![]() Chapter 2 The witch .A Chapter by J.LorentisSo many years passed and now I became a young woman, but Julia had not taken any wrinkle ,she is still as beautiful and radiant as in my childhood. And it was the moment that I had begun to find strange things happening around me. One day when I was washing my body in the river I saw drops of water flying from the river and surrounded me to form a magnificent spectacle in this landscape filled with trees and greenery, suddenly all the animals of the forest appear but all scared stand at a distance, I decidedj to get out of the waters and approach them, but suddenly everything stopped, no more noise, no more ,the waters drops still in the air but it was as if it stopped to move, the animals that surrounded me were frozen, time has stopped, I got dressed and got closer to the animals to see if they were not dead, but then they started to move again, the drops of water fell back in to the river, the song of the birds reappeared, and all the animals escaped because they were frightened. I was not shocked by what happened but just surprised because many other things happened before, I realized that my wounds would close by themeself, I could read the thoughts of Julia, I can make fire with my hands and i even understand what the animals says,then I remembered that It had something to do with the fact that I understood what Julia said in her wolf form. I did not want to tell her anything until I get to know more about what happening to me.
Some days passed since the incident that happened at the river. It was in the middle of the afternoon, I was preparing the meal for dinner, when Julia asked me:
_ Elizabeth, darling we lack of wood, would you like to go get?
I stopped what I was doing and I answered:
_ "Okay, I'll go right away."
I left the den and headed to the forest to pick up the wood, I began to take branch that were on the floor, then I saw a small dead bird, I was so sad to see his little corp set on the ground , I decide to take it and buried it, but i hardly touch his body that his heart began to beat again, he gets up and flies away as if he were never dead. Surprise by what happened I picked up the wood that I had harvested and I returned to the lair . arrived , Julia heard me and said :
_ Oh ! You're already back , it didn't take you much time, you can lay the wood down and help me finish preparinspell locationg the dinner .
I put the wood where she told me and I started to help
_ Julia (I called her Julia because she didn't want me to call her mother and that she would feel old) can I talk to you?
Julia, continuing to cut the meat for the dinner, replied: "What the matter ? did something happened to you ?
_ No it's not really serious, but strange things happen to me these days
_ Like what ?
_ Like the fact that I can read your thoughts, the fact that I make fires with my hands, or the fact that I make things fly .
_ Is that all , you scared me I thought something bad happened to you.
_What?... Why aren't you surprised like how I want you to be.?
_ But because I am not, I suspected that you were not normal. The day I find you in the forest , because when i took you to the lair , I were out of wood so I went to fetch wood in my human form to make fires, But when i left the den I forgot to cover you so that wild animals would not hurt you and the moment I turned around I found the fire was on and in the corner a pile of wood scattered on the ground and you, you were just laughing , another time some stones were flying around you but you were always laughing as if you were having fun. More incidents like this one happened that is why I am not surprised. _ Why didn't you tell me about it before ?
_ Because I was just waiting for the right moment .
_ But wait I didn't tell you everything yet a few days ago, at the river when I was cleaning body , drops of water were flying around me and all the animals in the forest approached me but suddenly everything stopped the animals frozen, the drops of water still flying but they stopped moving , the songs of the birds had disappeared, it was as if the time was frozen, but a few minutes later everything became normal, the water falls back into the river and the animals have left. And today when you asked me to pick up the wood, I found a small bird dead, sad to the idea of leaving it there i decide to bury it but i hardly touched it that his heart started beating again, he stood up and flew away as if he had never died. And besides this my wounds are closing all alone and I understand what the animals say. _ It was because of that, that you understood what I was saying in my wolf form. But I am very surprised that you stop the time and that you can give back life to the deads . _ So you should know what species I belong to ? _ On the contrary I have no idea. You are not a witch, nor a vampire nor a werewolf because none of these species can do what you do . _ If I am none of these then what am I? _ Don't worry dear we are going to find a solution, don't lose hope. I will send a letter to my friend Anne Marie who is a very gifted witch, she will be able to locate your parents. And if we find them we will know what you are . _ Okay.... but am not prepared to know them . _( I know that Julia would do anything for me but am not sure if am ready for that .) _ Don't worry Elizabeth everything will be all right , if something happens am here for you my dear , so don't be afraid . Days have gone now and here there is Anne Marie who came with a bright smile and briefcase . _ Hi Anne .how are you ? sorry for calling you like this but we need your help . _ What are you talking about you don't have to say that , you can call me anytime I would come . Anne took a look at me and she said : _ You must be Elizabeth right you're magnificent just like you told me Julia , You know that she can't stop talking about you , all the letters she sent me were about you . _ Stop talking about that Anne and can we do the spell location now .
_ Yes , about that I will not be able to stay today I have to go my way tonight I have a family problem to settle down , so yes we can do it now . Anne turns at me and tells me : _ We need your blood do you agree with that Elizabeth ?. _ Yes, I am if it is to find my origins I would do everything possible . Anne pulls out a map and an object from her briefcase and passed it to me and put the map on the ground and she tells me: _ You must cut your hand with this object and let your blood flow on this map. After doing what she said to me she began to say something and then repeated it several times: _ "Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Viras Sequita Saguines Ementas Asten Mihan Ega Petous." The blood on the map began to move but suddenly the map caught fire and Anne's body began to shake and blood came out of her eyes and nose and she fell to the ground. Shocked at what happened, me and julia rushed to help Anne. It's been now an hour since she lost consciousness and suddenly she woke up scared , wanted to leave as soon as possible. She took her things and tried to leave but Julia stopped her: _ "Where are you going, Anne?" _ "I leaving , I can not stay here, and you should do the same Julia. _ "What are you talking about Anne?" Did you see something? Or did they tell you something? _ I can’t tell you anything Julia but you must leave this thing here she’s too dangerous , she is a monster . Am leaving and don’t ever send me a letter about this abomination . _ Don’t talk about Elizabeth like that Anne even if you are my friend I can’t forgive you . And why can’t you talk about what you saw ? _ Do whatever you want but don’t come back to me and tell me you were right , and I can’t tell you , I can’t . Then see ya Julia . _ Ok but promise me you will not talk about Elizabeth to anyone Anne. _ I promise you Julia. Anne Marie leaves, but Julia had no idea that Anne did not intend to keep her promise and betray her ..... to follow. © 2017 J.LorentisAuthor's Note
Added on July 30, 2017 Last Updated on July 30, 2017 Author![]() J.LorentisBejaia, Bejaia, AlgeriaAboutIt my first time writing a story , so I hope you will enjoy my work and I would love if you gave me advises on how to make my work better .Thank you for reading more..Writing