Chapter 36:  Living the Nightmares of Others

Chapter 36: Living the Nightmares of Others

A Chapter by Taffy Lane Writer

You believe in Jesus Christ and have passed the test which is proof you are no enemy of God and stand against Jesus of Nazareth who loved him like no other man ever loved anyone. You liars. You never even heard of him. Your prayers have been answered in your imagination only. You write books and articles about Angels you have never even met.

Why didn't you ask God to allow you to talk to two men of the Bible, like my writer did? Why didn't you walk the streets of Bemidji in the future with them and see the changes in the sidewalks and yourself driving by in a car on your way to work years before it actually happened? Why didn't you ask them to allow the name of the next Pope to be John Paul, their very names? They were just men like any of you, and him. Mosquitoes bothered them like tourists until he taught them that the more you fight them the more they will attack you and fight you, like the children of the devils and demons and the apostates who worship with them in buildings where they come in in droves.

If John and Paul listened to my writer, why don't you?

You hypocrites who tell ridiculous outlandish tales about things you imagine, high on your zeal to exalt yourselves and embarrass the God you only pretend to know! Will you not deserve your torment when the real Light cometh like a thief in the night at a time you are unawares? Yes, you will, but Satan knows there is a little time left for you to change your mind and ask Them to forgive you, die to your old spirit and live in the Light with my writer forever sane and true to the King instead of your vain imaginings you conceited b******s which I call you justly if you are disowned even by the Devil who laughs at your corpses and spits on your ashes. What good are you now, it gets real? Why did you give him such a place in your household, even head of your households?

Why have you made him your CEO and yet complain your companies are all as crooked as your politicians who seek to legalize his activities that you might oppress the poor more and more, little by little so as not to be noticed, you rich b******s. Do you think he will keep you on the board when he has taken over your company and has no need of you anymore and you are poor and one of them you gave him permission to oppress the poor even while you rubbed your elbows with them? Who will hire such a fool?

Why did you elect him President of the most powerful nation on earth? Why Governor in all fifty states? Didn't you notice when you were voting for the lesser of two evils, they were both evil? When you close your eyes to God, how will you see evil with your eyes closed? It would have been better had you been born blind, you might have had better judgment! You opened your doors to every reprobate in the world, like the Mafia and the insane terrorists who destroyed your towers? Has your god, Satan not destroyed you already? Why do you wait for a letter in the mail? You have already sold out to evil, why would you resist giving up your identity and risk it being taken from you by force?

666 was not the Devil's number but the one who opened his door to him, invited him in and stupidly started counting the money he never will see though he laughed all the time at superstitions in a superstitious world. He should have spoken German and said, “Nein! Nein! Nein!” to taking that number which is the number of a man not an angel and the temptation to do so! He will be the first one in the concentration camps of torment and torture that will make what the Jews went through look like playing with Slenderman by comparison!

You don't believe me. The Nazi's were just men like John and Paul, and me and you. You call Satan a god and God called him an Angel at one time, how pale you are compared to ex-Angels? The world feared you once when you feared God. Now you will fear the world. And the god of this world will laugh at your foolishness. “How great Thou art!” you once sang in praise of your Shield. Now even Haiti will laugh and shout in their streets, “How great are you now?” and send Legion's to torment you and even your children and even their children!

You raised Hell to earth! Who will save you from yourself and overpower your own will to do it? Do not worry, They are merciful, but when you are taken captive and They turn away from you, will your captors let your body die that you might cease to have ever been? That is up to them and up to Them. I know nothing about that. I am only a fictional character urging you to turn from your delusions and to abandon your fears. Being fictional you believe I am a lie. Which is the lie, what you fear or what is true and void of any fear, true love? Which would you rather have? The god you exalt or the God you turned your back on? The choice is yours my poor friends. I might have done the same thing once.

You never went to live in space. You never created a city under the sea on the ocean floor. You live on top of an entire new mountain range created by thousands of volcanoes exploding all at the same time! But none of that will happen to your spirit if you flee yourselves and go back to the One you turned your back on! None of it is real. And if it is you will find a solution before it happens. Yeah, right!

Compare it! Compare your fiction and mine! You peddle fear with your lies to make your fortune. I freely offer truth by my writer's hands! Why torment yourselves with those liars? Even devils and demons pretend to be insane dead people and you believe them to the point you experience their horrors you cannot refuse to believe. You have to believe in something. Why else would you allow yourself to move into the Devil's house? See there is wisdom in the truth my writer writes! He loves you! His Brother loves you! They love you! Why do you turn away to that fiction? Are you not insane!

Change your minds. Be real. And love like Jesus of Nazareth. And all of his Brothers. And Them! Why torment yourself and blame God for your own foolishness? That Islamic Boogieman is waiting on the TV some time in the future again! I am very sorry for your loss.

They may be nothing to God. But they are very real to the bodies you worship instead. Love your children and teach them to love others and hate no one as They would have you do. Do that and why would they join ISIS? If you don't know how ask Them. They taught me to love them and you and to cherish your children. Why would you choose to live in a nightmare when you are awake? Even pretending with all there is in you to love others is not enough. Only They can cause you to truly love anyone. Good luck or God bless?

© 2015 Taffy Lane Writer

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Added on May 10, 2015
Last Updated on May 14, 2015



Taffy Lane Writer
Taffy Lane Writer

Rural, MN

My trilogy "Sojourn" By John F Carver, me, is done with the draft. It is the book I always wanted to write and it took a lifetime to understand that God is real. I learned so much writing this and.. more..
