BWHYB - Chapter Two

BWHYB - Chapter Two

A Chapter by JulieZee

The neon sign flickered, No Vacancy, it flashed. A few of the letters in the name had completely burned out so that it read “tar ho el” instead of Star Hotel. Painted in sea foam green and pink, the hotel was one of those cheap single story places that rent by the hour. It wasn’t a place you brought the family to, no it was for cheap sex and drug deals. Danny sat in the parking lot with her head resting on the smooth leather of the Maserati steering wheel, she was about to meet a ghost. She had sobbed for weeks when they told her the baby was stillborn. They wouldn’t even let her see it or tell her if it was a girl or boy. A thing, it, that’s what her was reduced to. They told her it was better that way, that why should she get attached to a dead thing. It seemed like the best thing to do at the time. Any family she had was dead or forgotten and no one seemed to be able to tell her when her release date was. So she forgot about the child as best she could, but that single cry she swore she heard haunted her every night. The doctors said she was imagining things, or that it was another woman’s child. Now five years later someone she hoped was long dead turns up to tell her that they have a daughter. She tried to take it all in. There was a fleeting desire to run, but she had come this far, might as well follow through. Anyway, what was the worst that could happen? She knocked softly on the door; there was still a little part of her that was hoping that no one would answer.

Danny prayed that maybe he wouldn’t answer. Everything she wanted was behind that door but she wasn’t feeling worthy of any of it. Right as she was about to turn on her heels and run, Tse Sung opened the door and motioned for her to come in. She hesitantly walked in the room, letting the door swing behind her, her stomach in her throat. The picture Tse Sung had shown her did not, could not, convey the beauty of her child. Maybe it was the fact that she was seeing her for the first time after thinking she was dead for five years. Danny stared at the small child sitting on the edge of the hotel bed watching television; she seemed to be letting off her own glow that overwhelmed the electronic glare of the television. Tse Sung bent down to kneel in front of the girl, his face just inches from hers. The resemblance was amazing. She had the same delicate features as her father, their profiles matching up perfectly except for her little button nose. Unconsciously Danny reached up and touched her own nose, thinking back to when she was little and her father would rub his nose against hers. Danny promised that she would create the same memories with her daughter. She would not make up for all the time that was stolen from them.

Tse Sung knelt beside the little girl. “I have to leave. Samantha, this is your mother okay. She is going to take good care of you. Don’t be scared. As soon as I can I will come get you, okay?” He leaned down and kissed the girl on her forehead. She flung her arms around him and squeezed tight, there were no melodramatic tears, and she didn’t look scared.

“I’ll be okay, daddy.”

Tse Sung turned to Danny, “Here is the address of an old friend. He will help you get settled; just let him know who you are. Everything you need is in the jeep outside. Leave right after you see me leave the parking lot, okay.” He hugged her and then kissed the little girl again. “I’m sorry it has to be like this. Everything will be okay.”

“You’re leaving already?” She had hoped he would stay and answer some of her questions, like why he abandoned her so many years ago. Tse Sung stood with his back to her.

“They told me that both you and the baby died in labor. I didn’t believe them but…I was such a coward, afraid to fight, afraid to demand answers. When I found out that Samantha was alive and what they were doing to her…I” Tse Sung’s shoulders dropped and he clutched his stomach. The vision of Samantha’s little body contorted in pain would forever be etched into his mind. He straightened his back and took a deep breath to regain his composure, flipping a stray lock of hair out of his face with his long slender fingers.

They both had changed so much over the years at the hands of other people. Used up, abused, beat down, till barely any of the original spirit that embodied them remained behind. It was foolish to think that they could heal those scars and start over but Danny had to try. “I can’t do this alone.” Danny said.   

“I have some unfinished business. I will join you as soon as possible. Plus, the longer I stay here the more likely it is that they find you.”

“That who finds me?”

“The people who had Samantha, that’s who. I don’t have time to explain. Just wait for me to leave and then get out of here.”

Danny felt her voice catch in her throat, she nodded quickly. Tse Sung stood at the door. With his back to them he dropped his head and said, “I love you both. I always have. I always will.”

Danny didn’t know whether to run to him or from him. She had been cursing his name for so long she thought she’d want to kill him on sight, and now she really wanted him to hold her like he used to. She wanted to cry on his shoulder and for everything to be back the way it was so long ago. Her feet were frozen in their spot. Before she could act Tse Sung left, the door swinging closed behind him with a definitive click that echoed in her ears like the metal clang of a cell door locking in place. Danny turned to look at Samantha who was watching cartoons. Now was the time to have courage. 

Danny stared at Samantha. “Hi, Samantha. You are so beautiful.” She whispered, barely able to finish the words. There was so much she had missed, that they had missed as a family. Who was she kidding? She sat beside her daughter on that dingy hotel comforter and cried. She cried for home and her father who had been dead for so long, for the forgiveness of her mother and for all the days lost. She cried for all she had seen and done and couldn’t take back, and for the uncertainty of tomorrow. How was this supposed to work? This little girl was just going to head off with some stranger she never met. She couldn’t do it. She’s wasn’t ready to be a mother, how was she supposed to do this on her own? Danny took out her flask of liquid courage from her bag and took a quick swig. The small flask felt unusually heavy in her hand. It was time to take back her life, but her stomach churned and she feared she didn’t have the strength or courage to pull it off. She contemplated the silver container and the liquid inside. Danny hated being sober. She hated the thoughts that flooded her mind, too clear in their guilt, so she kept a bottle handy. Today had to be the day that she changed no matter how unpleasant. Danny took a deep breath and tried to muster up the resolution to go on. It was a little too late for self-doubt and pity. Little drops of whiskey hit her feet as she emptied her flask on the stained burgundy carpet. She watched as the carpet absorbed the alcohol and wished her tears would disappear as easily.

Samantha scooted over to her and gently rubbed her little hand on Danny’s back. It was so unexpected that Danny flinched from the touch of that little hand. Her hand was warm and Danny tried to relax and focus on that warmth. Samantha leaned her head and rested it on Danny’s shoulder, her soft hair brushing against Danny’s arm.

“Don’t cry. It’ll be alright,” Samantha said calmly.

Danny looked over at Samantha’s tiny body. Samantha lifted her head and looked back, her face a blank canvas. Danny marveled at how dark her eyes were. A tiny bit of dread washed over Danny as she looked into those unfathomable eyes. She was five, shouldn’t she be terrified? Who was saving who? Danny had a feeling that if she could reach the pedals of the car she wouldn’t need her at all.

“Okay, do you have everything?” Danny asked.

The little girl nodded. “Let’s go then.” Danny opened the door of the hotel room and walked right into Benito’s large chest.

“Benito?” Danny looked around behind to see if there is anyone with him. “What are you doing here?” Danny asked as she tried to remain nonchalant.

“Danny? What’s going on?” He looked behind Danny at Samantha and sighed. “You have a kid? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I thought she was dead.”

“You should’ve asked for help. I could’ve helped. Why didn’t you come to me first”

“I don’t know.”

Benito shook his head wishing he would have said something earlier and confessed his love to her, and then maybe he wouldn’t be standing here collecting for Vido. “Damn it Danny. What were you thinking?”

“Benito, I’m sorry.”

“I can’t believe you never told me. I could’ve helped you.” Benito realized that Steve was right that Danny had been playing him the entire time. He was hurt, he felt stupid. After all, this wouldn’t be the first girl to trick his heart.

“Okay, then help me.”

“Vido wants to see you Danny.”

“Come on, Benny. Tell Vido I wasn’t here, I was already gone or something. Just tell him you couldn’t find me.”

“I can’t do that. You should’ve asked me first.” Benito wipes at his face and quickly looks at the ground. “You should’ve come to me first. Come on, let’s go”

“Please, just let me go. You can come with us. Come on, isn’t that what you always wanted?” Danny begs.

Danny can see a glimmer of hope cross over Benito’s face. “Come on, we can run together. You can’t tell me that you want to work for Vido the rest of your life.”

Before Benito could answer Hagar pushes him aside. “Thanks for making it so easy to find you, dumb a*s. You know that’s Vido’s favorite car.” Past Benito’s large body, Danny didn’t see Hagar approach and she jumped when she heard her voice. “Maybe if you lay off those pills you could think a little clearer. Stupid b***h. Come on Benny, I’m getting pissed waiting for you to collect your little girlfriend. What’s taking so long?” Hagar asked annoyed.

Samantha stepped definitively from behind Danny’s legs. She had a little too much of her mother’s stubbornness in her. “Oh, now that is just grand.” Hagar laughed. “How does that make ya feel, big boy?” Hagar pushed Benito into the hotel room. “This doesn’t change anything, Benny, let’s go. Vido’s waiting.” Hagar grabbed Danny’s bag. “I hope all his money is here. Not that it’ll change anything.” Hagar starting digging for the keys to the Maserati.

“Danny I’m sorry.” Benito couldn’t look her in the eye. He picked up Samantha who started screaming like a banshee. The rage filled screams don’t seem like they should be coming from a small child. They are the screams of a woman who has seen too much and has had to fight for her life too many times to give up now. They are the primal screams of an animal backed into a corner who knows it is going to die and has resolved to make its predator regret the attack.

“Damn it! Make her shut up.” Hagar yelled. “Let’s go Danny. In the car, now.” Hagar walked towards her like a panther stalking its prey.

Danny watches as Benito struggles to control Samantha’s flailing body. The screams fill the room and steal the breath from Danny’s lungs. Danny’s eyes darted from Benito to Hagar as she tried to determine who the bigger threat was. The scene would have been a lot easier to take in if her head still wasn’t swimming from last night’s binge.

“Seriously, she’s a child, make her stop.” Hagar yelled and started to walking towards Benito and turning her back to Danny. Danny took the opportunity and jumped on Hagar’s back, she knew she was no match for her, but she had to try. Adrenaline rushed through her body as she squeezed her arms around Hagar’s thick neck. A strong hand grabbed Danny’s hair and as Hagar dipped forward and yanked at her head, Danny’s body flew forward hitting the ground hard. Hagar whipped out an expandable baton. Danny heard the consecutive clicks of it locking in place and then nothing as it cracked against her skull. Benito gasped at Danny’s limp body at his feet. Samantha let out one last scream before Hagar punched her in the face.

“Stop screaming you little brat.” Hagar took a pillow case off the bed and tied it around Samantha’s mouth and took her from Benito. Hagar back handed Benito, her diamond ring leaving a cut across his check. “You were going to let them go, weren’t you?” Hagar asked and the laughed. “You’re pathetic. What? Did you think you could go with them and live happily ever after? Don’t you remember what happened to the last girl? Idiot.”

Benito starts to answer, he remembered. Jenny was rotting in shallow grave in the desert, that Hagar made him dig. “Save your breath, Benny. Put Danny in the car.” Hagar walked off muttering how it was supposed to be her day off. Benito stood there hoping all of this was somehow a bad dream. He couldn’t stop staring at Danny’s body, crumbled on the floor, blood beginning to matte her hair.

“Come on you big gorilla, stop staring and let’s go. Did you really think you were going to make things work with that little w***e? God, Benny, you’re a hopeless romantic. Better get over it real quick.”

Benito bent over Danny’s unconscious body and brushed a lock of hair from her forehead. This wasn’t how things should have turned out. Vido said he just wanted to talk to Danny, now he could see that Hagar was given a separate set of instructions. Benito gently picked up Danny and carried her to the car. Samantha was still struggling. “She’s definitely Danny’s girl.” Benito muttered. Hagar popped the trunk, threw Samantha in and punched her in the face which subdued her long enough to close the trunk.

“Shut up Benito.” Hagar climbed in the driver’s seat and started revving the engine. “Get in the car Benny.” Benny heaves his large body into the passenger seat. Before he could close the door Hagar sped out of the parking lot. She drove for about an hour until civilization faded in the rearview mirror. The desert was as empty and dead as Hagar’s soul. Benito wished he could do it all over and rescue Danny, but he had a feeling she wouldn’t have him and no matter what path he took it would end with his heart broken.

Hagar steered the car off the highway onto a barely noticeable dirt road. Ahead is Vido smoking beside a black Expedition. Hagar carefully pulled the car alongside Vido and hopped out of the car with a light step. She was happy to finally be rid of Danny. 

“It f*****g hot. What took you so long?” Vido asked, stomping out his cigarette in the dirt.

“Lover boy was having second thoughts.” Hagar motioned towards Benito as she started pulling Danny out of the car by her feet, her head bouncing off the car on the way out, her body leaving a rut as Hagar drug her towards Vido. Hagar kicked Danny in the ribs a few times, enjoying the pay back for all the trouble she had caused her. Danny is still unconscious and her body flops like a rag doll with every kick.

“That’s enough Hagar.” Vido walked over to where Danny’s body lay and contemplated her for a while. Blood is leaking from her head and is collecting dirt from the ground. Vido cradled her head in his hands and lifted her face to his. “Ungrateful w***e, I did so much for you Danny and you repay me like this.” He kisses her lips and drops her head with a thud in the dirt. He looked at the blood on his hands with disgust and waved them in Hagar’s face who obediently passes him a handkerchief.

“Toss her in the well.” Vido ordered Hagar and started to leave.

“Wait, it gets better Vido.” Hagar popped the trunk to show off the contents like some kind of trophy. “What do you want us to do with her?”

He stared at Samantha for a moment. “Kill her.”

“Vido, she’s just a kid.” Benito pleaded pulling himself out of his cramped seat.

“What the hell am I supposed to do with her? Would you like me to put her to work? No? I didn’t think so. Kill her.”

“Vido, please.”              

Vido didn’t say anything he is more concerned about the dirt on his new shoes than what is about to happen in the dead valley of the desert. Dirt and rocks kicked up in Benito’s face as Vido sped away. Benito walks over to where Danny’s body lies, in an uncomfortable mess. Benito squeezed his eyes shut and aimed the gun at Danny’s head trying to follow Vido’s orders. He had been working for Vido for a long time and he owed him for a lot. He knew he could be the next body Hagar dragged to the desert if he didn’t do what he was told. That fear had stopped him from telling Danny he loved her so many times.

“You’re pathetic.” Hagar kicked Danny down the well and fired off three shots from her Magnum revolver before Benito lunged at her. Benito was much bigger than Hagar, but his size slowed him down considerably and she easily stepped out of the way allowing him to fall flat on his face in the dirt. Using the butt of her revolver, she smacked him in the back of the head.

“Get in the car Benito, you are so pathetic.” Hagar said as she went to the trunk and picked up Samantha who is snarling like a wild animal. Benito stood up and prepared to lunge at her again. Hagar pointed her pistol at him. “Don’t even think about it friend, or you’ll end up down this well with them.” Hagar tossed Samantha down the well and listened at the ledge for the satisfying thump of her body hitting the bottom. Hagar smiled and fired off two more shots. Hagar pointed the pistol back at Benito and yelled at him to get in the car.  She looked down the well to check for movement. “Sure is dark down there. Hm? That’s weird.”  The sun was high in the clear sky and it should have made it possible to see to the bottom even with its depth. Hagar shrugged, it’s not like they can climb out even if I didn’t hit them, she thought. Hagar hated leaving a scene not knowing all the loose ends were tied up, but thought Danny deserved to suffer so she got in the Maserati and they drove off not noticing the lone silhouette hovering on the horizon.

© 2011 JulieZee

Author's Note

Changed the ending a bit. Made Hagar a little meaner. Hope ya like it. Please let me know if there are any parts that feel awkward or could use a little more editing.

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Really loving this story. Only criticism I could offer is Hagar's name. I keep thinking she's a man and have to keep correcting myself. I really like you're edge with this. Great work!
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Posted 13 Years Ago

No weakness in this story. I was raised on Cass Ave. in Detroit. Life for woman in the bad field of work wasn't long yesterday and today. I like the situations you create in this chapter. Not a happy ending you create. It is a real story for too many. A very strong ending to a excellent story.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Oh my goodness. Please tell me this is not the end??? It was so good! I felt truly sucked into the story. It was sadning ( i know that's not a word) that they died ( i kind of wanted them to get together) but that's what makes the story so much better. I loved it
.display. Anita
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Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on July 17, 2011
Last Updated on July 22, 2011




I find the most interesting part about a person is the thoughts and feelings that go unsaid and unnoticed. So many people say they are straight forward and an open book. However, there are always thou.. more..

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