

A Poem by Jyango Ryudo


My silence is like a scream stuck forever in speed.
A silence so loud it clouds my head with ringing.
My silence is so loud it causes my tired mind to stare into the darkness until my alarm clocks wakes.
My silence makes me toss and turn until I finally just give up and start my day.
My heart at night flips and flops as anxiety frisks up my body in the form of shivers.
Every possible scenario of my life going into shambles, every friendship and love crumbling.
A sense of dread filling my room like fog.
The shadows moving screaming their silent scream.
My limbs numb to whatever movement my brains pleads for them to make.
My lids so heaving, my eyes dried, my lips chapped but I can't bring myself to do anything about it.
My life overrun by the silence of my head.
And the worst part is only I can hear it.

© 2016 Jyango Ryudo

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Added on August 29, 2016
Last Updated on August 29, 2016


Jyango Ryudo
Jyango Ryudo


I write I guess. It's a huge anxiety reliever so it's kore for me than other but if you read it and you like it thanks, so enjoy I guess more..