![]() The bitter-sweet reality of loveA Poem by AustinDanielSmith
My dearest,
Your beauty is as captivating, As staring into a poppy field, It is bliss, Just as the feeling of opium it's self, The feeling of which I posses is quite similar, To addiction. However, with time, like morphine, I have needed so much of you, That it has began to destroy me, I'm sorry to say, You no longer get me high, Yet I need you to function, The love that once was, Has become a nightmare, The rush once obtained from the needle in my arm, Is now a burden, For I can't even find a vein, Just as the rush I once had from making love to you, In a candle lit room, Have now become screams, Echoing through your apartment, The candles have melted, And I need rehabilitation, Goodbye, forever, My dearest.
© 2017 AustinDanielSmith |