Chapter 17:  Frank Li in Truth

Chapter 17: Frank Li in Truth

A Chapter by Taffy Lane Writer

“The One whose name I dare not even mention consumes everything in enormous heat, heat that is beyond finding out any other way. He has always been there, always was and will continue without end. And He created everything that is true according to Him and everything that is true that He desired to show us in a sort of object lesson.

All that there was, an empty void where the universe would be is essentially it was darkness even to the uncertain surface. And it was like water in a well on a very dark night without any way to sense it. But the One whose name I do not dare to mention knew we were there for He knew what He would show us though we did not know him had we thought to know Him, which we had not yet done.

Then right on cue His voice came to the place we would be in when we came before Him in the end. And He shined His light on us. He was not the light, but the light was from his enormous heat the core of his own being. And he is light and light is Him, both of them are separate entities and one in every way. And the creative Spirit of the One whose name I dare not even mention is him and so is the light, they are all separate entities but all one in every way. They possess a nature that is fiction to our ordinary thoughts and impossible to our reasoning, but they do exist and they can do, make or be anything and everything all at once or in anyway they want.

We came from Them and to Them we will go if there is anything to us to go there. And even that which is not there, like the thoughts of one incapable of thought, me, will be revealed as not having ever been like them regardless of what they appeared to be before their end like mindless space ceases to be anything the moment anything occupies it. No thing, no place, and no one is as real as They are unless they decide to make us real like they are via a power only They can understand, in immutable power and perfect love. The best we can do is believe They exist for there is no way to reach them without our capacities, even all of our capacities working together. Therefore believe in Them and not object lesson They have chosen to show us that we might understand who and what they are in believing They exist.

And I heard Them say, “Let there be light,” and there was light. I heard Their voice and saw the light, and believed They did what only They can do. And They saw what They did and that I believed I had heard Their voice and wanted to see the light. And they showed me the light. You can know Them too, even as you know me who was in a place in my writer's mind and have taken shape in this book in an attempt to show you all things he has been taught about Them whom he has been inspired to write about that you may know them also as we all enter your thoughts and take shape in your mind that you might be affected Them.

In the end you may be like a lake that never had a thought or a patch of ground that never had a thought, a dead thing that may only be used to give rise to life that never did bring forth any life at all or an object lesson that failed to affect anyone enough that they might know what They intended for it to believe. Do not believe a lake thinks, that a patch of earth can think, and even don't believe the entire object lesson can think anymore than I can really think anything my writer does not cause me to think though I am made of the fabric They are made of and you also if you become like Them, knowing Them in the end. But you cannot learn anything from me or my writer's intentions without you are drawn into my story and believe you will not believe I am, but that They are and begin to be real and all you can be at any moment from that point on. I am not the light of this world, but the light my writer hopes to show you is real light and if he has managed to communicate with you what They have shown him, that is heaven to him, a new heaven that is even now being prepared for all of you when you get there.

Is that what you intended to show me?” I asked the Inspiring One.

“Is that the best you can do to explain what I am doing by inspiring both of you, your writer and you by default?” he asked.

“I believe so, Sir,” I said, “And my writer doesn't know what more I can say to explain it to anyone. We must depend on the abilities and the knowledge They have given him. And it seems good to me.”

“What then does your writer say concerning the truth about you, Frank Li?”

“In the beginning men spoke words and developed thoughts and ideas but I was not among them. Then men began drawing pictures to indicate what game was available in the area. They drew a deer where they had seen deer and even bears where they saw bears. Then they began drawing pictures to affect the actions of other hunters and scary figures to scare away other hunters when they thought there were too many to allow them to come back and be sure of game. But I was not among them.

Then they began using symbols only they and those like them could understand and eventually alphabets and languages emerged in there writings. But again I was not among them. Then they wrote about gods and spirits, some that would help and some that would not and even guard them from others. But I was not among them either. Finally then they made religions of their gods and spirits and believed their own lies, but they believed in things that never were and even then I was not among them.

Then came men that tried to preserve the truth even the truth of Them but even then I was not among them. Now you came to my writer and inspired him and he invented me like the Truth that was lost by all of that. And They approve. I do not exist. And I am like them. But I am only a figment of my writer's imagination, like a period at the beginning of writing I have nothing to say, nothing to conclude, I do not even exist in this place, and I am not real. I am only fiction.”

© 2015 Taffy Lane Writer

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Added on May 5, 2015
Last Updated on May 14, 2015



Taffy Lane Writer
Taffy Lane Writer

Rural, MN

My trilogy "Sojourn" By John F Carver, me, is done with the draft. It is the book I always wanted to write and it took a lifetime to understand that God is real. I learned so much writing this and.. more..
