CollisionA Poem by JustateddyberrySometimes I wonder if I really belong. Have you ever felt the same way?Perhaps I collide too much with this world I go against the flow And it seems like I don't belong But I'm not courageous enough To say I can make a change For the better
Everyone's word Carry a different meaning along with it And I thought I've learnt But then I realize again and again Even after understanding all that I know It's almost like I still don't know anything About this world
It's just so confusing And the levels keeps getting higher The layers of masks Piling and piling Till I don't know what I'm supposed to see Or if what I know Is still true Or perhaps Everything has already changed
It's as if My version is outdated And I've returned to a level of a kid Where doors are shut And sounds are muted Where I have to fight All the levels again © 2017 Justateddyberry |