' He is the whisper in the silence of a dream .. .. .. '
Part glory, part tragedy and both... all. wrapped with tenderness, longing and.. a maybe good bye. The end of your poem is more than most such poems, you're speaking aloud, not from paper or screen.. i feel you're hiding behind every word. This comes across as fact, not.. make believe.. is beautiful.
Nicely lyrical descriptions to show how one's heart is enraptured by another. The stanza that starts with this: "He is the whisper . . . " is well crafted with soft word sounds of "s" & graceful alliteration. A dreamy message full of nighttime imagery (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
All things beautiful, at least to me. That cinches it. It's love. I remember that moment clearly, when the flaws fall away, because all of them make up that person who is the one we love (the opposite happens when it's over, too) -- very lovely poem, but then again, they always are.
This one of my best romantic poems i have read today. This is a really nice thing to say to someone, we poets we can really make someone fall endlessly in love with our words. As for me, if some one told me that, I would be above the clouds jumping like a happy two year old
FINALLY someone else who knows how to utilize space!! I've been dinking around with it for a little while but you're much farther ahead of the curve than me! Its refreshing. The poem itself was also very good:) You express a very subtle rhyming scheme which elimnates that "forced" quality that the majority of writers illustrate, another refreshing thing in this piece of mist. My one critique would be to make sure you add all necessary commas and periods. Your spacial structure paints a good deal of the pace but you still need that punctuation in a piece to keep going the flow. I look forward to reading more of your work.
Julie, I just love how you format your pieces I wish I had that talent. Also you pieces are so smooth with the words selection and they have a tender story behind each one.
I've been writing poetry for 25 years. My poetry isn't unique in any way, but it is written from the heart.
I have trouble keeping up with everyone's poetry, so please send me rr's.
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