Chapter 32:  Get to Know Them

Chapter 32: Get to Know Them

A Chapter by Taffy Lane Writer

“But in a way you prayed publicly for them,” the Inspiring One said, “Is that wise.”

“Whether in private or in public one must pray when one is so moved at the time they want it most genuinely for surely not to do that grants the Nemesis an opportunity to distract them from praying what it is they genuinely desire most at all,” I said, “It is up to Them whether They answer my prayer and when They do if They do.

Will you yet argue it should not have been done until I was completely alone with Them only? Surely it is better to even pray in public than not to pray at all. Then if you are still genuine you can always pray it by verbalizing your prayer in your mind when you are alone with Them. There is no shame in talking or praying to Them however it takes place if you really want what you are praying for and it is a real possibility and not part of your insanity you think is real. If the former it will be granted. If the later it will not. They cannot answer gibberish no one even Their Spirit cannot recognize as anything to answer.

Why would you pray in tongues to Them? If it is really imaginary gibberish nothing will come of it. If it is not gibberish, how can you be sure it was inspired by a sane entity. You don't know what it was you prayed. How then can you know whether it was answered? And whoever it was that inspired you, why didn't they pray to Them? Why allow cowards and the insane to use your brain and your lips to do their bidding for them? Do you approve of the spirit of persons who would do such a rude thing to you? Pray if you agree it is foolishness to allow it to Them to put a stop to it if you really want it to stop and it will. But if you do not really want it to stop, why not? You need not fear spirits who would do that rude thing to you. Surely they are nearer nothing than you were intended to be.

I personally speak gibberish to mock them. Why not? They were rude to me and an embarrassment to me. Why should they have all the foolish fun? And to me it is a joy to mock them. I am not insane! Nor am I too religiously buffaloed not to have a little fun with such rude persons. But some people don't mind them disrupting their environment and not even asking permission to use your brain and your lips. They are yours. It is up to you what you permit your body to do. But is it wise? No. I have never personally heard anyone say anything useful in a tongue or anything I could trust even when they had an interpreter.

Of course if you are in an apostate church what is the difference? That is a foolishness more dangerous than you know. I have never been to one that does not encourage respect of the Devil. You should respect everyone. But the Devil is insane, give nothing to him even your respect unless you think your God is a liar and believe the devil will serve you in any way. Keep yourself away from him and give him nothing, not even a place to exist in the object lesson. I am serious.

He is no more than Frank Li is, speaking of myself. But I am truthfully only a metaphor of my writer who has a mental illness why would you listen to either of us unless what he has me say is the truth? The Nemesis never intentionally does anything good, says anything you can use, or thinks anything worthwhile. Why would you pay him any attention whatsoever? If you can and it is expedient for you to do so, do not even have anything to do with those who do such things. Why waste the gift they give you on nothing? You have better things to do even if all you have to do is be bored.

He is just a joker who's been fired because his joke are never funny. Don't even entertain a thought of him. And always explain he is no big deal even when you do entertain such thoughts. He is nothing but the lie They never told, never will tell and are not now telling you in this format where I take my entire being.

When he comes around for if the opportunity arise he will then take him to the Light. He hates it and will not go with you lest you know how laughable he really was when he was no more than the insane that never survived either. I deal with the insane. I feel for them. I was one of them. You need not go there. And he is totally impotent so long as you stay in the Light.

It is better to act out in the Light than torment your own self by exaggerating his power which is nothing you do not attribute to him, and do your best to see to it that even your little children do not fear him. Why foolishly harm your little ones with their own imaginings and underdeveloped gifts?

Take them to the Light and teach them to ask Them for anything they want that is real and in the Light. They will love you for it. Children always grow to appreciate love and grow to hate those who abused them even by what they allow to hurt them especially themselves. Do not neglect your children for therein is needless abuse. Do not hate your children, but love them and nurture them. You can only harm your children with ignorance. But you know better than to share anything with them before they are ready to deal with it.

Many things like that even the insane have laws against. And even if you are insane do your best to make sure your jokes are funny. They are born trusting you. If they can't trust you, you will not long be able to trust them. If they do not trust you who will they trust? Them or the Nemesis?

Therefore don't ask yourself who taught them something. Ask yourself why they didn't trust you when they were being taught that? They will learn what is available to learn if they do not trust you. If they trust you will they not reject that which would have destroyed your ability to trust them. Do not just raise your children like corn. They are not planted in such nurturing ground. Are they? Therefore be very careful not to fail your children. How will you live with it if you do, when it comes your time to live with what you have done to them? Correct others as you would yourself where your kids are concerned.

Do not always pray to Them. They long to get to know you as much or more than They are willing to please you in other ways. If you never talk to Them, will They not be strangers to you when you are in need. They love to be talked to the same as you love to be talked to.

My writer for example talked to them all the time even when he thought he was estranged to Them and especially when he was insane. He survived. Will you who are not even insane in the eyes of the world also survive? Bring everything to the Light especially things that happened in the dark when you ignored Them. They will help you deal with it and even its consequences. Even when my writer had nothing to say to them, he would tell them stories. They are very near you the same as I am very near the letters in this book. Why would you be so rude as to not even acknowledge them by verbalizing at least a comment in your mind no matter where you are, what you are thinking, what you are doing, or who you are with, especially when it is the insane of earth like when you are in a religious setting or around others you don't understand.

But do not ever be religious. Why destroy your relationship with Them and opt for the dead words of dead men who wanted to be reverenced or even venerated. Their father is the devil. It is best to be silent in their presence and not even listen to them unless you want to share their insanity. That is up to you. But expect no wisdom from them, for unless they are disobedient children of their father the devil they will share nothing of value with you that is really valuable. Their father the devil is more subtle than they are or they would never have been so impressed by him. You can usually tell him by his silence and them by their unwillingness to let you say anything they don't want you to. But both are so conceited they always reveal themselves to you.

Watch what they do with their bodies, read their attitudes, even their pretending to love you at unnatural times in the conversation, read them and not their books until you can handle them for they can't wait to share with you what impressed them about their father and they are even more proud of being his son that he is conceited about being a god. But the apostates are always best avoided if it is expedient like their father. However if you must deal with them, beware for even their father is deluded and their wisdom is of no use to anyone. They think it is nighttime for they can only deceive fewer and fewer people as time goes on, especially those in the post teens and even some in their teens.

All of their lies and pretending will soon be a thing of the past. Trust me the first rays of the dawning light are already here. In the scrutiny of the resulting Day they will be unable to deceive anyone even themselves any longer. You who are of the Light already, do not be proud like they are. Dress up only when necessary and view anyone in dress clothes with skepticism. No one can dress up the truth and you are in the Light. What can be more true than that if it is true. Does a diamond need all the trappings to fool you it is precious?

Trust the Light to lead you and you will soon be disenchanted with them. They know so little they are pitiful and you must delude yourself to be impressed by them in any way. Trust the Light and you will not want to even be around them. They can only talk so long before their ignorance betrays them and it always does every time without exception each time.

Be careful when you love them. There is no better way to wind up with a broken heart and they do love to break our hearts, don't they? Leave them then without a word. Why even talk to them? Do you want to be hurt even worse? Leave them and their father the devil behind then. You will heal.

© 2015 Taffy Lane Writer

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Added on May 9, 2015
Last Updated on May 14, 2015



Taffy Lane Writer
Taffy Lane Writer

Rural, MN

My trilogy "Sojourn" By John F Carver, me, is done with the draft. It is the book I always wanted to write and it took a lifetime to understand that God is real. I learned so much writing this and.. more..
