35mm Film

35mm Film

A Chapter by Solidad

We’d smoothed out some. Not so ruff around the edges.

Or grungy for that matter.

I’d given up that black now faded sweat shirt.

You’d given up that gothic look you once thought you loved.

And Sage began to well…I haven’t quite figured that out yet but she smoothed out too.

Now I wore my Meredith sweat shirt.

It was more grown up.

You became the woman we always knew you were, and you didn’t need black to protect you.

Sage discovered make-up and we all blossomed beautifully.

You quit biting your nails and Sage actually started to paint hers.

It was unbelievable the things we wore, that we now only kept for novelty purposes.

Or a gag gift in the near future.

I often carried around my digital lover and took pictures of the two of you.

Capturing the infamous Smushy Face and Soleil having to stand on a chair just to tell Charolette a secret.

That stupid face we begged her sister to make, and the stuffed animals on your bed.

I snapped pictures of stop signs and steering wheels.

Prom and prom dates.

Silly shirts and angry faces.

Flowers and puppies,

Sad Sam and porn hair.

School events and social gatherings.

Family, friends, you.

Gummy bear theatre and half eaten ice cream.

Bright colors and fake sex positions.

I took them all.

Snapping everything I thought was important.

Giving every picture to Sage.

And making you steal the ones you wanted.

You were still waiting on prom pics.

I owed you…

And I knew it.

Flipping through tears and silly faces I sorted pictures on your bed.

Listening to guitar and lyrics about love.

Your bed was comfortable.

But we had to go to my house.

It was almost time for dinner. And we couldn’t be late for that.

- Signed Jenelise.

Guess I was in one of those moods.

I wanted to be hateful and it was kinda funny. When things didn’t get outta hand.


- Memory as noted by Charolette.

“Good my parents aren’t home,” I sighed in relief.

“And if they were?” you and Charolette said in unison.

“My father would have a conniption fit.”

She laughed at me.


“Because of Josh.”

“He’s not your boyfriend,” you pulled into my driveway.

“Not the point,” I rolled my eyes. I hated it when the two of you ganged up on me like that.

“God forbid you should sit in the same vicinity as a guy,” Charolette mocked.

“F**k you, I don’t wanna get in trouble,” I shot her a bird.

“Too late, they might smell’em on you,” you laughed.

“F**k you both.”

Poor Josh looked around lost in the conversation.

“I don’t wanna get you in trouble,” he looked at me hopelessly.

“You won’t because her parental unit isn’t here,” Charolette answered her boyfriend.

We all empty your jeep and sat and talked to Gemma for a bit.

“So you’re the boy toy,” she said bluntly.

“Um…Sure?” he was confused again. Poor guy, it was just like Charolette to lead a lamb into a lion’s den and expect the lamb to make conversation.

“This is Cruz’s sister Gemma,” she finally came around to introductions.

“And I’m…”

“Josh, nice to meet you,” she cut him off. She was forward what could I say.

“So wheres Mom and Dad?”

“Fishing, they should be back anytime,” Gemma sat down on the steps.

I wrinkled my face.

“And there they are,” you looked a bit wide eyed. All that joking you’d done in the car suddenly wasn’t so funny anymore.

“Should we go?” Josh really was sweet for not wanting to get me into trouble.

“Well,” I sighed, “he’s already seen you.”

“No use in running now,” Gemma laughed.

Introductions were made and suddenly Charolette felt shy.

“Well, we’ll let you guys go since mi madre y padre is home and I’ll holler at you later,” Gemma and Charolette were good friends. You wanted to be that close but you always had your own agenda.

The three of you left, and luckily I didn’t have any explaining to do.

- Memory as noted by Sage.

© 2010 Solidad

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Added on January 31, 2010
Last Updated on January 31, 2010




"I own everything that has happened to me. I'll tell my stories and if people wanted me to write warmly about them; they should've behaved better." -Unknown more..

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