The Zejel: The first stanza, known as the mudanza, has three lines, rhyming aaa. All the other stanzas - as many of them as you like - have 4 lines, rhyming bbba, the a rhyme harking back to the first stanza. So the overall rhyming scheme for the poem is aaa/bbba/ccca/ddda/... with 8 or 9 syllables per line but this is not required
My Review
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Incredible... You have a mastery of breath and rhyme control that puts most to shame... Your syllable usage, and the way each line magically ties up at the end, as if by some gigantic invisible hand... Stunning... To say the least... Not to mention the divine word choice, and heart wrenching landscape of emotion made... Perfectly penned...
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Thank you for your kind and generous words :) Julie
beautifully written, romantic. So often poems confined to a mechanical or technical convention become stilted - perhaps because poets have become undisciplined? But this flows with elegance. Lovely work!
Always fun to find out about new poetry forms & watch how it can be crafted. It's way too complex for me to follow (the form, I mean) & besides, reading your poem, the form doesn't even stand out a bit (a good thing). Your rhyme & rhythm are very outstanding & lend a lot to the enjoyment of this read. The message is also an authentic & original take on romantic feelings. Great imagery well described.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Thank you for your kind and lovely words. I'm thrilled you enjoyed my poem. It really is a very sim.. read moreThank you for your kind and lovely words. I'm thrilled you enjoyed my poem. It really is a very simple form - just counting syllables and rhyming on the right lines. Thanks again. Julie
hey Julie, so nice to read you again, I have missed your romantic flare and "scribbles" as you would say... I had no idea this form existed before reading this poem and it's true what Trace says below, you make it seem so easy and carefree... enjoyable and at the same time expressing the deeply felt emotions of love/romance... I have always thought you were one of the best I have read in this regard... so once again I say thank you for your poetry Julie...
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Thank you for your kind words Curt. I hope all is well. Hugs, Julie
thank you first of all for the education on the Zejel .. it sounds fun! :)
your poem is a keeper doubt ..i am jealous for such love ;} it couldn't be told much better ..and the poetry reflects all the considerations you must have struggled with ..i think its beautiful ..start to finish ..well done! that V2 is itself divine says i!
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Thank you for your kind words. It's always lovely when you visit my page :) Julie
Your mastery of form poetry is unparalleled and yet you make it sound so easy and carefree.
Your talent and sensual heart shine here in this lovely little scribble for the one you love. Truly outstanding.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Thank you my handsome beast. I sure miss writing with you. xoxoxo Julie
dear Julie, like butterflies are to a rose the nectar's
sweet, and I suppose a tiny taste and my heart knows my lips have sipped the finest wine... Love the idea of sunbeams tied and softly laced... You have captured the essence of desire. truly, Pat
Thank you for your lovely comment my dear friend. Happy Holidays Hugs, Julie
8 Years Ago
Hi Julie... I just posted a simple
Christmas poem... trying to encompass too much in a littl.. read moreHi Julie... I just posted a simple
Christmas poem... trying to encompass too much in a little poem. Happy Holidays... hugs, Pat
Your writing is just so smooth and elegant. It's peaceful & pacifying and whisks me away to another dimension. You are quite the masterful wordsmith. You capture mood & feeling perfectly.
When we find perfect place and person. Personal utopia we need.
"Through misty dawns and moonlit nights
together we have found delight
threaded as one, gently, yet tight
My love is his, his love is mine"
I loved the above lines. I miss the days when love was life and life was love. Thank you dear friend for sharing the amazing poetry.
I've been writing poetry for 25 years. My poetry isn't unique in any way, but it is written from the heart.
I have trouble keeping up with everyone's poetry, so please send me rr's.
I enjoy rec.. more..