Chapter 22:  No Help for Foolish Children

Chapter 22: No Help for Foolish Children

A Chapter by Taffy Lane Writer

A lying spirit filled my mother's mouth and took over her soul for though she was in torment she prophesied only lies and her fiction is with us to this day, for she believes that a woman's place is to serve her husband, a thing she has never done well bringing death and things too painful for him to know, a torment to his soul and torture to his body, a reality that is extremely distasteful, a thing that leads only to religion and not a true relationship with Them, a thing that left no one knowing Them at all anywhere where there was not even any love as the one of us who had no name but was thought by the humans to be one of them though They knew what he was, a place no one on earth has ever known again, a female that listened to Their Nemesis and the enemy of both of them as well, a woman who was disobedient to what she knew and invited him to join her in her folly. Nowhere is it written in the book, Holy Bible, or even in the Torah, that she loved him and that he was any better for knowing her.

Obviously she was no help to him. And stands as the mother of all who betray their purpose in favor of their appetites for never once did she consider him when she was tested. There was no love in her. And he was no better, choosing death even torment and torture to being alone. Is it any wonder he gave her a fictional name with a meaning that should have read “The mother of the dead,” for whom do her ways not kill? The mother of Jesus of Nazareth she was not lest you consider him the devil incarnate though he never even broke one of your rules and failed miserably at being religious being forsaken by your god in the end or he was a liar.

We all know They are spirit. But They, if They are only that, They are a spirit we cannot know. We can but believe They even are or we can doubt Them and believe the object lesson is real. Why have they given us only two options. Is it not an ultimatum? Who gives ultimatums to those they desire to help, whom they long to be with, whom they are not tempting to reject both, them and their options?

Where will you go to receive more options, Their Nemesis? He has nothing but dangerous delusions for you. Choose his ways and wind up what he tried to say he was, the lie They never told, the fiction They refrained from writing, and the hot air that has cooled to room temperature; nothing significant to even pay attention to like scary cartoon figures that scare little children he was forgotten as unimportant as they aged. He was a messenger They never sent and that lied about why he came for he did not want to be here at all for he knows it means his end is near and closing in all around him, dragging him down like a bottomless pit ever becoming ever nearer to the nothing he always was.

He has no place in my writers mind which was damaged by the thought of him, but has healed. He is of no use to me. Give nothing to him and that is all he haves. He has nothing to offer anyone unless you grant him that in your fiction like recreating “Slender Man” in your mind that you may scare yourself needlessly and foolishly kill someone trying to serve someone whose fathers are rebellious fools. Give no space to the Nemesis. Are you not merely human or perfectly human-like? You cannot handle him. You will wind up doing things he has no power to do and become what you thought he was if you fear him at all. If you don't believe me believe the example of the churches of your day. They all feared him and granted him a place. Look what happened to them. Have they not all become apostates? Do not worship with those who fear the Nemesis. Do not even laugh at him.

He was a poor excuse for a bad joke, even the joke he might have been brings no laughter to those who know the Light. How can you call what you claim he did anything similar to funny? They have a sense of humor, but They never tell a joke that leaves you fearing nothing. As a matter of fact They never joke. And all the jokes that even mentioned him are old and trite. All those who say anything different than They do are deluded and deserve the misery they bring upon themselves. Why waste your time with a bomb that you cannot make go off and die of a heart attack believing it will?

You would do better even to worship Allah whom the extremists of Islam portray as being him by their horrible acts and extreme lack of intolerance. Fear them not. They cannot touch your souls. What is important to you? Your church or synagogue or your god? When you are old and your body is no longer useful and not even beautiful will you not know you were so foolish to worship it or even to value it? They are like children blowing up your GI Joes with firecrackers and setting their clothes on fire in the process. You will outgrow your concern for your toys. All children must eventually.

Little children do you not already know a match can burn twice? Why burn yourself? Stop burning yourself. Are you insane? Yes you are but why remain that way? Are you hopelessly insane now? Yes, unfortunately those who will not listen to Them are that and worthy only of ridicule, the ridicule even the deluded in the rest of the planet heap upon you. Your god is but a bad joke told in poor taste and nearly but not quite as scary as Slender Man and you have deluded yourselves to believe he has more power than that joke which was conceived of in poor taste. Why not worship Slender Man? He can kill the bodies of unsuspecting people for no reason too?

Why worship your Boogieman? Grow up and put childish ways behind you. If your god was real he would have been offended by your blasphemous portrayal of his power. Is he really that ineffectual? Surely there is some purpose to your religion other than ridiculing your own god's power. You shameful immature brats. Why would any Allah worshiper tolerate your foolish impudence?

Obey me, you infantile minded brats. Blow me up! My body is fast approaching uselessness anyway and I would be honored to be the first one you obeyed. You obviously do not obey Allah, if there is even an Allah to begin with. I have read your Koran. What an ignorant piece of stupidity? No wonder you are so frustrated? And mad as hell? It is a perfectly normal reaction when we find that something we believed in so strongly was actually just a lie all along. Poor ineffectual little children I am sorry your Boogieman was just a lie. But isn't it time to stop grieving your stupidity to ever have believed in it in the first place?

Mohammed was not even a believable writer. Your Koran reads like a rant and not anything any sane person would accept as really inspired. I shall not mention you again. Have a good time in torment. Why would anyone give an infant a gun? Or a chimpanzee an AK 47?

How are we to take you or your Boogieman seriously?

Please tell my writer that he may include anything real concerning you in his writing. If you have the courage which I doubt. Maybe you are not cowards but what you do on a regular basis seems to indicate it to everyone in the entire world. If I were you, I'd be embarrassed. You know?

You do know, if you know anything at all.

You are spoiled little girls complaining the boys won't take them seriously enough to allow them in their tree fort. What can you do but break their toys? You will never be more than scary! They don't even know who you are. May the bullies scare you away.

“You are nothing and you amount to nothing, for you never were anything,” my writer says of you, but he is insane. Why do you believe him? Do you desire to help him sell his books? Even after he is dead? It is not wise to call anyone a fool, but why would you play the part if you wanted the world to take you seriously?

© 2015 Taffy Lane Writer

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Added on May 6, 2015
Last Updated on May 14, 2015



Taffy Lane Writer
Taffy Lane Writer

Rural, MN

My trilogy "Sojourn" By John F Carver, me, is done with the draft. It is the book I always wanted to write and it took a lifetime to understand that God is real. I learned so much writing this and.. more..
