Chapter 2- The Journey Begins

Chapter 2- The Journey Begins

A Chapter by JoshuaRam1099

Lawrence and Matthew begin their journey.


Lawrence was awoken with a start, Matthew had ripped off his covers and told him to ready himself for the days adventure. “Which way to the stables?” he asked, Lawrence told him that it was next to the baker shop down the road, the one Matthew had come in on. 

      “Meet me at the sign that bares the name of your town.” Matthew said. “Hurry and collect the weapons, you have fifteen minutes.” and with that Matthew left the house. Lawrence got up and as quickly as he could and while still in his groggy state he dressed himself. Lawrence left his home and found it nearly pitch dark, for a small crease of orange light was beginning to emerge from the horizon. Lawrence ran down the road to his smith’s shop and entered through the back door. He stumbled around carefully trying to find his way, not wanting to slip on anything and impale himself. 

      Light from the full moon was creeping through the slits in the roof and helped guide Lawrence to the weapons rack. There he chose two freshly foraged swords, they were supposed to be sent to the local lord and his son, but Lawrence figured if he was going to steal he might as well steal the best. “Oh god’s forgive me!” Lawrence thought as he took the swords from the racks. Lawrence then went about gathering sheathes and some small daggers for himself and Matthew. As Lawrence prepared to leave the shop he caught site of an bow and some arrows. Lawrence remembered that Matthew had lost his, so he made a split second decision to get him another one. 

      Fully awake now Lawrence ran from the smith shop and to the sign where Matthew was supposed to meet him. Lawrence waited, for a few anxious minutes, it seemed like he had to wait longer than fifteen minutes before Matthew showed up. Quietly from the darkness Matthew emerged and with him he had two horses. “Did you get the weapons?” Matthew asked. Lawrence nodded and handed Matthew one of the swords, Matthew drew the sword and smiled “High quality metal right here.” He then sheathed the sword again and attached it to his waist. “I also managed to get you this,” Lawrence said handing the bow and arrow’s to Matthew. 

      Matthew grinned when he saw a new bow and arrow “That’s right, I lost mine.” He said taking the bow and arrows. Matthew slung them across his back. Lawrence did like wise with his sword. “You know how to ride?” Matthew asked as he climbed onto his horse. Lawrence nodded and mounted his horse. 

      Matthew looked at him and smiled “Did you ever think this is where you’d be, before I arrived?” Lawrence shook his head. “No, I though life would go on as it always did, boring and peaceful.” Matthew chuckled “Well what’s life without a little adventure.” Lawrence gave a slight smile, for though he was afraid, a small part of him was excited to see what lied beyond. Lawrence and Matthew rode through the town, for there was only one road that lead in and out. As they rode the sun began to rise higher. Suddenly Matthew froze. Lawrence froze next to him trying to figure out why he had suddenly stopped, then in the distance he saw a faint light. 

      “What is that?” Matthew asked. “It’s probably one of the night guards men, they usually protect the upper class portion of the town.” Lawrence replied. The reason for having a guard placed there was because people from the Ambrose clan would sometimes try to steal from the upper class families during the night. 

      Matthew continued on cautiously with one hand holding the grip of his sword. As they neared the light a familiar voice rang out “Who goes there!” it said. Lawrence was about to respond when Matthew stopped him “We are but travelers who are passing through.” Matthew replied. The light moved closer, eventually Lawrence could make out a face behind the light and then he saw it clearly. It was Clive, he had been scheduled for guard duty this night. 

      Lawrence was able to breath a sigh of relief, for he knew that Clive wouldn’t betray him. “What do you want?” Clive asked, apparently unable to clearly see their faces. “We only wish to pass through your town and be on our way.” Matthew replied. Clive moved a bit closer and squinted at them. Suddenly Clive was able to make out Lawrence’s face “Law- Lawrence what are you doing?” he asked, Clive then noticed the swords, and the horses that they rode. “Lawrence, you helped steal all these things? I’m afraid I’ll have to report you to the town magister.” Clive said. Matthew drew out his sword and pointed it at Clive’s face “You will do no such thing, if you try to I will cut out your fat little tongue from your overfeed mouth.” Clive froze with terror, for such violent actions rarely occurred at Green Hill. 

       “Clive please, you don’t understand, I would rather no go, but I have to for reasons that I can’t fully explain right now. Please understand.” Lawrence said, sad that his friend was the one to end up on duty tonight of all nights. “But Lawrence, you were always so honest, and now you’ve become a thief.” Clive said. 

      “I know, but I must go, please I’m begging that you don’t tell anyone.” Lawrence pleaded “And if I do, I suppose your friend here will cut my throat.” Clive said with contempt. Lawrence shook his head “Please Clive, as my friend please do not tell anyone.” Clive looked to Lawrence then back at Matthew, then again to Lawrence, and finally gave a nod. 

      Satisfied, Matthew sheathed his sword “But on one condition.” Clive said. “What’s that?” Lawrence asked. “I get to travel with you.” Matthew chuckled at this “You’re too fat, you’ll slow us down.” Clive scrunched up his face angrily, which admittedly made him look similar to a pig “I am not, and I will not!” Clive spat. Matthew rolled his eyes “Look, we don’t have an extra horse for you, much less the provision’s that will suite your eating habits.” Matthew said. Clive angrily went back into the darkness for a moment before returning with his mule. “I may not have a horse, but my mule will carry me farther than any of your horses could.” Matthew let out a sigh. But he figured it was probably better if the fat boy came with them, that way they didn’t run the risk of him tattling on them. “Alright fine you can join us, but if you can’t keep up we will leave you behind.” Matthew said. Lawrence gave a half hearted smile as his friend climbed onto his horse, for he felt conflicted. Though he wanted his friend to join them, he truly did, but he feared that he might become more of a burden rather than an asset. 

      As they trotted off out of the town Lawrence handed Clive one of the daggers he had stolen. “It’s not much, but I didn’t expect three people.” Lawrence said handing Clive the dagger. Clive smiled and proudly put it on his belt. As they rode the sun began to creep over the horizon, birds began to sing their sweet little tunes, and the small forrest animals began to stir. 

      “So where exactly is this man taking us?” Clive asked Lawrence “Apparently he got involved with some Shadow Creatures. He stole a precious medallion of theirs and now they want him dead.” Lawrence replied. “But then why are you are you with him?” Clive asked. “Because I gave him shelter last night, anybody who aides a shadow creatures prey are then marked to die.” Lawrence said. 

      Lawrence looked over and saw that clive was noticeably shaking “Does that mean I’m on their list also?” he asked. “Yes.” Matthew interjected, he had been listening their conversation. “Oh.” Clive said, finally realizing the danger of the situation. “I try and insist that you to stay behind.” Matthew said. 

      The trio road all the way to midday, it was at this time that Lawrence was able to turn around and survey the land. Lawrence could see his town off in the distance, it was no more than a black smudge on an ever expanding landscape. “Where exactly are we going?” Clive asked, already massaging his sore thighs. 

     “Alexandria, it’s there that we will find answer’s as to what exactly this thing is.” Matthew said. Alexandria was the capital of all mankind, there the great king ruled. The city was also home to the largest collection of books and scholars, if there were answers as to what the item was, it would be found there. 

      The trio ate a good lunch before saddling backup and continuing on their way. As they rode night eventually caught up to them and the three of them set up a makeshift camp site. They sat around a small fire when in the distance they noticed a small glimmer of light, a suspicious thing since this path was hardly ever used by decent folk. 

      Matthew watched the glimmer of the fire intently, and then suddenly it was extinguished. “Wait here.” Matthew said suddenly getting up. Both Clive and Lawrence quickly rose “What is it?” Lawrence asked, but Matthew had already gone. 

      Lawrence and Clive both looked around frantically, they jumped at even the slightest of shadow’s. Twenty minutes went by without and sign of Matthew “He’s gone and left us.” Clive said angrily, but Lawrence was more level headed “No, he wouldn’t leave his horse behind.” Lawrence pointed out. “Heh Heh, or maybe he’s dead.” A strange voice said. Lawrence immediately drew his sword, and Clive his dagger. “Who goes there.” Lawrence said trying to make himself sound brave, though his voice was shaking. “Heh heh, we do.” the voice said.             Suddenly from the darkness two ugly men and one goblin emerged. Goblins were wicked creatures who were known for there hatred of all things good and pure, they were also stronger than men. The two men who accompanied the Goblin where part of the fallen people’s, men who where once pure. 

        “Stay back.” Lawrence said pointing his sword at them “Heh heh, look it’s trying to put on a brave face.” The goblin said “Heh heh, I don’t think he’ll taste very good though, to much muscle,” The goblin said as he sized up Lawrence “But you'll do just nicely, won’t you piggy, heh heh.” Clive trembled when he heard those words, and nearly dropped his dagger and ran, but stopped because he didn’t want Lawrence to think of him as a coward. 

      “Heh heh, why don’t you just drop that sword before you hurt yourself.” The goblin said as he drew an ugly jagged sword from it’s sheath. Lawrence didn’t reply instead he firmly held his ground, but on the inside he was terrified. The goblin suddenly let out a screech as he lunged forward at Lawrence. 

      Even though Lawrence handled swords all day, he did not have proper training in knowing how to wield it. Luckily the goblin that Lawrence was facing was not a master swordsman himself or Lawrence would have already been dead. The two men chased Clive around the fire hooting and hollering like wild animals, while at the same time laughing. Clive had already dropped his dagger and resorted to throwing stones towards his foes. “Go away!” he shouted as he ran. 

      Meanwhile Lawrence struggled to hold his own against the goblin, barely managing to block the blows that the goblin unleashed. The Goblin managed to grab Lawrence’s sword and then punched him in the stomach knocking Lawrence on his back with the wind knocked out of him. “Heh heh, does it hurt poor boy.” The goblin said raising his sword. Lawrence tried to reach for his own sword in vain, but just as the goblin was about to deliver the finishing blow an arrow was driven through the goblins heart. The goblin feel to the floor gasping and clutching it’s chest. Lawrence quickly rose and grabbed his sword. 

      Matthew had returned and was now facing two men. Within a matter of seconds Matthew cut them both down saving Clive from certain death. Clive rose and brushed himself angrily “Where did you go.” he snapped at Matthew. Matthew put away his sword before replying “I went to go investigate the fire, when I arrived I found the camp empty. When I heard you shouting I decided to return.” 

      Clive was not satisfied with this answer as he felt that Matthew had intentionally left them. “Well you sure did take your time of it.” Clive replied picking up his dagger. “Perhaps next time you would rather me leave you to your own fate.” Matthew said growing tired of Clive’s constant complaining. Lawrence looked over at the dead men and began to feel sick as he saw their lifeless corpses. “Never seen a dead man before?” Matthew asked as he whipped off his sword.  Lawrence shook his head, although he had attended funerals he had never seen men actually killed. 

      “We must hide the bodies so as not to arose suspicion.” Matthew said grabbing the dead Goblin by the ankles. With shaking hands Lawrence grabbed one of the men by the ankles and dragged him into the shadows. Matthew tossed the Goblin off a nearby cliff and Lawrence did likewise with the man. Clive came down the path huffing and puffing while trying to remain calm.

       After disposing of the bodies the group sat around the campfire. Lawrence and Clive lit up their pipes in an effort to calm themselves. Matthew pulled out some mutton that he had stolen from the goblin camp and passed it around the group. Lawrence and Clive went to sleep while Matthew stood guard, although Lawrence wasn’t able to get much sleep anyway. Lawrence thought back to his little cottage, the warm fire, soft sheets, a soft bed, and a good mug of ale. He wasn’t even that far from home, yet it still felt like it was a million miles away. 

      This wouldn’t be the last time that Lawrence found himself reminiscing about home before the journey ended. The next day the trio rose early and set off on their way to Alexandria. Despite staying up the entire night Matthew was the most energetic of them all. Unfortunately Clive found himself dosing off more than once which forced Matthew to give him a sharp smack on the back which jolted Clive awake. 

      The trio rode deep into the Melk Forrest, deeper than Clive or Lawrence had ever been. Most people from Lawrence’s town had never been farther than a few yards outside of the town because of the fear of what lies beyond, indeed it was a strange thing that Lawrence enjoyed going out into the woods or to the river, but even then Lawrence was only around the woods edge. 

      As a person journey’s deeper into the woods they are bound to encounter strange beast’s like black bear, or grey serpents, even hogmines are known to roam the woods, and of coarse shadow creatures. Now the woods were dark, and the sun barely managed to slither through the thick tree top canopy, and all around them yellow eyes were watching. “You two stay close.” Matthew said, his hand resting on the handle of his sword. 

      “What are they?” Lawrence asked referring to the strange yellow eyed creatures. “Shadow Cat’s.” Matthew replied “Normally they don’t attack groups of people, instead they wait until a lone traveler comes along and overwhelm him. But with this fellow here we might they might make and exception.” Matthew said referring to Clive. The eyes followed the group closely, stalking them as they went. 

      Clive was tense as he rode along, never did he lower his guard, until they reached a small opening where the sun could come out in full force, only then did the shadow cat’s run off. Clive let out a sigh of relief, the forest once again became a familiar place. A loud screech suddenly went out through the forrest, Matthew tensed up and drew his sword. Lawrence whirled around with his sword drawn also, expecting to see a bold shadow cat that had decided to attack, but what he saw horrified him even more. 

      Four riders cloaked in black were approaching. The faces were smooth and featureless save for a mouth with cracked lips. They hissed and screeched with the most ear piercing of sounds. They carried ugly black swords, similar to the goblin, but thiner and blacker.

      “Shadow Creature’s!” Clive exclaimed trembling in his saddle. “Run, we cannot fight them.” Matthew exclaimed. Matthew took off with his horse and Lawrence and Clive followed close behind. Lawrence did not look back, but he heard the wretched noises of the creatures grow ever closer. In the corner of his eye he saw black figures gaining. Lawrence whipped his horse and caught up to Matthew. 

      With what courage he had, Lawrence looked back and saw Clive struggling to keep up, and the shadow creatures getting closer. Clive’s mule would go for a day and a night, but was hopeless when it came to speed. “Matthew, Clive’s falling behind!” Lawrence shouted. Matthew looked back and saw the creatures nearly upon Clive. Matthew reached into his pocket and pulled out the medallion, he handed it to Lawrence. 

      “Take it. They still think I have it.” Matthew said. “What will you do?” Lawrence asked taking hold of the medallion. “I will distract them, but you two must go on ahead, there’s a small town down the road. I will meet you there, but if I’m not there by sunrise tomorrow morning, you must journey on to Alexandria alone.” Lawrence pocketed the medallion, and with a sudden jerk Matthew pulled his horse to the right. Matthew disappeared into the forrest with the four riders in close pursuit. 

      Lawrence slowed his horse to a brisk trot and allowed Clive to catch up. “Wh- Where did he go?” Clive asked, his voice shaking. “He went off to distract them,” Lawrence replied “Come we must continue on to the next town.” Clive let out a groan “Why? They are after him, not us. What’s the point in further risking our lives for him?” Lawrence pulled out the medallion that Matthew had given him “This is what they’re after, Matthew gave it to me to bring to Alexandria, and I intend to do just that.” 

      Lawrence put away the medallion and began to trot off down the path. Clive let out a sigh and caught up next to him. Suddenly another screech was heard throughout the woods. Clive and Lawrence turned and saw a lone shadow creature riding up behind them. The creature had been ordered to turn around and catch the two stragglers. 

      “What are we going to do.” Clive asked with  hopelessness in his voice. Lawrence hadn’t the slightest clue “Just keep riding as fast as you can.” Was all Lawrence could respond with. The two rode on with the creature gaining ever closer. As they road they found themselves approaching a small river that cut across the path. Figuring the creature would eventually catch them as they crossed the water Lawrence readied himself for a final fight. 

      The shadow creature was not more than a few yards away when the horses made contact with the water. But when Lawrence turned around with his sword raised he saw that the creature had halted. Clive looked at Lawrence bewildered that the creature decided to stop his pursuit at the store. The creature looked at them with an ugly face and raised one of it’s boney fingers at them. Shaken the two travelers continued across the river until they reached the other side. 

      When Lawrence turned around once more he found that the creature had disappeared. Lawrence sheathed his sword and continued with Clive down the path without anymore trouble. In the back of Lawrence’s mind though, he thought of the worst possible out come for Matthew. The two came across a small travelers town where people from all walks of life gathered. They rode in and found a decent stable for the horses. It was a lucky thing that Clive had come along, for he had money to pay for lodging, and food. 

      The two of them took shelter at a nice little keep where some of the amenities that Lawrence had missed were now abundant. After finishing a pint of ale Clive inquired about how they should go about traveling to Alexandria “We don’t have a map, we don’t have food, and we’re running low on money.” Clive said. “I know, but I’m sure it can’t be too hard to find somebody with knowledge about how to get to Alexandria.” Lawrence said “Not to mention Matthew could arrive at any moment.” 

      Clive nodded, but still unconvinced, and went to retrieve another pint of ale. While Clive was off searching for a pint of ale a man approached Lawrence, he took a seat across from him. He was a gruff man, and wore a leather armor, and  had long jet black hair. When he spoke he did so with a deep voice “I couldn’t help but over hear that you need someone to take you to Alexandria.” he said “I know the way, and I would be happy to help assist you on your journey.” he continued.

 Lawrence was suspicious of the man, for he didn’t seem like the type to willing provide services out of the goodness in his heart. “I’m afraid you must have misheard, we do not need any assistance, for we already have a guide.” 

      Just then Clive arrived with the ale. The man looked up at Clive “What, him?” he said pointing at Clive “I beg your pardon sir?” Clive replied. The man looked up at Clive and scoffed “You can’t trust folk like him.” The man said “If you run into trouble you think a thing like him will have your back? No I suspect he’ll leave the first time trouble occurs.” Clive scrunched up his face angrily 

“I appreciate the offer sir, but we have had a long day and do not wish to be bothered any longer. We do not need your services at the moment, but again we appreciate the offer.” The man stood up to leave, he was upset at being shot down, but decided to offer his services one last time. 

      “Should you need a competent guide, I will be here until noon tomorrow.” With that he walked away. Clive took a seat across from Lawrence “We need to be careful, strange folk inhabit this town.” 

Later that night Lawrence again found himself in a restless slumber. He worried about Matthew’s fate and if he had managed to evade the Shadow Creatures, and if he had been caught then they would most certainly figure out that he did not have medallion and would then begin to hunt down Lawrence mercilessly. 

      Lawrence shuddered at the thought and sat up in his bed. He pulled out the medallion and examined it. The craftsmanship was nothing special, even the most mediocre of jewel cutters could make the rubies and emeralds, but it was the stone in the center that mesmerized him. 

      He reached out to touch it and when he did he experienced a jolt of heat that burned his finger. Lawrence reeled back in shock before quickly putting the medallion away. That night he had strange dreams of figures dancing in the night, light was swirling all around them and in the middle was a strange but familiar figure. 

© 2016 JoshuaRam1099

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I'm new to this, so please critique anything that needs improvement.

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Added on June 11, 2016
Last Updated on June 11, 2016