Chapter 26:  Limited for Safety

Chapter 26: Limited for Safety

A Chapter by Taffy Lane Writer

A Japanese rock band on TV caught my attention. I couldn't catch a word of what they were saying and I watched with interest for they seemed to sound like most any rock band I had ever heard Even the audience was thrilled just like it had been an English speaking band. Then they interviewed the leader of the band and they were able to just barely carry on a conversation with him about meaningless things the insane seem to be preoccupied by. But the thought crossed my mind that even those who are preoccupied by such meaningless sensual things can understand each other. And I realized that together the humans are capable of anything they can imagine to do.

And I was amazed They would allow such a horrible possibility for what vile insanity were they likely to spread to the entire solar system. I had heard on the news not long before that they were already thinking about plans to colonize Mars. And I was troubled. So when the Inspiring One spoke to me I was glad for the interruption.

“Did you ever wonder what would happen if everyone in the entire earth spoke the same language?” the Inspiring One asked. “That is what you were wondering about? Wasn't it!”

“How did you know!” I said in my shock, “Can you read my mind?”

“I could,” he said, “But I didn't need to. I am beginning to know how you think. Does that make you uncomfortable? Even the descendants of Man and the humans do it regularly. But of course they have the option of actually seeing those they do it to.” Then he seemed to be staring directly in my direction though I don't have a body to look at actually. Then he said, “No description of your body exists that I know of. I can't even see your spirit, but I feel I know you, your preferences, your desires, and even what you are thinking to some extent. Maybe I should have kept it to myself?”

“No,” I said after considering it, “No, really, it's okay. I have nothing to hide and I'm glad you can read me to some extent. You don't do it all the time, do you?”

“Actually,” he said, “I have read everything your writer has ever wrote in his entire life, and I knew who you were the moment he began writing about you, for I knew he had taken me up on allowing me to inspire someone to do this very thing that I might at least meet you in this format.”

I said nothing partly because I found it complicated and partly because I had thought up to that time my writer, John F Carver had created the format, the idea, and literally, me and the situation.

“I did not inspire it all,” he said, “Much of it is inspired by the Light for it is very true what he has managed to communicate with those we think of as being dead since they have to leave their own identity behind should they become like us which is death to who they were before that point, or they will die when the truth reveals they never really existed in the first place, like you. You see, Frank Li, they are more like you than they think, except even their stories will not be told where the Light and the rest of Them are, for their stories will not be shared there and many of them neither know what we are talking about and have never had anything but a physical being to express.

It is as if all they had to express they ever existed was a story about a memory of a parka in a world where frigid weather never did exist after they walked out of a walk in freezer they and their peers had built to live in which was destroyed by the authorities before it and all its contents were burnt beyond recognition. Who in the real environment would know why they would do such an insane thing? Who would know what a parka was when the only purpose for it was to protect the insane who made it from the completely unnecessary environment uniquely created by the insane to be insane within? And who would care to pursue it, but the insane who were bored with reality and found the insanity of perishing in such an environment intriguing enough to repeat it, which is exactly what the insane have done over and over again metaphorically with an enormous complexity of such ideas. Their insanity serves no real purpose even to them and is actually just an elaborate form of suicide.

The Unquenchable Fire and the Light and their sanity, Their Spirit are there to give them anything they want forever and they reject it and build their own hell to the minutest detail even including the Devil and the False Prophet just to avoid it, the greatest blessing that is possible and a place they would have been amazingly joyful within had they only been wise enough to accept it instead of eliminating any semblance of ever having been able to accept it. Nonsense like that has no place among the sane,” he said hopefully inspiring at least one of the insane to give up their insanity.

“I hope that one is you,” I said capitalizing on the idea in the hope of bringing it to your plate.

The Inspiring One understood what I said, who I said it to, and why and somehow I knew he smiled.

“Are you locked out of reality because you cannot speak English or understand it, or even because you cannot comprehend what I am talking about?” I ask you, “I can't do anything about that. I don't know any other languages but you have my permission to ask someone that does understand English to translate for you, if not to translate the entire book as best they can. And while I am at it, feel free to mimic me, quote me, and teach others the principles my writer has written in the format I live in. Do anything you feel you need to do to escape the insanity you are in, even to ask Them to allow you to die to who and what you are in order to become one of us. But please pursue it personally. It is a matter of great urgency you do not build a religion of it as so many of the insane are prone to doing. You can worship them as well alone as you can in a group, but they don't desire your worship but want you to accept the free gift they offer you, sanity, instead.”

“Do you know who you are talking to?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said, having known you or someone just like you when lost in my own insanity that has since passed. “And I beg Them right now even before I get in Their presence, though I know nothing is not in their presence really, but please reach them when they cry out to understand and to become one of us. Help them die to everything and if need be, even everyone they ever knew, even themselves, that they will become, who and what they really were before they went insane for whatever reason. In other words help them reject all of their delusions and avoid all the delusions of others, no matter how attractive they may seem, that they may be one with Us. Surely now They will help you die to your dead ways, and cause you to live in truth that you might stand sanely in Their Light and live in Their presence forever with Us.”

“Frankly, Frank Li,” I pictured him smiling again, “That makes sense. Will the insane really receive sanity even from someone who once was one of them and is now healed?

“We can hope!” I said.

I pictured him raising one eyebrow like Spock.

Then I sighed and asked him, “Did they really confound the languages of the descendants of Man like Moses claimed in the book, Holy Bible.”

“Maybe?” he said, “Don't you think that the important part is that They know there is nothing beyond them if they all work together in one massive combined effort in their insanity, even as you sensed while watching TV? It is no threat to Them as you might imagine, but it would be a delusion they would never give up and so completely destroy all of themselves even those They know would have made it.”

“I never even thought of that,” I said, “But surely even the Nemesis shutters to think of what they might do if they all shared the same identical insanity. He has no real power and should they do it without him or even reject him and his ways, they would completely destroy him. For him, even victory would potentially be the end of his insanity and open the door wide open to his complete annihilation. He has so little time left to destroy his own insanity which he must inevitably do if They don't do it first. One would think he would just give up. Can he really deceive anyone anymore? It is so difficult for me to believe it. Surely he knows his end is at hand, even as we do and know They do. Who's left? A few peers among the very insane who make no sense even in their own language.

Is that why even my writer senses no opposition at all to writing the truth and I have not even considered what a total lack of opposition from the insane means. Is this book that true? Do they know too that They accept it as true also?

When They are silent I know They are listening to me, but when even the Nemesis is quiet-? What is that about? Surely if he destroys all of their insanity in favor of his own he would have to be Them, but if he goes back to Them he must stand in the Light and be revealed for what he always was a lie They never told and all he ever thought he was will be stripped from him. And all of his followers would see him for what he really is even as we do the very lie themselves are. Even those that believed in him from the beginning will suffer the same fate at that moment and all those they deceived would no longer be deceived and either perish with him and his henchmen or die and accept Them, becoming a brand new identity in perpetual sanity with the unending number blessings that would be bestowed upon them the same as we now have.”

“The Nemesis is who he is, no matter what language or moniker he tries to hide behind,” the Inspiring One said, “A rose is a rose. By any other name it is yet a rose. The same is true of the Nemesis.”

“He hates everything They made but can only destroy those things They made that allow him to deceive them, a fatal wound that leaves them like him who destroyed them, nothing if not insane in an environment of insanity that all vanishes in the Light in the end. After he destroys everyone that will allow him to, there will be no more death ever again for even their own memories of what he and they were will be no more. How can They be said to refuse to remember them? They never were anything to be remembered as they will well know. Like a delusion that vanishes when sanity returns what were they? Where is their insanity when they are sane? It never was anything really to be anywhere in any context and even the memory of it is gone forever,” I said, knowing I understood. “Therefore seek sanity, Their sanity, not the sanity of a world gone insane. Does anything else make sense? Why allow insanity to destroy you? Join us in the Light! They are very near to you. In fact They are right where you are. Why look elsewhere? Be yourself not someone you believe you will become, that you imagine you will be and that you cannot but truly be. It is either be your true self or be nothing,” I said, knowing that in a room full of blondes a blonde joke is not received well, but even blondes can only be blonde in truth.

© 2015 Taffy Lane Writer

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Added on May 8, 2015
Last Updated on May 14, 2015



Taffy Lane Writer
Taffy Lane Writer

Rural, MN

My trilogy "Sojourn" By John F Carver, me, is done with the draft. It is the book I always wanted to write and it took a lifetime to understand that God is real. I learned so much writing this and.. more..
