TranscendenceA Poem by JulianaSunWhy do we believe that there is nothing beyond the tank fish we live in? I think the universe is brimming with fish tanks.Spirit. Soul. Flesh and bone. I am a dream dreamed by others and others are dream dreamed by me. We fall asleep when we are born and we wake up when we die. Reality is just a scene where we act out our predetermined roles. Choice is an illusion created by the Puppet Master. I choose to dream within this dream and venture deeper and deeper into the realms that Sleepers are not allowed in. If my strings are to be cut off by the Puppet Master as punishment for my audacity, then I shall embrace the fall with no regrets. For what good is to be Soul and immortal, if you don't have the courage to make use of your spirit in order to conquer the worlds beyond the flesh and bone. I am Spirit. I am Soul. I am bound to Flesh and Bone.
© 2015 JulianaSunAuthor's Note