

A Poem by Judy Ponceby

For Creative Poetry

Sardonic tones echo like whispers
throughout the labyrinth.

The ancient guardian voices
like sandpaper to the prisoner's ears.

They languish forever seeking freedom
wandering aimlessly in the maze.

Surviving on bitter wine and scone crumbs
they are able to scrape from the crevices.

Walls perverted by the keeper's for amusement
to add to the torture of their prisoners.

The prisoners, each marked with a labret,
are in constant unrelenting search.

Seeking the mantic being that may have a clue
that leads to their release from eternal damnation.

© 2011 Judy Ponceby

Author's Note

Judy Ponceby
Words Given: Labret. Mantic. Sardonic. Pervert. Labyrinth. Scone.

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What a torturous story you've created from a list of words that includes, "scone."

I am endlessly jealous of your creativity!

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is exceptionally well done; a quality piece.
Of course, abandon-all-hope and "eternal damnation" aren't exactly uplifting notions. But, I guess, you had to work with what you were given.
(Might there be some hospital management bureaucrats amongst those maze wanderers? Now that might actually be comforting!)
As I said, Judy, quality.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I like your word usage and descriptive imagery you use to your advantage in this poem. It has a nice flow and deliverance as well. A wonderful poem!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I really enjoyed this write. Kind of gives you a raw feeling. Much enjoyed

Posted 13 Years Ago

I felt like one of the prisoners. This is a chillingly real experience. Your imagination is boundless! Excellent use of words creates an awesome work.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Glad you left me a trail of scone crumbs, Judy. Well done.

Posted 13 Years Ago

The word scone seems very out of place in this list of words lol--and yet you used it just fine :D
Nice work.
You are very good at the Creative Poetry prompts :P
I also liked the non-rhyming couplet style.

Posted 13 Years Ago

My Dear writing friend Judy,
Your poem set my thoughts floating around my big leather chair much like the smoke from my pipe I holding in hand as I mused this write. I had to look up three words for clarity of your read. They are posted below.

labret |ˈlābret; -brit|
an object such as a small piece of shell, bone, or stone inserted into the lip as an ornament in some cultures.

mantic |ˈmantik|
adjective formal
of or relating to divination or prophecy.

sardonic |särˈdänik|
grimly mocking or cynical, used by Homer to describe bitter or scornful laughter.

I found this poem intriguing and I wondered more about your thoughts that prompted this write than the poem its self. Please do tell.

Blessings, Laughing-Bear

Posted 13 Years Ago

excellent work Judy,you build up quite an atmosphere : )))

Posted 13 Years Ago

I like this poem. You did very well using the six words. Create a dark place with no escape. Thank you for a excellent poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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10 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on June 14, 2011
Last Updated on June 14, 2011


Judy Ponceby
Judy Ponceby

Swanton, OH

I am me. Living life. Learning love. And laughing. A poem begins in delight and ends in wisdom. – Robert Frost more..


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