A Great Love Affair

A Great Love Affair

A Poem by Julian Lorenzana

Tension between teenagers from the west side and those from the east side led to bussing of students from one side to the other in the 70's Tension diminished. District planned to end the bussing.


 A Great Love Affair


Quite a few years ago                                  Morale is really okay. 

                             we heard of many a fight                               The children are the best.                   
                             that happened every night.                       The rules they do obey

 Ill feeling there was so.                                        in their great learning quest.

                                The West was always West.                      If some get out of hand

                                The East was always East.                                and overstep their bounds,

One side was called the beast                               those children our boss hounds.             

                                And that side was aware                            Virtues of rules he expounds.

                                but it didn’t really care.                                      Compliance he’ll demand.


Our children went to school                         The children do regret

                              at their own neighborhood.                           behaving like great fools.

The West thought it was cool.                       But children do forget

The other side didn’t care.                             the purpose for these rules.
Bad blood was everywhere.                           They know in societies

With tension in the air,    where all do as they please

                               something had to be done                             people don’t feel at ease                           

                               before fist fighting would                               because there is no peace.

                               turn to fights with a gun.                          They’re not democracies.    


Our district a plan set                                      It seems as if we still

                              where children from both sides                    have people who of late

                              would go to different schools.                        have not yet had their fill

The idea was a good bet.                                      of racism and hate.

Some children took bus rides                         They’re willing to erase

                              that became daily pools.                                  all that children have done.

Teachers were also involved                           They want to take the fun

                              and this de-neighborhood                               and the peace they have won

                              has been working real good.                           by living as one race.


Quite sorry we will be                                       Every teacher is great!

                              in three, two, or one year,                                We really get along!

                              if we all live to see                                        This rapport will not break.

                              what we all seem to fear.                                   It will remain for long.

I’m sure we’ll all bemoan,                                 It’s not an endless love

                              and even be in pain,        for each other we share.

                              if we don’t see again                                     But we don’t really care,

                              all the great social gain   as long as this affair

                              the children all have shown.                               is blessed by God above.


Now children get along                                      We work as a good team:
     much better than before.                                    boss, teacher and the aide.        We hope this lasts for long                                At times it really seems

                             and fights occur no more.                                   that our smiles never fade.

             Some want a melting pot,                                 With our hearts full of glee,

                              where we all live as one.                                     we do all things with zest.      

            But as long as our Juan                                         I think we are the best  

                              is kept away from John,                                       of all staffs in the West.       

                             this idea is going to pot.                                 We’re like a family.              


           The teachers at this school                                  One of the greatest guys               

                           their jobs they do enjoy.                                        our boss, he really is.         

           Their work they think is cool                              With his wide-open eyes,

                            as it brings them great joy.                                    there’s nothing he will miss.

           Their knowledge they impart                              To better our work do,

                            before their children leave.                                   this way he helps us all.       

           You had better believe     But we must stand quite tall           

                              that what children receive                                     if he should ever call.     

                             comes from deep in the heart.                        Or he’ll bid us adieu. 


         We think it’s only fair                                               Let’s hope and pray, my friend

                            that our boss gets involved                                              that the children stay put.

                            in a problem we share                                  But if the district sends

                             that needs to be resolved.                                              them to their neighborhood

         I think we all will have                                               away peace they’ll have thrown           

                            to wish, to hope and pray                             Let none of us forget

                           that all of us will stay.                                                that this they’ll soon regret

       Who will be going away,                                            For surely they will get

                            to break up our great staff?                                      what they alone have sown


        Aquel temor, quizás,            Unos, al regresar

                          que había entre los dos,       a propia vecindad,                  

                           ahora sea infundado.                                            iran a privarse.                           

       No existe ya más                    Pues se van a encontrar

                          porque se han ido los            sin otra etnicidad

                      del Este al otro lado.              con quien puedan rosarse.


      El Oeste aminoró.                  Sólo en la vecindad

                         no sé adónde partió,                                                    del Oeste habrá

                        porque fue remplazado.                                              esa oportunidad,

     El Este ya creció,                      De la conversación

                     pues su gente aumentó,                                              que a todos llevará

                         y vive al otro lado.                   A la asimilacion

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© 2015 Julian Lorenzana

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Added on January 17, 2015
Last Updated on January 17, 2015


Julian Lorenzana
Julian Lorenzana


I'm a retired teacher who loves to write songs, poems, and short stories. more..
