I'm just me, nothing more.
Don't tell me what I have in store.
I'm not ready to think of my future life,
when right now, I'm just trying to get through teenage strife.
I'm just from Small Town Washington,
where no one stays for fun.
I'm not a good girl, though I'm not bad,
despite that I like making people mad.
I'm not a guilble fool,
and I know when I'm used like a tool.
Don't think you'll achieve your using me,
if you try, you'll see the b***h I can be.
I'm just ordinary little me,
who enjoys writing poetry.
If you don't like it, stop reading this now...
I mean really...are you really such a stupid cow?
I'm just a country girl and a tomboy,
and I have no idea how to act "coy."
Do not judge who I am,
just because I'm brave enough not to give a damn.
I'm your fairlyl average, ordinary teen,
and I'm not afraid of where I've been.
Tell me anything, but be warned, I state what I think.
If you call me a name, I won't even blink.
Well , here's the end of this poem of mine,
and now you know that I can shine.
Just remember I'm just ordinary plain ol' me,
and that can be changed by nobody.