Chapter 7:  Prophecy of Frank Li One

Chapter 7: Prophecy of Frank Li One

A Chapter by Taffy Lane Writer

In the Light I looked back upon the darkness of the Night where everyone else lived and if I read the Nemesis' eyes right for they were stoic for  he was thinking, “I could live with that,” as a hunger for even more power seemed to be in that stoic look. But I knew God intended to show us everyone else' delusion brought on by the limited nature of their brains in the hope they would reject the Night and live in the Day, for in the darkness that had been the result of their brain's overload there was only an endless empty space completely void of anything.

And Moses was there writing feverishly what he thought he saw with his three dimensional thoughts in all of his delusions, for he thought as a man and not as a child of the Light in order to communicate with his brothers. So he compared it to a well rather than the sea, and he described the Light shining on the surface of the waters below in the well. Remembering the light his brain had started to remember the same as mine or the sheen on the black rock, the Word of God in the illustration the Inspiring One showed me, one. And from then on Moses went on to try to explain the Light to the ignorant peoples in Egypt and in the desert thereafter.

And there is much we can take from Moses' antiquated explanation but not much of Mohammed's antiquated fictional writings of the common delusions of the men and women of his time. But we must remember there was much of Moses in his explanation, just as there is much of me in my fiction. He never once claimed it to be the truth of God which of course it is not, but merely the common flawed thinking of the peoples of that time according to their ignorance even a near absolute ignorance of the brain, its limitations as a tool and his inherent inability to communicate such a foreign fact to such deluded people who hung on his every word as if it was the Word of God which obviously Moses was not. But he did an adequate job I think of revealing to mankind what man was. And doubtlessly much of what man is even to the heart still remains palatable to our brains and in our minds.

Even the Christian's Jesus of Nazareth used some of Moses' ideas to communicate with the people of his day as he prepared mankind for our day. But much of it was misunderstood as evidenced by the Holy Bible and consequent clerical writings as well as the Rabbinical writings in their redundancy of rules written by men doubtlessly inspired by someone or evidence of the human part of their writings, the same as my fiction obviously contains much of my writer's humanity and therefore delusional self. Even if Jesus who is called the Christ by many to the day of this writing was human and functioned as a human being physically excreting waste and eating the things common in his days here on earth. But so many limit themselves to the writings of the Holy Bible and ignore the many other things he said as they misunderstand what his mission truly was. He too wanted even us to live in the Light and in his love while any sane person can easily ascertain most of that has been lost in the common madness that exists in this day approaching his return. But so few have. Because so many churches sought to perpetuate themselves and preferred their delusion quite as expected to living in the Light with what is called the Holy Spirit inside of them.

Christians nowadays are hardly little Christs and most if not all churches nowadays use the Word of God to hate others not necessarily limited to their perceived enemies who are not very different than those their self-proclaimed Messiah blessed on Calvary, but they hate even their own, doing more harm than good to the perceived reputation of the one they claim to worship in his name. Not very many, if any of them in organized churches will be less than tormented by their errors the same as anyone mad with religion ever allowed themselves to become. My author was a Christian for years and he left the organized fold in despair hoping someone somewhere would actually love him, even just one in the full realization the tree Christ spoke of is not only dead, but perhaps dried to the point it will not be long until it is nothing more than the dust Moses spoke of. But doubtlessly if he is the son of God and is coming back he must first leave entirely. How else can he return? Even spiritually he cannot leave and be present at the time. Surely he will return to those he left, a people completely ignorant of him in a place just like this where almost no trace of who and what he really was still exists even in our memories of him. The one thing he can count on is that no truth will remain here even as there was no truth in hell when he went there. Only the dead are here. And obviously there is very little life in my author now. What will happen when his body dies too?

I apologize for spending so much time in the past where the living were. They are not among us now. Even their principles are ill remembered now. Don't you think I know you hate me? It makes it so difficult to love even the more tolerable among you. Ironically the Muslim Extremists you call terrorist are the children of this age, doing what you have forced them to in order that they too might hang onto their delusions. Fathers and mothers of an abusive generation of mankind, wilt though murder your own murderous children and be held blameless? Don't be ridiculous!

In the darkness before this dawning day I said as many before me, “God bless America,” and meant it, but now I say to you American's as well as your enemies, “Do not ask God to bless America. She does no longer exist. There is nothing here that even resembles her or what she stood for. Even her shadow is gone,” in my grief.

You need not be a prophet to see that. You don't even need to be an enemy. If America were yet the best the world had to offer, why would so many know nowadays she has really been dead for decades if not a century. The experiment has clearly failed. Why bless its corpse? What good are the blessings of the dead to the living? Even what they knew is not preferred. There is no one good in her. There is no one wise in her. Even I who loved her memory so very much know it was just that the mere memory of a delusion. Surely there was nothing to her to begin with.

Do you hate me? I know that you do. That has become the way of the devils and demons that have changed you. “You filthy immoral hoard,” the Light will say of you, “Begone from me. I never knew you dogs. And where will you hide, in your churches of hate? Where is your Savior? Satan has no power over me. Bring him here if he ever was in order to have been able to ever be in my presence, even against his will. You goats, where are my sheep that I may love them and bring them into my fold again. Murderers you are just like your Father the Serpent of Old. And you will understand him, even if you do not understand me now, for though it will sound like anger to you, he will say it in grave sadness neigh unto dying himself. He loved you. I yet attempt it. Why do you hate even one of your own at least as much as either of us?

Where wilt thou go? No one will have you. But back to your delusions hoping even then to out live your body. Can you also out live your souls? Why have you all altogether become ridiculous and a shame to your fathers? What is left for you but your own torment? Need he even judge you? I know I do not judge you. You judge yourself. Your own heart convicts you. Even your brain can fathom it, and you know I am right. But your useless will is powerless to save you now. Like him, when this body perishes and no part of me dwells in the streets of your hell, I too shall forget you. And you may forget me. But how will you forget him knowing he is all around you at all times, no longer ignoring you, but having forgotten you for the last time.

Good-bye. I wish we could have been friends.

© 2015 Taffy Lane Writer

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Added on April 29, 2015
Last Updated on May 14, 2015



Taffy Lane Writer
Taffy Lane Writer

Rural, MN

My trilogy "Sojourn" By John F Carver, me, is done with the draft. It is the book I always wanted to write and it took a lifetime to understand that God is real. I learned so much writing this and.. more..
