![]() Super Lax ManA Story by Julia Weimerskirch![]() A super hero facing incredible odds to protect the city he loves.![]() The Heroic Tale of
Super Lax Man: The Battle of
Suckster. Prologue: He was an
ordinary college student attending a
school no one had ever heard of, until that one strange day when everything
would change. It was a rainy night at North Greenville University when Matt,
seemingly unexpectant non athletic regular person, was walking back to his dorm
when… CRASH! In front of him, a giant lacrosse stick shaped spaceship crashed
right down 100 yards ahead of him. Everything in him said that he needed to
walk away and not investigate, but he went anyway. Slowly he creeped toward the
strange ship, listening to every single sound around him. Suddenly he realized
that every cricket that normally chirps on campus, had been silenced. It was as
if they vanished without a trace. As Matt
approached the ship he saw something move swiftly away, or at least he thought
he did. He moved closer, squinting his eyes until they focused on the ship
through the fire and smoke that surrounded it. Unexpectantly, the color of the
fire began to change! Slowly the tone shifted from the red and yellow burning
began to shift to a vibrant purple that burned so bright he had to look away.
The fire began to grow and crackle as he stood there memorized by the color,
when it happened. There was a whip like crack and then darkness. Hours later, Matt awoke. Uncertain of what
happened, he sat up and looked around unaware of how he ended up on the ground
to begin with. He searched for the ship but couldn’t find a single trace of the
ship, the damage, or the purple fire. The only thing that was different around
him that he could see was the dirt on his jeans. Assuming he imagined the ship,
and a little freaked out, Matt got up and walked home feeling eerily
uncomfortable with what he had seen. Attempting to put the pieces together, he
walked into his house. All of his roommates were sitting on the couches when he
walked in, watching a cop show that looked like it was filmed on campus. The
general bro nod of acknowledgement took place as Matt walked to the bathroom to
get ready for bed, even though it was only 10:30pm. Without paying attention,
he began to brush his teeth still thinking about what had taken place. Then,
suddenly, one of the roommate bros said lacrosse very loudly. Normally, this
wouldn’t have caused a problem for anyone but tonight it did. Matt looked into
the mirror and began to notice himself changing. First the color of his eyes,
then his hair, and finally in a blink of an eye he was wearing a completely
different outfit. Dressed head to toe in a purple
spandex outfit that was accompanied by his new purple eyes and matching hair,
Matt began to scream. He screamed so loud that all of the bros got up off of
the couch and began to rush to the bathroom, worrying about what could be
happening to their fellow bro. They began to bang on the door as Matt stood
motionless staring into the mirror. Without warning, everything around him
began to change. He looked around and realized that everything looked so far
away, even the ground. Matt was floating 10 feet off the ground and was about
to touch the ceiling. It was in this moment, that Matt realized he was a super
hero. With the mere muttering of the word lacrosse, Matt became Super Lax Man. The Epic Battle: It had been four years, six months,
twelve days and forty-three minutes to the second since Matt had started living
his double life. Every day his powers grew and new discoveries were made. The
life of crime fighting had become this super heroes favorite thing. It began to
feel normal to see his signal flashed into the sky and hear the call to duty. One night, while Super Lax Man was
out on patrol he heard the strangest sound coming from an alley way. The
screeching noise grew louder as he jumped down from the roof on which he was
perched, growing louder and louder as he dropped down. Sticking his super hero
landing, he creeped closer and closer to the noise preparing for the monster
awaiting him. At the end of the alley, a dark figure began to come into focus.
As he moved closer, the shape grew and changed, one piece at a time the beast
came into view. Suddenly, Super Lax Man was standing in front of a giant bear
with the biggest mouth he had ever seen. The source of the screeching. Super Lax Man began to walk slowly
toward the monster, being careful not to be seen. He watched from behind a
dumpster as the monster moved through the alley, sucking up everything in his
path. It was in this moment that Super Lax Man knew that he could not let this
monster leave the alley, he knew that the monster would suck up everything in
his path if he let it escape. Our hero immediately sprang into action! Jumping
out from behind the dumpster and shouting “HEY YOU!”. The monster turned around
with a start and stared at the stranger in front of him who was clad in spandex
with his cape flowing majestically behind him. “NOT IN MY TOWN!” Super Lax Man
shouted as he flew toward him. Flying full speed, Super Lax Man extended his
right arm and landed a solid punch on the center of the monsters face. “How
dare you hit me! I am Suckster and I will suck up this entire town!” Then, a strong wind came from
behind Super Lax Man, pulling him toward the monster! But where was this coming
from? The hero thought to himself. Looking closer as he dug his heels into the
ground, Super Lax Man saw that Suckster had tubes for hands! Every suction cup
on the monsters many tentacles was able to suck things in! Using his powers of
teleportation, Super Lax Man vanished from view of Suckster, only to appear
above him! He drops down on top of the monster and began to wrap his arms
around the head of the monster. Using his super strength he squeezed harder and
harder. What Super Lax Man didn’t see was the tentacle coming from behind him!
Suckster wraps the sneaky tentacle around Super Lax Mans neck and pulled him up
placing him in the air above his giant open mouth. Super Lax Man felt the
individual suction cups sticking to his neck as he stared down into the open
jaws of imminent death. As his strength began to fade,
Super Lax Man began to see flashed from his past. Moments of beautiful
connections with friends and family, nights in an eno under the stars, crepes
and coffee in a small shop not too far from his school. Every moment from his
mortal life flashed through his mind. “This will not be my end” He thought to
himself. With every bit of energy Super Lax Man began to summon the last of his
powers to teleport from Sucksters grip. At the very last second he was able to
vanish and place himself on the ground in front of the monster. Breathing
heavily he flew into the air, high above the monster and the buildings that
made the beautiful city that he had fallen in love with over the years. Looking
down he balled up his fist and pointed his feet toward the sky, shooting
himself downward back toward the monster with the speed of a bullet train.
There was a loud cracking sound as his hand connected with the monsters head.
Knocking the monster unconscious and leaving our hero to be the victor. He grabbed the monster by one of
his arms and dragged him out of the alley and into the street where he was able
to pick him up and fly away. Dropping the unconscious creature back into the
ocean where he came from, Super Lax Man bid him a fond farewell and thanked him
for a very worthy battle. Flying high above everyone, Super Lax Man flew back
to his home, sneaking in through the window of his bedroom so no one would see
him. Swiftly he changed from his uniform to his pajama, becoming Matt again,
and walked back to the bathroom where it had all began. Grabbing his toothbrush
he began to assess the damage done to his mortal body, coming up with excuses
for every bruise and mark except for one. The mark left on his neck from the
tentacles. Not able to come up with an excuse
for that, he finished brushing his teeth and walked into the living room to say
goodnight to the bros he lived with. “MATT HAS A HICKEY!” one bro yelled as the
others whipped their heads around to look. Matt turned beet read and nodded as
he turned around and walked into his bedroom. Closing his door as he heard his
bros yelling in the living room, he let out a breath. Thankful that they came
up with an excuse for him. His identity was safe for one more night as our
exhausted hero climbed into bed, thinking about the monster and wondering if he
would ever come back. His phone went off with a message as he began to drift
off, a message that read “Get some sleep old man!”. Matt smiled as he put his
phone down, being brought back to earth from his day dreaming thoughts. © 2019 Julia Weimerskirch |
Added on March 13, 2019 Last Updated on March 13, 2019 Author![]() Julia WeimerskirchCosta Mesa, CAAboutI am 22 years old and attend a small university in Southern California. I love to write and have a small cat who rules almost everything I do. more..Writing