Traveling by plane across the main, Sitting in coach waiting for peanuts, I was thinking about layovers.
Drifting to sleep on that square of a pillow, Knees to my chest and arms folded tight, Dreaming of home but stuck on this flight.
Turbulence seesawing our plane up and down, Waking me abruptly, my vision still blurred, I glance out the window over the wing.
Mother of god! It's a duck of all things. Staring at me like a new zoo exhibit, Quacking at me to say what an idiot.
Stuck in a can hurtling across the sky, At the mercy of gravity because I can't fly. This duck makes a point as he leaps in the air. Spreading his wings, gone without a care.
Thanks for the laugh and the smile, I loved this! I love your humor, and great pic! BTW, in regards to your latest review, I'm not Schizophrenic, and not completely mad, but I do have OCD that I struggle with daily. Anyways, I would be honored if you would accept my friend request?
This poem is so very cute! I love how it has a light-hearted tone to it, but also has a way of showing definite depth. It boggles my mind on just what we view "freedom" as and how askew our perspective may be. Anyway, loved it! =]
And ducks .. They make it look so easy
... Lol " stuck in a can indeed "
You incidentally captured all the contorted
Motions of attempted " in-flight " sleep
This made me giggle