A very finely penned emotive write of lost love which still lives on in memory. Though time has passed by since then, an ache for that love remains. So comforting to pull the pillow close, though I am sure you still wish it was him! Poignant and perfect! Sweet memories will always remain and never leave. Thank you for sharing, Julie. Lovely work!
A very finely penned emotive write of lost love which still lives on in memory. Though time has passed by since then, an ache for that love remains. So comforting to pull the pillow close, though I am sure you still wish it was him! Poignant and perfect! Sweet memories will always remain and never leave. Thank you for sharing, Julie. Lovely work!
Julie, your words paint a picture of love and loss, of love lost. It never really goes away, does it? Barren trees, scattered leaves reflect the way loss scatters your life, leaving only a pillow and this dream of him. It's a moving poem, Julie. Thanks so much for sharing it. Curt
This poem reminds me of the trip l took to California to see the mighty Sequoia trees. In a forest of just plain ol pine trees and various others, there stands the giants. The strangest thing is how so many have been hit by lightning yet continue to grow stronger through adversity.
They say separation makes the heart grow fonder, l say it just make you lonely, like the trees that have lost their leaves. We know they will return in the spring, but missing them still doesnt make it easier waiting for them. You are a master at conveying images through your words
dearest Jewel.. A poem that captivates the Rapture of love.. even in Winter when you and the trees feel bare… there is still the beauty of blossoms held close to your breast. gently, Pat
Gentle, kind and beautiful use of thoughts and words dear Julie.
"Hypnotizing eyes,
Sends passionate fires through him,
Yearning each other's love."
Yes, the dancing trees, the resting trees. They can steal our soul. Thank you dear friend for sharing the outstanding poetry for love.
I've been writing poetry for 25 years. My poetry isn't unique in any way, but it is written from the heart.
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