Escape from Chaos
A Poem by Jowm
Chaos, horror, escape. 
The world whirled
around me, spinning, tipping, frantically flying in all directions. I stumbled
and fell to the ground, too dizzy to stand. The things flew past my face, my
mind was jumbled, I couldn’t think. I thought things made sense, but all that I
lived was a nonsensical lie. The things that flew around me were random, some
truth and some deception. I didn’t know where I was, but I thought I did. I
didn’t know what was happening, but I thought I understood perfectly. It all
seemed to fit in my mind then, but now I look back and see that it all was
anything but sane or rational. But suddenly, in a moment, I was somewhere that
I knew was wrong. At first I didn’t feel bad, but before long, I was horrified,
terrified by the appalling scenes before me. I watched over and over, as
repeatedly skeletons died before me. They seemed to be skeletons, yet they were
alive. They were being murdered, a crowd of them, a crowd that never ran out,
even though there were not many in it. They died, over and over, and I watched
as they were impaled, broken, smashed and stabbed. It was sickening, eventually
I couldn’t take it, I had to leave. I could not stand to watch as they, with
heartbreakingly sad and terrified expressions plain upon their faces, were
killed in shockingly gruesome ways, with no mercy. I could not see their
killer, only the weapons that impaled them, crushed them, ended their lives. I
could not save them, I could not even move. My heart was sick, my mind
dominated by my horror, yet a thought forced its way to the front of my mind;
that I must escape as soon as I could, for the hideousness of what I watched
was too much to bear. I felt two options, I could simply wake and end it all,
escape from the entire world, give up, and leave the whole world behind me,
escaping from the horrible murders. The other option I felt was that I could
fight. I couldn’t move but with my mind I could resist this, I could try to
force these horrors away from me, though it wouldn’t be easy. For some reason,
I chose to struggle to rid myself of these repulsive things rather than taking
the easy way out and waking, parting with the world. I strove to expel the
horrific sights before me, it was not easy, the images tried to return, they
fought my efforts to make them leave. But I persisted, and after a fight, they
stopped. They were gone, the battle was won, and they no longer fought to be
let in. My mind was finally mine again, they were gone.
© 2012 Jowm
Author's Note
Your Comments, reviews, and more greatly appreciated as always.
I am a servant of the one true God and will be for the rest of my days. I am also a big fan of the great Bionicle storyline. I am a writer who hopes you enjoy my work, and who hopes that my writing l.. more..