![]() The Unexpected YouA Story by Red Music![]() Time wont be wrong for love to come along ..![]() …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. CHAPTER ONE I hear the ticking of the wall clock, silence in every corner of my room. I faced the wall and heard my own shallow voice saying these days would be a time to figure and think aloud. Morning and its 9:00, I sat down on my chair with my hand on my head leaning. I guess nothing comes right if I will just sit down the whole day without letting my skin be touch and dried by the sun. I hurriedly get out of my room and went downstairs going directly in our garden and did some stretching. I feel the scorching sun and it was too warm for a Vitamin D perhaps. “Oh! Micaela! What’s up?” a friend of mine dressed in jogging pants and shirt and was sweaty with an empty bottled water on her right hand. “Oh! It’s you Lira! I’m fine and by the way you jogged alone?” I said and smiled at her. “No, Nick’s with me and he just dropped by to his aunt’s house. Will you come sometime with us?” she asks and waited for my response. “Oh! Sure! Maybe on Saturday? That would be fine!” I answered. “Ok!!!” she ended then walked away. I then went inside and took my coffee and seated at the front porch in a semi-rusted faded painted steel chair. I checked my phone and it was about 9:30 and received a message from Drew. “Hi Micaela!” I silently read. I wasn’t expecting him to text me like that because all his messages were about the organization matters, quotes, jokes and nothing special. Drew was the Music Club president and a vocalist guitarist of the one of the famous band in our university. He was too talented and he’s out of my reach. Every girl wants him and every boy wants to be like him. I was a member of the club and never ever happen to just talk to him, say hi, and go for a short conversation. His distance was too far and there can’t be any chances that he will even look at me and recognize me. Maybe hoping for those times he will even remember just a little. I kept on reading his text and just smiled plainly. It questioned my mind and I replied him. I positioned my phone on the table beside me and waited for his reply. I do not know why I keep on smiling. I’m out of the tune and no one cares if it’s going to ruin anybody’s day. Minutes passed, I noticed that there was no response from him. There, the moment turned such a hopeless thing. Until I decided to stop waiting and just went inside to put on my music. I sang out loud and I don’t care if the neighbor’s gonna freak out. I was so bored, nothing I can do. I paced the hall, played guitar, ate bread and butter; craved snack, done with the chores, watched and just now lying on the couch with my head held high and my feet on top of the table. I just closed my eyes and hope nothing will disturb me. But speaking, my sister just came in and there she goes with her loudness of her voice speaking insensible things. She’s just stay what she really is. “What noise?” I wouldn’t mind to bother. I looked at her badly. “Oh! Sorry.” Just like that and went straight to her room with her shoulders brushed. I do not hold grudges from her and that I’ll take it not too serious. We’re sisters and that’s what sisters do. Again just stare at the ceiling. My phone rang and I stood up swiftly to check it on. “Please attend our meeting tomorrow at the conference hall We will discuss important mat………………………………….” It was from Drew and there it was again. I slapped my face once to shake my demented mind. Nothing would stop my mind from daydreaming obsessively. Morning, I left home earlier and went immediately at the conference hall. There’s no one else but me so I sat at the swivel chair in front and waited. I always glance at my wrist watch and after awhile others came in. I transferred at the backside of the room and settled myself. With this wide suffocating room, I assume count it as a barrier between us. I assume can’t even clearly hear what will the speakers intention to gather us all. “Hey!” Caleb said and sat beside me. This man appeared to be energetic today. I guess he’s daily fortune caught him. His smiling as wide as if he won in a lottery. “Hi” I greeted and smiled formally. Thirty minutes, everything was settled and the whole room was occupied. There were lots of us now and the officers of the club were all in front but I could not see the president. Suddenly, someone walked from the door and smiles as he goes. All eyes on him. “I am sorry for being late. Let’s start promptly”. He initially stated walking to the front and silence was too loud inside me. For the whole hour, I guess nothing came in my mind about the meeting. It’s just that unreasonable state. Just like an ordinary day, everything was as usual. The meeting adjourned and Caleb went ahead catching for his class. I stood up and grab my back pack and walk going out of the room. I stopped when someone called my name so I turned my head whoever it was. “I’m sorry! Me?” I said softly and doubted side. That was Freiz, my former classmate in English class. I just remembered his face and his name. I do not know him well for he never talked to me, never ever did. “Mr. Cruz wants to see you.” He said abruptly with his face too serious like. I followed him to the Music room and as we enter, I greeted Mr. Cruz and he then immediately told me what he wants. I was requested to join the sing offs Friday night. Play for the battle of the band. I never join any contests and performances in the school so I wondered why they decided to let me join. Maybe in classrooms only. But never mind, all I need to do is to prepare for it. I had experienced singing on stage with a band when I was in high school so I don’t need to worry about it. Then, I will just wait who will be my band mates. I went out of the room and I saw Freiz just looked at me and went off his way. I don’t know why he was all the way like that. He can’t even smile…maybe it was naturally ingrained on his bloodline. Nothing matched as I can see what the others tell about him. My colleagues admire him as he was a saint and they merely talk about him. He’s tall and handsome; his hairstyle fits him right but should go with his manner. I decided to go home perhaps or just look for something to rid my boredom. Supposedly I do not have classes today but because of this meeting, I cut out my laziness and chose to appear. On my way, I bumped to an old lady with her things scattered so I picked it all up and gave my apology. She just smiled. My clumsiness caused terrible things to my surroundings. Am I down on earth cause my head were above the clouds. I just walk straight and to the nearest shopping mall and spent hours from there. Sun soon will set so I went to the green view park just near the mall. It was such a nice feeling, feeling the cold breeze of the sea, tiny lights flashed on my face and watching people doing anything for enjoyment. I sat down on a bench underneath a palm tree and looked beyond the sea borders. It was been a good time until it was all dark and was just brightened by the streetlights. I faced up but sadly, stars refused to shine tonight. Well then just looked at people who passes me by and I gave my attention to a man wearing a black shirt and pants and seem having a conversation to a phone call. I recognized then it was Freiz. Sometimes I cannot avoid taking glimpse at him and it feels like I was curious with this guy. As I see, he’s full of mysteries that anyone would like to uncover, like a man living in a world of secrecy. I looked at him once again but I was overwhelmed when he turned his head and looked at my direction. I swiftly avoided his eyes and I looked far away. I got my phone and pretended that I had a phone call. I left the place and walked distantly. Now, my feet brought me here, in a giant well with small fountains surrounding it in the middle of the park. It was a little bit noisy, the voices of the people and the splashes of the water coming out. Its view combined with the people and the music in the air put me pleased. This was a busy place; a cheerful one. I looked at the coins scattered on the water and wondered if I will throw one, will my wish come true? I smile out of skeptical thinking. Never had I believed in these things but I greatly believe in God that he will grant it. I will just wait for the right time and I know there will always be. Alone, awake and imagine a thousand miles before taking the view. I’m in a middle of speculation: “wonder if that guy is with me right now and confesses I will gladly accept him” I spoke literally in a clear low voice. I assure no one would hear it. I smiled recklessly when someone tapped my shoulder so I immediately looked at my back. “Freiz! I said in astonishment. “Oh..mmm! I uttered when he spoke. “You’re checking on me? You look more than a spy Ms. Biel?” a ridiculous question from him. He said in a sarcastic voice. He’s not serious right? He noticed my actions lately and he got the wrong impression. “Wait what! No! Why will I do that? I defended. I glared at him. Maybe he thought I was following him when our eyes met previously; shouldn’t think me as a stalker huh! “No kidding! Ms. Micaela Biel right? Tomorrow at exactly 1:00 meet me at the school old theater.” He stated. Again I was dumbfounded trying to think what was it. I saw him walked away and then stopped. He looked at me and goes back and inches between me and him, he stares at me so I never held my breath. “Try to toss your coin to that well, helps you find your Mr. Right thing” he whispered so I was totally crashed. I was thrown in a trash. He’s totally a mess and have ears sharpened. I felt the humiliation. He was gone and I came to the point that my innards were screaming too loud and I feel I might cause explosion because of him. My impression to him worsened never to be better; he’s rude and stupid. I’m losing my sanity right now. My phone rang so I nabbed it on my pocket. Thanks to the disturbance. I might have cursed him. But wait for it was a new number so I suspected it was him…again? It was 10 messages but was all blank. I dialed the number out of my raging soul and was picked up immediately. I tried not to talk just to hear him first but silenced was all between us. I gave up and hang up. I should buy a witch’s cauldron and see if it works. I pace forthwith and now seemed to be a rainy night. Suddenly, water from the sky poured in causing the place to stop for a while. I ran to the shed and maybe I’ll just wait for the rain to stop before I go home. I forgot to bring my umbrella so here I am, stuck in the moment. I guess I was to blame; the rain can’t be my contrary. I entered my room blankly with my mind floating in the atmosphere. I drop my body in my bed and shut my eyes and maybe I will fall in a deep sleep tonight.
Daily routine, homeroom, major and minor subjects to attend to and the timepiece says its 12:00. I went home immediately. Without hesitation, I disregard my mind thinking. I was about to text Caleb if he received messages about the groupings for the battle of the band. When suddenly a text message overlapped and popped up on the little screen and reminded me of what Freiz told me yesterday. I seated on a couch and relaxing a little bit but now I was ruined. I can’t remember to forget it. “Theater? Why do I need to go there?” I asked to myself. “That man, he’s giving orders and not much as clear as and me, never questioned about it” I exclaimed. There’s no other choice. How could I appear when my soul rages when I’ll meet him again? I took my lunch while listening to songs I could sing on stage this incoming Friday above all it was a battle of the band. Going around the house, I feel like I had to calm myself before leaving. I got on my way back to school. From the gate I ran fast as I can to the old theater. I ran like a horse, hastily and swiftly at course. I stood in front of the door and it was closed. I paced down back and forth when suddenly I heard a piano playing a wonderful tune. My feet stopped as well as my breathing patterns. Someone was inside so I didn’t hesitate to walk inside the room. Lights were out except the yellow lights from the stage. A man was playing as I walked forward closer to his distance. The ambience affects me. It made me hysterically pleased in a minute. I just don’t know why. I stopped and stood staring at him for the first time. Until he stop on playing and looked at me. I was out of my mind and just woke up from reality when he spoke. At first I thought it was Drew just looking him afar. “You’re late!” he said and was checking on his timepiece. All I knew this time was so beautifully enchanted and it was a feeling that he was playing music for me. There’s nothing wrong if I have this reverie every night. Absent-mindedly making me want him and no; not at all. “Hey!” he shouted so I go back on my feet again. “Oh!Im sorry? You said yesterday to meet you here and sorry if I only ask you this time….why? What will we do here?” I ask in a good manner. “Oh! Help me in setting up those music instruments.” Pointing out the room where those are. “We will practice and let’s get it done fast before the others come. No buts. Go!” he said authoritatively. “I guess you were not informed by Mr. President” he added. I stood still and we exchanged stares as long but he for the first place avoided my eyes. He walked to the room and began fetching the guitars. I could win an eye contact game somehow. All I was expecting was not like these. Why in the world he chose me to do some carrying when there were others who can do it for him. Am I lucky or unfortunate to be in his group? Oh I see I wasn’t informed about the groupings. I went inside and helped him. He was too serious, goes with his bad manner and just concentrated on what he does. “Stop staring!” he said and lifts the drums to the stage. I glared and just took the others. I stomped my feet showing annoyance. “So, I wasn’t informed about this but who were else your members? You, me… who else?” I asked without second thought. “Don’t you worry ……with us” I was listening to his reply when someone…walked inside the room. There they were laughing so loud that I never heard what I asked. I turned to see them and was surprised when Drew was with them. I recognized the other one but not with the girl with a wavy hair and a tall whitish man. I remember I saw him somewhere but couldn’t recall it. “Hi There Freiz” greeted the girl and looked at me blankly and in a second gave me a plain smile. I watched Drew as he walks closer to us and I see his eyes on me. “Everything’s ready?” he said. He turned to me and I don’t think I can lay my eyes on him. “Everything’s ready and Mica is ready.” I looked to Freiz who stood beside Drew. “Ok... I need then to check the other group and when I’m done I’ll be back. But if not, don’t wait for me. By the way, we started our group rehearsal this morning and it worked well. We still need more practice though.” We settled down, he checked on us then walked away and got out of the room. I see nothing but never mind… “Drew was one of us…should be but he switched to other group” Freiz read my mind informing me. I don’t need to ask the reason why. Maybe I should stop acting like a fool from now. No, a stupid fool I was. I wish there could be some medicine to stop me somehow. It’s getting worser. I greeted the others, our band mates for now. Before rehearsing, I made a little chat to each one of them, got a little information and a background check. I hope this will go a lot through our friendship. I never knew I could be one of the vocalists now and handled the guitar. “It’s a dream after all. Drew was the drummer, Gerald the base, Red on the lead guitar, Lucy pianist. Red will be a vocalist too. We started and I sang the notes very careful. We even practiced the song given by Drew and I loved it really. We played, had our mistakes, back to the beginning and rested for a while. The songs we practiced were for the musical entertainments and maybe after, we will practice our piece for the battle of the band but without Gerald and Freiz for they were in the “Hey There!” band. For the first time I play here in our school, I hope we could make the best. “Maybe Micaela and Freiz gonna buy snacks for us…Please”. Lucy favored and the two acted like they were begging for it. I just smiled but Freiz just showed a poker face. We just met but I felt like I had known them for so long. They were the people I really want to get along with. I gave their requests so I looked again to Freiz. This time I am ahead of him and I don’t mind if he will not follow me because I know him now too well. I cannot deal with him. I was outside when I noticed he was way all behind me. Very well then. Silence was taken obviously and we were like strangers. Life was too hard with this person. Up to the canteen door, he never spoke a word. I bought anything for they didn’t tell what they wanted to eat. Softdrinks and bread and butter would do. “Did you see? Freiz with another girl and guess is she the girl? After Bianca?” I heard the murmurs of the two girls from the people inside the canteen. I don’t want people who judges and I was involved right now. It feels too inconvenient. I turned my back and look them when suddenly Freiz grabbed my hand and dragged me out the canteen. I heard there were reactions as we go away and eyes on us. We were far enough from the canteen but as I see Freiz won’t let go of my hand. He stopped walking and I was closely bumped to his back. He let go of my hand and just stood without any actions. “Freiz! Someone called and it was Drew and a girl with him. She’s pretty and I was bit familiar with her. I remember she was a writer and a singer and a dancer of the cheering squad. I felt a little uncomfortable. And much more when they held hands together. They ended their conversation straight away and walked a separate way. Maybe Freiz noticed me being unwell. We returned at the theater and had our snack. Lucy kept teasing me and spitted jokes on us, with Freiz. I just smiled to whatever they say because I don’t have the mood to sway their silly jokes. Questioned myself, why I was in loved with Drew. We were childhood friend. He was my neighbor at the age of 5. I remember it too well and I don’t know why he can’t. We used to be best friends out of the girls and boys in town. Sadly, just after 6 years, he moved out to other place and never came back. I remember a promise he made that he will always find me. But not to think, it was gone like the wind, like nothing forever. I was back happy this time that I knew we were in the same school but he never recognizes me. That was alright that I could just see him afar, hear his voice. I was on the right track when I heard Gerald opening a topic about Drew. Of course, Gerald knows about him as well as Freiz because they were band mates. He shared what he knows and I wasn’t expecting something about this. Drew met an accident 3 years before and was hospitalized for a year. “Amnesia?! I said too loud so the others just looked at me. “Micaela seems too interested with his story. Are you having a crush on him?”… There she goes. Lucy indeed a bad girl. I reacted on them. I realized why he never did recognize him. I wrote a history to his life but was vanished. He started his new life forgotten the past and me. I was in a deep shock. I checked my time and it was 5:15 so we decided to end our rehearsal. Lucy and Red went ahead for some reasons and I just helped Freiz and Gerald to fix the instruments. I don’t know what to think. Maybe my mind was now unbearable and weak. “Hey! Micaela! I got to get going. I’ll see you soon.” Gerald said and got to his car with his guitar. I started to walk to the gate when Freiz just spoke but I didn’t hear clearly what he said. I didn’t give a reply just as I stare only at him. Oh what a shame, no used to feel the words I say. I never have been this way before. “Come back to earth Mica! He said and I reacted to him. I gave him a smile but just frowned at me. “You were too serious Mr. Montero?!Ha ha! I said and laugh hysterically. “Ok I need to go home and bye!!!” then I quickly toddled. I hastily left his side and went home directly. I want to rest a little bit by now and all I need to do is fall in a deep slumber. I just sat down on my bed while I am removing socks when my phone beeped twice. I noticed there was a message so I opened it. It was from the new number before. “Mica! Thanks for today. We’ll make it till the performance night!” At this time, I knew it was Freiz and I was glad I belonged to their group. I replied “Very well Freiz. Thanks too!” The weather changes as well as Freiz. Not a minute passed he did not replied. Now I lie on my bed and just looked at one direction. I do not know if I still blink an eye. CHAPTER THREE
Whole day, a day before the performance, we had practiced for long hours until the final rehearsal at the gymnasium. The place was decorated splendidly. As you see, it was a superstar coming for a concert. That’s right! Jerry Vista is going to be with us to embrace the crowd and it sounds really exciting. I sat on the front chairs with Red, Lucy and Gerald while Freiz is doing something on the stage, tuning one of the guitars. From afar, I saw Drew with the girl named Natasha I heard. But as I see when I looked at him, I feel like he was then looking at me too. I don’t know why from this moment, he’s taking glimpse to our direction or maybe the people at our back. I was just avoiding his eyes on us. If before, I really want to see him, talk to him even just a single word now, everything has changed. The rehearsal was ended and I just sat still on the chairs and waited for Lucy. My eyes were searching anywhere just to find Lucy back but I was paralyzed and nearly to hold my breath when Drew walk towards me and sat on the chair in front of me. A morbid thinking, he’s next to but I feel to get myself away. I was not sure then speechless and just nod to agree in anything he said. “You are Micaela Biel? I didn’t know you’re good at singing. You should join us sometime in our band rehearsals and jam with us.” He stated. I just then nod and I took my eyes from him preferring to just look at the stage. I can see in the sides of my eyes that he was staring at me and I don’t know why. I don’t used to be like these so I stood and maybe I should leave. I was about say that I need to go but he stood up. I need to runaway in my mind. “I need to know you more this time and ….. By the way, good luck tomorrow!” he ended and went back. His words keep bouncing in my head and I never think what he said. It doesn’t seem to process in my brain. It’s incomplete and it’s absurd to think it more.I left to be dumbfounded till Lucy approached me. “Ok…Let’s go”. She said and we went out of the gym. We then dropped by in the green view park before going home. There had been a lot of people there and the crowds won’t be avoided. Lucy went to the crowd where people screams and shouts. I went nearer and take a peek to see what was happening. People threw coins and enjoyed watching whatever it is. Just then a boy playing with a guitar with a tin can in front with some money on it. When I heard how he sings, I was amazed how a little kid could sing of such excellence. What a nice voice and every word and tune he sings, I can feel him and the rhythm. Lucy stood beside me and listened too to his breathtaking voice. Among the crowds, I saw Gerald and a girl and Freiz? They were chatting while Freiz concentrated to watch the boy. “Oh! There is Freiz!” Lucy said and pointed him. Lucy waved her hand and screams just to get his attention. Freiz looked at us and smiled. Saw him smile for the first time and that’s quite unordinary. Lucy grabbed my wrist and dragged me all the way to where they are. She doesn’t even care if I my arm hurt, the person I bumped into and here I was giving my apology. “So you’re here too!” Freiz spoken. We got away to the crowd and moved to the quiet place. We paced the way. Gerald with the girl departed from us and went somewhere. I bet she was his girlfriend. “We were here to relax ourselves a little bit” said Lucy. The night was like a dream, million lights, different sounds and fancy people. I was a bit on silence until Freiz started to put silly jokes on me so I never avoided laughing and reacting to anything he says. What’s with this guy and or maybe he learned to be with us now. Better off we caught up finally his actions. It happened right and the night was all now blissful, marvelous because we went anyplace we can go. I feel like I’m with the best persons in the world. I’m starting to think, I don’t need to find happiness because it is everywhere. All I need to do is learn how to be with them. Lucy treated our dinner and yes we spend the whole night through. If before Freiz don’t used to be with our company, now we don’t play like a stranger anymore. I saw his good side, his color and a camouflaged persona. Lucy threw questions to Freiz and was answered to the point that I now had a little background about him as well as Lucy. Lucy got the floor and did all the talking as if she never ran out of topics for discussion among us three. Lucy opened her love life. She indeed had one, a good love but with a long distance relationship. She turned to me urging me to share what’s mine. ‘Well, I never had a boyfriend and I don’t want to” I said and just she stopped insisting me. “I think we should go” Freiz going with his intervention. “You got so many questions” he added. We were about to get out of the restaurant when Lucy had a phone call so she let us to wait outside and just went to the comfortable room. It was exactly 9:00 and we waited till Lucy comes out. Well, I talked a bit to Freiz and he’s totally crashed on me. I was just teasing him and it was good to know how he acts towards me. He’s been good to me and I guess I’ve been lucky meeting him. Friday afternoon, we stayed in a music room beside the gymnasium and prepared everything. I was on a couch when Freiz entered and loudly sang like no one else is in the room. Lucy mocked him and there they are again. I looked at my phone and drew texted me. Not this time, I plainly smiled. He was just greeted me a good afternoon. It just started after he talked to me yesterday and still I don’t know what he said. I jumped on surprised when Freiz tapped me and was asking why I’m smiling. I didn’t notice why I did then. I don’t want them to think that I am crazy and bring myself out of my mind again. I went outside and as I step through the door, I nearly bumped into someone. I looked and it was him. He smiled at me so I gave him a smile too. I step back and he entered the room. Lucy, Gerald greeted him. “Mr. President, everything settled?” asked Lucy. “Oh! Very well! He answered. I listened to every conversation and I was glad I can see that I consider myself lucky for he talks to me. I remembered every time he smiles, I can see him in his younger age. Not for long, he left the room for he was requested by the dean for works to be done. “Ms. Biel, What’s that smile between you and Drew?” Lucy forthrightly asked with a smile on her face. “Nothing! Is there something wrong?” I questioned back. “Well, nothing. You too seem too good. Hahahaha!” she laughed out loud like mocking me. I shut my mouth and just ignored everything she said. I grabbed the guitar and played any song. On the back of my head, I was thinking how he was lately. “Ms. Biel and Montero were requested by the dean to come to the office”. I heard Lucy as she was reading a message from her cell phone. I looked at Freiz and he stood up so did I. We went straight o the office and I see Freiz was on silence and never ever looked at me as if I was not here beside. I bet this guy, his emotion sickness struck again. He opened the door but the dean was not inside. We sat down in the steel chair beside his table and waited. I was about to spill words when the dean walked in. We greeted and the dean directly gave his concerns about tonight’s activity. Nothing such importance so we immediately left the office. CHAPTER FOUR
Crowds and cheers; everything was quiet on a first place but had been raucous as were in a fighting match. Every student of the Hemp Theban University was on the big coat as they were experiencing the biggest Music Festival of the university. Well, some students from the other universities were present and every person was on the right track tonight. The crowd became wild when Jerry Vista walked to the stage as the guest of tonight’s event. He was too awesome, handsome and talented that’s why girls scream as loud as they could. Well, I guess that it fit for a famous singer on TV. He entertained the crowd for not as long as 20 minutes and then left after guesting. How lucky am I when I saw him personally. I could imagine myself if I could be like him. His shining and everyone was brightened indeed of fame. After him, special performance from the champion of the last year’s battle of the band and gave such an incredible performance. Night was excessively perfect; continuous music performances before the battle of the band. Although, the contestants were tough and could take you in your apprehension, we’ll work it as a band. There were 7 bands that will compete and share the same tense as I have now. The Jag One of the Debate club, Black on Black from the college of engineering, Spearhead, the Bandits, the Monday where Drew was the guitarist, Gerald, Freiz and Natasha and last performer; our band, Just us. This time, Freiz and Gerald were in the same band as last years in “the Monday” with their new vocalist. Well as for us, well for a good band name, Lucy thought it. We had Caleb and Ronan in place of Freiz and Gerald only in our battle of the band. It’s the first time for us so we were really undressed. I was on the backstage while listening to the performance of “the Monday”. Well they’re totally extraordinary who enlightened the raging crowd from their song. I was afraid, just for now can’t get me out of my fear. “Relax guys!” Lucy said while handling bottled water to each of us. I heard the MC speaking for the next band. We will perform last, next to the Spearhead. We had time to stop our tensions for we were not totally ready to jump in. As we settle ourselves, calming our nerves, Freiz sat beside me. “Oh! Congratulations to your performance. It was absolutely great!” I commended. I cheered trying to get rid of my panicky contemplation. “Do your best!” he said and smiled at me. Drew then appeared in front of me and said what Freiz did. I thanked them both and it helped a lot. Soon they gone and went to the crowd maybe to watch the current performer. “Ready guys! Just take in!” I cheered. “Standby please!” As I heard it, we stood up and went on stage and get the guitars, straighten out ourselves. The MC talks to the “Spearhead” members while we patch up everything. “Let’s welcome! Just us!!!” Said the MC and I heard screams and shouts. I saw Freiz in front row and smiled as he’s looking at me. The crowd was amazing and noises bounces back to the thick walls of the arena. It should be a night to remember. We started and my hands little bit shaking and I tried to handle it too well. “Loving him was like driving a new Maserati
down a dead end street Faster than the wind passionate as sin ended
so suddenly Loving him was like trying to change your
mind once you’re already flying to the free fall Like the colors of the autumn so bright just
before they lose it all…………..”
“Do you remember we were sitting there by
the waters? You put your arm around me for the first
time You made a rebel of a careless mans careful
daughter You are the best thing that’s ever been
mine……..” Those two songs, 7 minutes made everything comfortable. I heard supports from my classmates and friends. It perfectly worked out and was happy about it. They love it and I thanked for it. The MC asked me about to whom I dedicate that song but never I had answered instead Lucy did. For now, we will just wait for the announcement of the winner. I don’t expect to win this fight but I still believe I did the best. We did our best. I drank a lot to quench my thirst immediately after. Every hearts stopped beating waiting for the result. Before announcing, someone performed at stage and sang my favorite song. I took a look and it was Drew with his guitar. My world stopped just to hear him. Flashed all over the room for a captive night. “You were here beside me And I don’t need to pretend anymore I find you for all the time You’re my everything that makes me smile”. “Hey!” I turned my head and it was Freiz giving out his hand and ready to be shaken. I held his hand and gave him a big smile. “Youre really great Huh!” he said. “Not as good you were” Intervention to our short conversation the announcer spoke and announced the winner. We paid attention to the speaker. The whole crowd shouted giving their bets. “Congratulations to the third winner, Jag One! The MC announced and I was on tense for the result. Everyone shouted bets for the second placer. Lucy moved then beside me. The second is……. Just us!! We jumped out of joy and can’t believe for it. We immediately walked on stage to receive our prize. At least, we tried for the first time and we were second place. Soon, the MC announced the champion and it was the Monday. Endless screams overheard and I greeted Freiz and his group for winning. The night went through. I lost my voice but was happy then. Everyone ended up with great expectation and loss of voices for continuous yells. A competition worth battling for and we look for another one. Morning, the earlier, we went jogging with Lira and Nick. Lira talked about the battle last night and she obviously lost her voice too. That night was a voice taking and a superb. We walked around the park after till the sun shone blazingly so we went home. Saturday and it happened, I don’t have classes. I stayed at home, relaxing a little bit specially my throat at sore. I keep on checking my phone but why I don’t receive any messages. Tomorrow, we had a celebration at the Bayview Resort at the Soratia. A little bit far from here. I was alone, always alone but music is with me. It’s been a normal day though I had the best day yesterday. Lucy dropped by in our house so we went together to the said meeting place. As soon as we got there, they were all in and ready for the trip to the destination. We rode in a mini bus. I looked around and saw Gerald, Caleb, Ronan, and Freiz at the back. Drew and Natasha were seated in front. I put on my headset for a two hour trip. I didn’t notice I was doze in my sleep. We arrived at the resort and did what we liked to do. Some swam right away and Lucy and I just watched them playing beach games and the scenery. It was beautiful and I can experience the fresh air, sea breeze. For the past hours, I just enjoyed doing something which I find more interesting for a place like this. There were jamming sessions and we put it on too much. The sun set and the scenery never faded. It was beautiful at night and it pleased my ear to hear the splashes of the sea and its sound of the waves. Our bellies were filled, abundant fruits and drinks we had and some grilled beef and salted pork from a cater services. “Mind to join you” I said and squat beside Freiz on the white sand facing the sea. It’s a bright night; stars and the moon were out tonight. Freiz stood up as I sat down. “Where are you going?” “It’s good if we just walk offshore. It would be nice!” he said so I stood and followed him. The lights brighten our path somehow and I felt the cold water on my feet brought by the sea waves. “It was good to be here” I said. “Hmmmm… Freiz! I was glad to know you. It happened; we were classmates in English class. Well, we didn’t talk but I still remember you” I opened up. “Why would I talk to you” said with devil laugh. This time, I stopped being jolly and spoke with a serious voice. Well I could speak well; thanked God my throat was cured. Freiz replies with anything I say but was incessantly taking it as jokes. I punched his back and I ran as fast so he will not catch me and take his revenge. I turned my head back but he was just looking at me. I stopped and faced his direction with my hands crossed armed. It’s been a while since I knew and befriended this guy. “Why are you so different this time? Ran out of energy? Or maybe you were just overfed?” I said in a loud voice for he was bit far from me. Without a response, I walked towards him. “I was just thinking….!?” he said in a low voice. “Thinking what?” I said and waiting for a quick reply. “Im gonna miss you...” he said and I startled. “Me? Why? Are you going somewhere?” I jokingly affirmed but I see in his eyes that he was now serious. “What do you mean?” I was taken aback. “I’ll be going back to Rosana, to my mom and I don’t think I could go back anymore. She needed me and I should stay by her side for she had a health complications. I guess, I’ll finish the semester and at the end of the month, I will leave.” “Oh!” I said. I don’t know why I felt like I was out of myself again. The sadness shows on my face and was now tongue-tied. I want to stop him for leaving but what right do I have to do so. He was my only friend and foremost his mother needed him so much… “Thank you Mica for everything. I think I had the best person I ever met. I was glad for a short time; I was on the right track having you with your silly jokes and sharing music even better with me.” I took a deep breath and can’t now look directly on his eyes. “You should be with your mom. Don’t worry, she will be fine”. I looked at him and he was staring at me. I avoided his eyes and looked somewhere. The cold wind blows and the night became quieter and feels like it turned to be a lonely night. I hate the silence and words like a blade making me weak. “Let’s enjoy this night! He cheered up and said in a joyful manner so I smiled, not a fake but a smile out of sadness. He returned the ambience just like before but my mind kept on thinking out what he said awhile back. Maybe he noticed me not able to comprehend. We then walked back and joined the group to anything they do. Not a long time, I saw Lucy in a cottage alone, I tend to surprise her but she noticed me. We had our chat and there she was unremittingly open up fancy stories. On the other side, there was Drew and Natasha together. Seeing them two doesn’t bother me anymore. As for Drew, I like him a little, but not much. I better forget about the past, about him. Past is past. “You know Mica, I heard Drew talking about this girl….” “You eavesdrop?” She stopped for my ridiculous intervention. “Just listen okay. Don’t you like to listen what I just heard. It’s about his past!” she said and I was suddenly in a state of seriousness. My mind was whole to process everything. “He said, she met this girl during his childhood and loved her and left her. Because of the accident, he forgot everything about her and the place where he used to live in and where memories about childhood. After leaving, he promised to be back for her but never did. He just remembered it when someone mentioned the name of the place. Something like Riv…?” “Rivanara” I continued. She stopped and just looked at me “Well, I’ve been to that place, I lived a bit to that place with my grandmother” I added. She then continued. “It was too sweet; he said if he could just turn back time, he will return to the time when he was with her.” “Wait, he said that in front of her girl friend?” I questioned but showing my other side starting to injure my heart. “Well, honestly, he talked to me about it lately…” she confessed. Why does she need to lie anyway? “I don’t know why he let me know about it. I was happy he trusted me”. She smiled and acted like she was like a baby in loved. “Did he mention the name of the girl?” I continually asked concealing my true feelings. “Nope. But he said she found her and even met her. She was talented and he could see how she was been after all those time. He tried forgetting her but he cannot. Not for her girl friend, he loved Natasha. That’s why all this time, he was confused. You know, I was curious and I want to find out who the girls is. That’s such a nice story right. He said she studies in HTU.” I was a bit uncomfortable and just tried to ignore it all. After hearing it, I heard enough. I knew he remembered it all and I bet he was referring me. I was paralyzed. I should not think about it anymore. Lucy sudden tapped me in my shoulders and it gave me a heart attack, literally not. “Hey! Are you alright?” she asked maybe she noticed that I had been in a deep thought. “Hey!Lucy! Gerald shouted so she gave her attention to him. Lucy stood up, went for a call. I decided to just stay here for a moment and maybe I’ll catch up later. I again went to the shore and drop my feet to the cold sea water. I stare at the light of the moon just like a spotlight on the lake. It’s too quiet but its ear deafening. I got a phone call from my sister and we just made a little chat. I sat down on the powdery white sand and touched it. It’s been colder as it seemed and how I forgot my jacket on my bag. I crossed my arms to warm myself. “It’s getting even colder.” A low voice on my back and I just don’t look who it was and just replied. He sat down. As I turned my head on the right side, I don’t know it was Drew. I didn’t recognize it first. “I thought you’re not gonna look at me”. He said “Why shouldn’t I. Hmm… I thought it was someone else.” At this time, I cannot think any words to speak to him. Silence occurred. I can’t help but to just remain awkward. “Last time, I went to Rivanara.” Then I turned my attention and open clearly my ears to what he’s gonna say. He will talk about us and I’m ready for it. “I went there and I was on a deep astonishment for I grew there, made friends and found the very best of me. As I looked around, I experienced I had been living the place for a quiet some time. It’s a déjà vu and I am trying myself to remember it all even though I felt pain just to remember it. I want to remember it for I had lost the best times of my life. I remember this girl who spent her childhood life with me and I know she was the reason why I feel this way. I want to meet her and gave my apology for the promise I never did.” I suddenly looked down when he turned his head on me. I don’t want him to see me shedding tears. “Ahm… I’m sure she will understand it all.” I replied. “Did you? Ella? I’m sorry.” He said and I was shocked when he called me that name. He remembered; he was the only one who used to call me with that. Silence embraced us and tears begin to fall. “It’s alright and I forgot it all. I never knew I could meet you again and I was glad we talked again.” I said with a cheerful voice to discard the feeling of loneliness. I saw Drew staring only at me and I just don’t want to receive all that stares from him. I kept wiping my single tears on my cheeks and trying not to go to the way of crying hard if I cannot help myself from falling. I’m broken. “Micaela Biel, every time I see you, I felt like I knew you for a long time. Why didn’t you tell me?”He questioned with a smile. Now, I was lightened up and all the questions stuck on my mind were answered. I told him what if I say all about it, will he believe it? I don’t want them to think I was crazy chasing him explaining everything. Just me with my changing minds, I’d rather swallow my pride. I told Drew what he was doing when he was kid. He insisted me to tell what I remembered just to help him regain his memories. I was laughing while recalling everything. Our childhood life was never been worst but never been better of course that’s ever been on my mind. Drew left ahead and I just need to stay longer on the shore. I thought it all and I was happy for remembering me. This way, I could have better days from now on. I stood up to go back to the camp but I saw Gerald on the concrete benches under the palm trees with Freiz who was sitting down and was like not in his self. I came rushing to them and Gerald told me, he drank too much. Alcohol should be prohibited here but not. This country can’t be too perfect. It feels colder as it seems. “You’re here! Micaela, he’s unbearable. Can you stay with him? Kenji called for me and I need to be there. Don’t worry, I’ll be back sooner” Gerald detected and give favor to me as I was walking to their direction. Gerald paced forthwith hastily. I turned my head low at Freiz with his head bowed down. I sat beside him. Silence brought me here and I was just observing him for a while. “Leave me alone”. I startled as I stood and he was pushing me away with his words. “I can’t leave you here. Will we just go back to the camp so you may calm yourself?” I said and I grabbed his wrists to make him stand. I tightly held him just to stop him from pushing my hands away. He moved his head up and looked at me. How I hate handling people drowned in alcohol. He stood up and get closer to me. I don’t know what either in his mind is. He lifted his hand and put it on my cheeks. I was astounded and I just didn’t make a move until he stopped. He sat down again and I was wordless. I looked around just to see Gerald coming. Its midnight and we were still outside. I’m a bit tired still waiting for him. Freiz seems too out of himself and I can’t hold on to him. He never then spoke to me and just like that I just go by the side of with him. Not a second, Gerald came and assisted Freiz walking back to their camp. I was relieved and calmed my impatience somehow. I went on a separate way and kissed the night goodbye. Earlier, I left Lucy who was still sleeping and silently walked out the door. I walked the sea bay and was too wonderful. Sun was bright and will brighten your day as you go with it. A little bit far from where I stood, I recognized it was Freiz from the other side just standing facing the sea borders and he looks like he never had a hangover. Well, I bet he’s perfectly fine now; he’s fine after all... I ran towards him and asked if he’s feeling better for now. He smiled and thanked me for escorting him last night. Well, Gerald told him so. We walked everywhere till every one came out spending the day. After an hour, we prepared ourselves to go back to the City. I was still on the camp when Lucy texted me to get on the bus now. This girl just left me behind and never waited for me. I finally got my bag and went to the parking lot. I’m afraid I won’t find a seat so I advanced my steps to go fast. “Micaela!” called Lucy and I found him on the right side at the back fixing his hair. He’s sitting beside Kenji so I find a vacant seat to occupy. I seated right at their back. ‘Can’t you not be here on my side?” I asked her but I see she can’t because Kenji’s asleep and it’s rude if she wake him up just to transfer here. I seated right at the window and it would be better for sightseeing. “Everything’s settled?” the driver asked. Everyone was busy doing things inside the bus before the getaway and of course safety first, fastening seatbelts. “Freiz is not here”. Someone said so I looked every seat to find him. I stood up and there he was walking into the bus. He walked directly and stopped to see a vacant chair. I waved my hand signaling him that there’s still a seat for him beside me. CHAPTER FIVE Monday morning, I left home earlier. This week will be the last week for this semester. We had our final examinations and as for now, we had nothing to do. I texted Freiz for I know he will leave on Thursday. I just want to see him but he never replied. I stayed in the music room with Lucy playing guitar. “Have you seen Freiz?” I asked but Lucy didn’t either know where he was. I kept on strumming the guitar and don’t even know if I play the right tune wondering for something. I am out of my mind and I can’t help it. “I’m gonna miss Freiz.” She said munching her food at her mouth when suddenly Freiz appeared. I watched him as he made up on the room. “Who’s gonna miss me?” he asked then he smiled. Gerald and Red barged in and made some noises. I smiled when I saw him. I’d like to think that I could be happy somehow. Lucy then gathered as together and we all agreed to go to where she wanted to. We went altogether to the green view park and we had our best night never to forget how we moved. The whole place was like a star light, brighter than the sun. Freiz seemed he was spending enough time with us before leaving but on my part, I felt like I was just pretending to be glad but inside, I do not understand. There I was again forcing laughter, faking my smiles, days dragged me down. Music was in the air, listened to the song on the big stereos on the sidewalk while people had some fun. We sat on the benches just near on the well and I looked at it realized that if you were hopeless, would this magical well make it all right but my mind changes to believe it. Well, Lucy got a phone call while the others were on their racket. I went nearer to the fountain and looked at the water coming out. Coins indicated for a wish to be real and I had one and hoped for. I put my hand on my pocket on my jeans and luckily, I had a coin. I threw it on the water. “What’d you wished for?’’ I sensed it was Freiz. I just smiled but he was still waiting for my reply. I don’t want to let him know about it. “Well, it’s nothing” I said. He was standing still and to stop this moment, I grabbed his hand and drag him back to the benches. I looked for Lucy but still on a call. “What were they doing there?” I said as I watch the boys far off. “Oh! I’m sorry”. I don’t even noticed, I was still holding so I let it go. “Can I ask you a question?” he favored. I waited for his question without looking at him. “If I loved you will you love me back, can you be mine?” I looked at him and was ambushed this time. I never had a quick reply instead I was just wordless and can’t think it through. I can see in his eyes that he was like serious all this time but I took it as a joke. I smiled trying to forget what he said. As I looked, he was waiting so I came back to my senses that this was real talk so I should not put jokes on it. I apologize for acting that way. I just cannot answer what he was asking for. “That means no! I was just putting you up and I guessed I failed. Don’t mind it!” he said laughing and was teasing me in the way that I was displeased. “I just want to see how you react.” He continued and laugh like daredevil. I punched his shoulder and he continually avoided my punches. Lucy got us off and joined us again. We had conversations until we decided to go home. That was the last time that I had seen his face and tore me apart. As I get off the from the passenger seat, I walked got helpless. It was a joke but I took it too serious. Why would he love me? There’s no way it was. You know that man; you cannot read his real intentions. I’m out of my mind. I was so lost. The way was a little darker but I can see the dimmest part. My eye won’t blink between these narrow roads. Grew strong for this thing but was so weak one more time. I lie awake on my bed and felt sick tonight. I looked into my phone as I watch my timepiece changing as nothing’s happening right. If I could just speak, I will not feel the same. “Hey! Would you go outside? I’m on the park?” I read a text from him so I hurriedly got out of my room to see him. The school park just near here so I went to check him. There he was in the swing looking at his phone. “Freiz! I called him getting his attention. “Why are you here?” I asked. I sat on the other swing feeling the breeze. Not for questioning but I was elated. “I just want to be here with you. Before leaving I want you to be the last person I’ll see.” Hearing those words made me feel swaying me to confess what I feel for him. I never doubt I could feel much more than this. It’s making out of me, I’m out of the blue from the past hours sickening. I was hushed just listening to hear what he says. He talked about leaving and I feel my hands trembled crashed. My heart begins to break. If I could tell him before he leaves, my heart would be cured and I won’t stray myself out. But I’m not sure this going to be, my world just slipped outside my door. I gazed at him and looked directly to his eyes. “I want to tell you something” But before, silence gaps eating over. He put his attention on me. As I began to talk, I looked away and just say what I want to straightly. I cannot hide anymore. If I don’t, I will regret having this time and a painful mistake it would creep forever in me. My voice quivered as I started. I know there’s reason to let go and to fight to stay but now I could turn every corner and say what I feel. “I don’t know but thinking as you leave, I was scared and I don’t know what to do. I saw you for the first time, I had the best of my life and you brought out the bests of me. Every day, I felt like I was the happiest person and that you made me smile. I always think of you and I don’t want to lose this feeling. You’re everything to me; you’re always on my mind. You’ve been part of my life spending my days with you. I don’t want to forget those days we spent together as my friend. I was glad I met you and I hope it was not too late at this time to tell what I really feel. I love you and I’m sure about it. I know that I confused you but the truth is I just don’t want to lose you”. Emotions began to stir my feelings. “I’m sorry I can’t help myself anymore. I should not say all of this but it’s getting harder to shield this pain in my heart” I continued. I looked at him. He never said a word. “I’m sorry.” I said and I stood up and faced him. I need to go back and I gave him my last goodbye. I was about to take a step when he spoke my name. “Mica! I’m sorry if I let you feel this way.” My eyes began to shed tears and I wipe them out with my hands to avoid it. I smiled trying to cast it all. “Don’t be sorry. It was me who fell for you and don’t blame yourself. I will soon get over it………. I’ll try”. I finally said and I took steps behind him. I walked with teary eyes but suddenly I stopped when he grabbed my hand and faced me around and gave me a hug. He hugged me tightly and took me by surprise not wanting to let me go. I let this moment turned in my mind into a reality. We just stayed like that until my eyes dried up. After, he let go and gazed for so long in my eyes. I was taken aback. I never expect anything anymore and just continue on my way. I went straight on my room, braced myself for a goodbye because it’s all I ever knew. I could go back in every laugh but I don’t want to look back anymore. I can keep pushing myself from the past but I don’t see what all is ahead. I got him, I knew him by heart and I don’t know where it all started. Just so he knows I was calling his name lately. CHAPTER SIX
Six months gone and time stood still, I had him on my mind. I wish he would be here by now. It’s an ordinary day but taking myself for waiting still. Here we are on a shopping mall. I am with Lira and she was so obsessed looking for a new clothes. We visited fashion stores and she bought some. As for me, I just wanted to relax for now. I was exhausted but this girl got enough and she was still looking alive while I feel exhausted by this time. At the end of the day, we walked around the green view park. As I looked around, I was remembering the past. I insisted Lira to stay and relax here for the moment. Day by day, before the sun go down, I was always here. Loneliness found me and I don’t want to stay like that. This place will cast off any burden I’m feeling inside. “You were always here. I guess something’s special about this place. Are you gonna stay here forever?” Lira asked and was like in a hurry. Then I told her to go ahead if she still has something to do. She left me and I sat for the whole hour on a bench facing the fountain. I guess, wishes don’t happen right away and time will answer. I hope people will never lose hope wanting to have what they wished for. I took a deep breath and move toward the fountain side. A lot of people came in and threw coins. In this world, some wished luck for being unfortunate, anticipate for love for a yearning heart and expecting for a year’s good life. God will allow it all at the right time. I found a silver coin on my bag so I threw it. I cannot count how many coins I did already dropped out. Each day passed, was a brand new day. I never gave up. “What’d you wished for?” a familiar voice bounced back inside my head. I felt my heart was beating outside my chest in unusual patterns. I slowly turned my head around to see who it was. All of a sudden beats faster and I felt my world stop for a while. I was astonished the moment I saw his face. He was smiling waiting for me to meet his path. I made a step to get nearer to him. I’m hoping it wasn’t a dream. I want to slap myself just to see if it was true. The sun was out but I can see clearly his face. I stopped enough to see him. “This couldn’t be an imagination”. I exclaimed looking at him. “It’s not. Mica! You’ve waited and I’m back for you”. He responded so I was emotionally let it all out. I hugged him tightly. It was like a slow motion, my world came back alive. “I’m sorry. I don’t need to leave your side again. I’ll be with you and I will be your everything.” He said whispering on my ear and I smiled. Now, he’s here, I suddenly know, wishes comes at the right time. All at once, everything was different when he was with me. He’d been the reason I learned to trust in time and believed in a magic of the things around me. Even stars were out tonight; I can see sparkly night and this should be the night to remember. Time won’t be wrong for love to come along. And yes he was the best thing that’s ever been mine. © 2015 Red MusicReviews
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