The Devil Says Thanks
A Poem by Jowm
You make someone proud. 
Devil Says Thanks
Hey, I need to tell you
something. The Devil says thanks. He says that you’ve done a good job, and to
keep up the good work. He’s proud of you, and wants you to stay the way you
are, not fixing your faults, and not taking notice of him. He’s sitting on the sidelines,
cheering you on, occasionally intervening when he wants something changed. But
he is pleased with your work, and is glad you are just the way you are. He
knows all your dark secrets, and is glad you have them. He wants you to keep
them just the way you are, distracting your heart, making you ashamed, and he
wants you to keep them, rather than relying on God to help you take them away
and leave them behind. He wants you to remember your mistakes and failures and
to believe that you are only as good as your worst mistake. He wants you to stay
the way you are, not eliminating your flaws, but only adding to them. Also, he
is the one who gives you your pain, the one who led you to have those dark
secrets, and the one who introduced you to your flaws. He lied to you again and
again, guiding you toward all your mistakes and failures. He told you he had
more for you than God offered, told you anything you wanted to hear, that you
didn’t need God, or that God isn’t real, or that it’s easier to forget about
God, or anything else to convince you to leave Jesus who loves you. But, of
course, the devil can’t make you do anything. He is strong, and deceptive, and
can throw powerful corruption toward you, but it’s up to you to catch it. He can’t
make you fail, or make mistakes, or follow him. So yes, he cheers you on, and
directs you where to step, but you choose to follow. The devil has lies to try to
deceive me, but I hold the truth between the front and back covers of my bible,
and so do you. He can lie to me, try to mislead me, and tempt me all he wants,
but in truth, my worst enemy is me. And your worst enemy is you. Because you
are the one who gives yourself the flaws, who causes yourself to fall for his
lies, who allows yourself to be led by him. Being human, we cannot be perfect
or flawless and will make mistakes, however, force yourself not to give up and
to always follow truth, and you will see that you can, flawed as you are, make
proud the mighty being so perfect he never made mistakes, so loving he died for
us, even those who hate him, and so powerful he can make universes by speaking.
Nope, it’s not easy. It’s crazy hard. But there’s this really cool thing that
is like fuel to keep you going and keep you strong, it’s called the bible. I
looked into it, and found out that, written on those timeless pages, is more
than just words. I found that, if I trust him, and what he has told me on those
pages, he helps me to stand strong, to guide me in the truth, to see through
the devil’s lies. So that is where your strength and trust can safely lie, with
him and his word. So fight, resist, refuse to give in to the devil like so many
others, you can be exceptional, it’s all in whether or not you will give up and
surrender, or stand strong through whatever happens, and always trust in him.
It’s difficult but extremely simple. Please choose to become exceptional, to
stand strong, and to never give up. Otherwise, the devil says thanks.
© 2012 Jowm
Author's Note
Comments, critisism, and pretty much anything else appreciated greatly, as always.
I think this would be better classified as a story rather a poem. Other than that this is amazing. The entirety of a devil thanking you for being rotten and evil is so original and admiring. The lines were really detailed and well done. The sarcasm was cute and I loved every inch of it. The ending was a great way to end it though. All adjectives used and all the pro's and con words really made this a great read. Well done a fabulous write.
Posted 12 Years Ago
Added on June 15, 2012
Last Updated on June 15, 2012
Tags: dark, devil, proud, thanks, god, truth, lie, lies, deception, bible
I am a servant of the one true God and will be for the rest of my days. I am also a big fan of the great Bionicle storyline. I am a writer who hopes you enjoy my work, and who hopes that my writing l.. more..