This to me is a fight between two lovers. The fighting hurts on both sides (physically and mentally), and though their love is strong they keep on and on knowing the effects on their emotional states. As for the ram thing it signifies stubbornness and resilience against compromise
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Great piece.. the conflict is expressed very well, and the emotions shine through. Great rhythm, even though the lines are very short, the poem conveyed a lot. Awesome job. c:
Another interesting piece. I knew there was a conflict between two people but never would have understood completely if it wasn't for the note (thanks for that). Still a great rhyme and flow. One thing that caught my eye was in the last stanza, I'd make it:
I love you
you are she
But we hate
Through blistered me
This is beautiful, I love how you've captured the pain of both side, how you have so much emotion inside this. The rhythmn it reads with is also very nice, I like it! Your very talented! great write and Keep writing!
Many people can relate to this. It's like having a argument with someone and your getting nowhere but going around in circles all the time because that person is unaware of the damage they are causing. Great write
I really enjoyed this. I've lived this, and you did a superb job of capturing the raw emotion. I could see the fight... it reminded me of the inner monologue that runs through my mind in a heated argument. Well done.
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