There we danced, without bones, with out skin, and there we sang without words, with out voices" we handed ourselves in bundles to the clock’s open hands, drew his face upon your shoulders, traced his sound upon my lips, I ticked and you tocked and we knew, this was our time So we danced and we sung! And we loved, and we broke! Our hands clasped so tight as the numbers twisted into tornadoes around us, our hands clasped so tight as the hours passed in perfect time" You ticked and I tocked, and we knew this was it.
this. is. beautiful. gorgeous. and every other heartfelt word with a positive connotation that hasn't quite been over used yet.
what do you mean unfinished? i got lost in this, at first i was worried i didn't know where it was going, then all i wanted was to keep going in whatever direction it was, hoping it never ended.
I'm a 21 year old girl living in Seattle,
I believe in art, poetry, psychology, and music--
I don't think its safe to believe in much else. more..