stuffed all the useless books inside and slammed it shut, not hard enough however to draw attention. I swear if I have to wait this long for this so called professional, forget it. He's not worth that much anyway, I told myself mentally. I walked to my next class which was, wait I forgot. I might be trained for this but I don't want to be here so it doesn't make it easy to remember things. A kid went running past and hit my messenger backpack. My journal with all the information from previous assessments fell to the floor with a few other things but I wasn't focused on those at the moment. “Hey!” I yelled quickly picking up the book like it was gold. “Sorry, I'm late!” The boy yelled still running. I rolled my eyes and pretended like it was nothing. But I had half a mind to teach him a lesson he would not soon forget.

As I walked to the school library for free period I quickly took a look around. No sign of him yet. I wonder if he will ever show up. Anyway I stepped into the library and took a look around. There were very tall bookcases filled with every book imaginable. There was a second floor above that you could see through the huge hole to the second level library and hallway to the cafeteria. It was a very nice library, one of the best I've seen. Maybe it would be the best if it wasn't so old and dusty. Every time I took a step forward a board would creak and groan. I swear the librarian was 90 years old and making her way up. She could barely see 2 feet in front of her and was deaf in one ear. She wore pink cat eye glasses with a pearl chain that wrapped around her neck so she wouldn't lose them. She wore a floral long dress with a white little jacket to match. Just your everyday old crazy librarian. Yep, not a weird school at all. Riverpoint was one of the most advanced and oldest schools in the district. But it was well maintained and had the latest technology so I guess it could be worse. I looked up at the hallway to see the students passing by. But suddenly my gaze falls upon a boy standing still, leaning on the railing looking down. I quickly pulled out my journal and looked at the definition of the target.

Extremely bright blonde medium long hair

Blue eyes, expensive clothing.

I looked back up at the boy. He matched the definition perfectly. It was him, and he was looking for me and I'm just standing here looking at the target! As soon as I realized that I darted over to a bookshelf and pretended to be looking at books. Out of my messenger bag I pulled out a old cap, Riverpoint sweatshirt and white earbuds. I put the earbuds in, threw on the cap and pulled the hoodie on over my cap to where he couldn't see my face or hair. I don't believe he saw me so I think I am in the clear. I looked at the definition again, confused. They normally put much more detail into a definition, especially if it's high class. It doesn't even have a name. Strange. I questioned. After a few minutes the boy gave up and walked along. He must have just arrived because he seemed the slightest bit lost. After I was sure he was gone I walked up stairs to the place he was standing still keeping my hair and face covered, just in case. I decided to walk to my next class before the late bell rang and I got in trouble at a school I don't even go to. I remember this class because it's gym class, one of my specialties. I walk to the gymnasium. It was a very big gym but no air conditioning. The couch had set up a team building activity. Fun, I thought sarcastically.  I went to the smelly girls locker room to change. Most of the girls were awkward around others so they changed in the bathroom stalls. So I was the only person in the locker room. I put my long, dirty blonde hair into a ponytail except for the side bangs that had one streak of white and almost covered my eye. I had a train hard shirt on and black running shorts made for breathability. I walked out to see everyone lined up in front of coach as he spat out instrucciones. I ran up into line and he didn't even notice my presence, lucky me. I didn't listen to him because I was too busy looking around. Then I froze in time. The boy was standing at the other end of the line, standing straight up, listening to every word the couch said. My attention snapped back to the couch when he yelled out “Alright now let's put y'all into partners, a boy and a girl. But I will be making the groups.” I started to hope I wouldn't be partnered with him. But how would I even know if I don't know the guys name? “Ok! lets see.. I'll have Jonny with Andra, Juan with Julia, Cat with Jake, and Garroth with… huh?” He froze in the middle of his sentence. Most everyone was with their partners except for me and I think Garroth, whoever that is. I was waiting to say KB. By the way my name's KB. Funny I didn't mention that huh. “Ok Garroth your with KB.” Coach finally said. Turned to look at my so called ‘partner’. I froze in my footsteps when I saw him. I knew it! IT was the ‘target’. Also an old friend of mine from the other academy. He had a sly smile on his face like he knew I was his target, and he definitely remember me. We we're the best of friends and always at the top. I'm surprised I didn't recognize him, but he was a ways away when I first saw him. I realized we had been staring at each other for a while. He finally spoke up, “Well I guess we're partners.” He said playing along. He still had his too perfect smile and he raised an eyebrow waiting for my response. “I guess so..” I responded starting to walk to the middle of the gym. He followed behind but I still kept a good eye on him.

For the rest of the period we would speak very little to each other. But we always kept eye contact. Neither one was going to let the other out of their sight. It was almost kinda funny to see my old best friend again. But I managed to keep my grim faced look, that's one thing I'm known for. He, on the other hand would smile and lift and eyebrow every once in awhile to try and catch me off guard. He had become less shy as he was when we first met. Or maybe he was just doing that around me. Well whatever it was, he had grown. Finally P.E. ended. I slipped my ‘costume’ back on and made a break for the hallway. I made it into the hallway without seeing him. So I kept walking. I walked up the stairs and turned in the hall to go to my class but I saw Garroth leaning against the wall waiting for me, staring at his phone. I turned away before he saw me and walked away quickly. I am allowed to not go to class because I am with the academy, so there was no way I would get in trouble. I kept walking with my head low. I would glance from side to side every few seconds. I wasn't sure where I was going but I know I would end up somewhere. No one was in the halls so I easily walked down the hall. I stopped in front of the Art class. The door was a shade of ocean blue. When you look inside it's a mural of all the ‘elements’ such as earth, wind, fire, ice, and light. It was very beautiful. The class was working on painting one of the Angels on the mural. I snapped out of my gaze and kept walking. I felt a hand lay on the back of my hoodie and jerk it off. I swung around, throwing off my hat and my earbuds out of my ears, putting my hand on the holster hidden in the shadow of my sweatshirt. My hand landed on the multi use handgun. I stood face to face with Garroth. I stepped back a few feet. If there is one thing I know it's that you keep enemies, or all people in general, at least 3 feet away in case they happen to come at you. Garroth had his hands in his pockets and had a grin on his face that wasn't creepy but was slightly familiar. His hair covered his right eye but he shook his head and the hair was out of his eye. Now his sky blue eyes showed themselves. “Hello KB…” Garroth said as an incomplete sentence. There was something else he wanted to say but he took a few steps closer and I pulled out the gun. Locked and loaded. Garroth stared at the barrel of the gun surprised. He looked back up at me after I stepped back some more. Garroth had put his hands in the air in surrender, but he wasn't backing down. I put on my naturally grim face and stared at him closely. I took a deep breath and let out 2 words, “Hello, Garroth.”

Part 2. Garroth

I couldn't help but look at the barrel of the gun, pointed at my face, still at least 3 feet away. I looked up at KB. She was dead serious, literally. I knew that look on her face. I saw it plenty when we were children. I knew KB so well. This was my best friend. I don't know how I will fight her but I guess the strength will come when the time was right. I couldn't help but smile at her. I just, can't help it. I missed her. But now is not the time for flash backs. KB is a complex thing that would have it's own subject in school. In fact, I actually took a class on manipulating people, KB did too, and the only thing the teacher couldn't manipulate was KB. Actually, she manipulated him. How? Don't ask me. Anyway, as long as I play my cards right everything would go accordingly. I feel so dumb, talking about her like she's a math problem. She is so much more. Like how she’s loyal, trustworthy if your trustable and she gives you her word, smart, capably, athletic, and so much more. But don't get me wrong, I'm her best friend (I think) but I guess on this mission i'm her worst enemy. A battle the world will never forget. You know, if I ever tell you about it! Anyway, I broke the silence. “KB… I don't know if you remember but, we were best friends. And I truly believe that we still are.” I said sounding like a cheesy romance movie. KB picked up on that too and gave a face of really dude? Or we might have been friends but after that line, I'm out! I gave a little laugh to somehow lighten the mood and I saw KB let down her guard for a second and them regain her focus. That little gesture let me know we are still friends. Or at least we will be until we get into a fight. “Ok, KB... “ I started moving forward slightly. KB caught that movement and took another step back and tightened her grip on her gun. Bad move, I thought to myself. I have to play all my cards right or else this will take a turn for the worst. I feel like I'm gambling but in a more dangerous way. Actually, a VERY dangerous way. KB was obviously keeping her distance, must be that 3 feet away rule. I think she uses that rule on everyone. Not a bad idea really. Anyway I was thinking about my next move but any hint of movement that KB picks up means lights out for me. “Look, I know you're a fair player… and I know that it would turn out badly if we did this in a school so how about something else.” I said spitting out words from the top of my head. But she was interested. I paused to see what she was thinking. “Go on…” She said motioning (with the gun) for me to continue my statement. But to be honest, I didn't really know what my statement was. “Well, how about a fair game, it will determine the winner and the strongest out if the two of us.” I said taking a step forward. This time KB allowed the movement but still held the gun up. “Why would I do that when I could just shoot you now.” She said putting stress on the word shoot. I hesitated which was a stupid mistake because she let out a little huph to say she was right. I quickly made up something to satisfy her question. “Well that would just prove you're scared to face me.” I shot out. Her eyes narrowed. I knew that wasn't true but I had to say something. “KB I trust you and I know that you trust me somewhere deep down. I don't think you will get honor from just shooting me.” I said taking another step forward. It was getting out of control to a serious situation. I had to do everything right. KB was now on edge, taking another step back. But I was no longer bluffing my way out. Everything I would say had truth to it. “KB, please listen to me. I never wanted you to leave. I wanted to stop you but it was too late. There was nothing I could do, I felt useless.” I said hanging my head low. I could tell it was really getting through to her. I heard her take a hard swallow.  She was obviously on edge. “Then I was put to this mission. Second chances don't come everyday. But I still have an assignment to do. So I want to do this fair. For old friendship's sake. Whoever wins, completes their mission successfully.” I took two steps forward. She held her ground but didn't want me taking another step because I was a foot away from the gun. “Don't come a step closer!” She warned me. “I-I Trust you, KB.” I said take one more step and putting my hand on the barrel of the gun. Her eyes shot wide open in a blaze of fury and surprise. And then I felt like I went into a trance. Her eyes, they were amazing. I felt lost staring into them. They look like no one could ever lie to them, no one would ever hurt someone with those eyes. They had grey on the outside and leading in looked like a midnight sunset. It was light blue, purple and royal blue all combining to come to the center that was black. I couldn't really move. It was so beautiful. I always thought her eyes were light blue but I didn't know how much were in those eyes. I couldn't understand how she never showed them to everyone. They were like a secret mind control. I wanted to move and look away but I couldn't. I finally jerked my head away, snapping out of the trance that seemed to hold me, and her eyes weren't wide open anymore. “KB,  pl-please.” I said my voice shaking like I was about to cry. I wasn't sure if I was going to or not. “Please, can we talk about it. I trust you.” I said, keeping my hand on the gun, closing my eyes so tight. KB’s mouth was shaking when she spoke. “O-ok. Fine.” She said putting down the gun and back into it's holster. “Let's talk. But no tricks!” She said going back to her rock solid heart state she was in before this conversation. I regained my posture again and did a formal bow trying to lighten the mood. “This way madam.” I said smiling, still in bowing position. She gave a hint of a grin. “Well, thank you.” She started walking but then she stopped. I froze standing up again. “You coming?” She asked started walking again. I smiled and jogged to catch up to her. We walked side by side to the nearest bench. I still couldn't help but think that that was the way it should stay.

Part 3. KB

It's honestly good to be next to my best friend again. But don't you dare think I'll take it easy on him! I'm not backing down that easy, I'll still turn him into dust, whatever the challenge may be.

© 2016 KB McFarland

Author's Note

KB McFarland
Please tell me the truth, I don't want to make it stupid. I hope you enjoy reading. I would love to her what you think, should I make another chapter? Thanks you!

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Added on November 9, 2016
Last Updated on November 9, 2016


KB McFarland
KB McFarland

Hello, I'm KB. KB stands for Kaleigh Brooke but I prefer to be called KB. I started writing around the age of 10 and never stopped. I'm obsessed with fiction, mythical creatures, medieval times, super.. more..
