dreamy, natural, beautiful, enchanting, lovely and altogether everything wonderful, yes yet another miss Julie classic. put them all in a book, make a gigantic collection and il be sure to buy that one, these are the poems that remind you what poetry is truelly all about, you have a rare and uniquely beautiful way of writing darling, keep on :) :)
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Thank you for your lovely comment and compliment :) Julie
That's something which passes through the soul touching the heart. It's simply romantic delivering that time has no importance. The thing that's important is you and your lover. Whatever the circumstances, you both stay together and carry on with your lives. Actually it's simple but the use of phrases makes it impressive and more attractive.....
I love that this feels like a snippet in a dream sequence; as though it really were just a dream's moment captured and translated for us to read, see, feel, and remember.
A lovely little romantic love scribble :)
dreamy, natural, beautiful, enchanting, lovely and altogether everything wonderful, yes yet another miss Julie classic. put them all in a book, make a gigantic collection and il be sure to buy that one, these are the poems that remind you what poetry is truelly all about, you have a rare and uniquely beautiful way of writing darling, keep on :) :)
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Thank you for your lovely comment and compliment :) Julie
Magical little poem-what a powerful kiss! Fantasies are colorful and lovely like springtime-love this!
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Fantasies are lovely - I agree. Thank you for your wonderful comment and for your friend request. I .. read moreFantasies are lovely - I agree. Thank you for your wonderful comment and for your friend request. I look forward to reading more of your poetry :) Julie
I really like this, my thoughts on this is that sometimes we get so caught up in the moment of something really enjoyable we forget about time or anything that is bad. Lost in a blissful moment where time doesn't exist. I don't know that just came to mind when reading this. Very beautiful piece.
I've been writing poetry for 25 years. My poetry isn't unique in any way, but it is written from the heart.
I have trouble keeping up with everyone's poetry, so please send me rr's.
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