![]() LoomingA Chapter by Joshua Kyle![]() Working on the next chapter!Alot of cool stuffiscomingup so keep reading! Also my laptopbroke soI'm writing this on a tablet. *Ignore errors*![]() Shadow stood over Mae. The heart monitor beeping softly. "Mae." He whispered, brushing her cheek gently. "I really didn't want it to have to come to this." She coughed. Blood dribbled from the corner of her mouth. "What can you do that they haven't already tried, you can break this body but you cannot break my spirit." His lips parted revealing a sadistic smile. "It's been a thousand years Mae, even old dogs can learn new tricks. I have no intention of breaking this body." He pulls the syringe from her wrist. Her image writhes, she screams as her body remolds itself. Wrinkles tighten, gray hair turns black, youth replaces age. "The hearth in Olympus grows cold, my dear Hestia." He lays the now limp body over his shoulder. "By the morning you'll be rid of these perposterous notions." He opened the window, breathing in the cool breeze. For the last thousand years he had grown tired, but the accident had changed that. He smirked. You can't run away from who are, even if you become a nightmare. He closed his eyes and jumped. Breathe in. Breathe out. Willow opened her eyes. The clock by her bed glowed 6:30, dimly illuminating her room. She rolled over. Moving was too much effort. She nestled her cheek against her pillow. She loved sleep. In fact she loved sleep almost as much as she loved August. She was so awkward when it came to August. She had never been good at showing emotion. She smiled thinking back to the day before. "Oh god no," She giggled. "I can't believe I cried on her." She rolls over and grabs her phone, typing August's number in as she unplugs the phone charger. The call went straight to voicemail. *click* *You have now reached August Quinn! Leave a message.* Willow paused, that was weird. August always left her phone on, but she probably just has a lot on her mind. She made a mental note to ask when she picked her up for school. They needed to get August's car. Willow pulled herself out of bed. She tiptoed into the kitchen. Her Mom and Dad both worked the nightshift, so she always tried not to wake them. She loved and hated the fact they were gone so much. Yea having no curfew was great, but sometimes it felt like her parents weren't even there. She opened the fridge; the bare shelves were just another reminder of how hungry she was. With a sigh she rests her hands on her rumbling stomach; just another item to add to the list. An hour later Willow pulled her car in front of August's house. A new patch of ivy grew from the flower bed up the side of the house; wreathing the familiar green door in small white flowers. She walked up the steps and knocked on the door. No answer. She knocked again. "August? Are you in there?" Still no answer. She tried the backdoor with the same result. She sat on the steps."August.. Where did you go?" Raven's head still hurt; and he still couldn't put his finger on what he forgot. If anything his memory seemed even cloudier. He parked his Dad's pick up truck and walked towards his unescapable meeting with death. Also known as Biology. This was going to be a long day. He reached his locker only to find his day would be even longer. He had been graced by a visit from the outstanding, illustrious, gorgeous, infuriating, Brittney Meyers. He wondered to himself if she even knew what any those words really meant. He decided to have fun with it. "Hi Brittney, you look infuriating today." She smiled. "Thanks! It's an all new outfit." A few nearby students chuckled. Brittney wasn't exactly the brightest bulb in the bunch. She was excelling through highschool; one well placed blowjob after another. Now that Raven was in a slightly better mood he closed the locker. "What do you want Brittney?" She gently tugs the lollipop in her mouth in and out. "What made you think I wanted anything?" Raven's slightly better mood went out the window. "Ummmm three things Brittney.. Firstly, I'm gay. Secondly, you hate me. Thirdly, when do you ever talk to anyone you don't want something from?" She sighs. "Fine then, ruin the fun of it. I need to get some beer for the senior party on friday; Stephen got suspended and no one cares what you nobodies do, it'd be cake." He runs his hand through his chestnut brown hair. "And why on earth would I do this for you?" Brittney reaches in her purse. "Because I'll pay you, and if you deliver I won't fight with August this semester. No strings attached" Alley watched from across the hall as Raven finished talking with the other student. Now was his chance, he shouldered his bag and strode across the room. "Hey there Mr.Raven" Raven turned to face the newcomer. "I'm Alley, remember?" His face brightened. "Alley from the alley, I didn't know you went here. Its good to see you, now that I feel somewhat in my right mind." Alley smiled. "Well, maybe now I can actually get to know you." Raven glanced over him, deciding he cut a much better figure in the daylight. "I'd like that. Want to walk me to class?" Alley shifted back and forth on his feet. "I would say yes but I'm late as it is. I wanted to know if you wanted to come over, I'm writing a report on school bullying. I'm trying to graph stereotypes and a few other factors. Would that be okay?" Raven smiled. "Wow Alley, I hadn't pegged you for a brainiac. Sure. Meet me at lunch and you can tell more." Spinning lights blinded me. Soft music came from somewhere unseen. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Two figures stood before me. Dad spoke first. "That's right Honey, open your eyes. It's okay now." Mom sat on my bed and hugged me tight. "You were having a nightmare." My eyes adjust, I'm back in my room. "What? No, I just fell asleep? Am I dreaming?" I question as my eyes search the room for imperfections,signs this isn't real. Dad holds up his hands. "What? Don't I look real enough?" Mom and I giggle. He scoops me up in his arms and carries me down the hall with Mom following close behind. "Your Mom, impatient as always, finished your birthday present last night." She opens their bedroom door, Dad sets me on the bed. "What? Does this mean I can open it tonight? Please?" Mom pulls out a small square box tied with a velvet red bow. "Go ahead." I gently slide off the ribbon, and pull open the lid, eyes wide with curiousity. Dad nudges Mom and smiles, as I pull out the necklace. "What is it?" Mom gets on her knees and puts the necklace around my neck. "Its called the Luna Trifecta. You know the bad things in your dreams?" I nod slowly. "As long as you wear this, no matter what happens they can't hurt you. You'll be safe." I run my finger over the silver necklace. "Promise?" Mom and Dad glance nervously at each other, then back to me. Dad holds my hand. "Of course." Mom kisses my cheek. "Keep it safe baby." I smile and hug them both. "Thank you." Downstairs the doorbell rings, Dad shuffles nervously. Mom asks him to answer it and picks me up. "What is it Mom?" She smiles and tells me its just a friend. I could tell she was lying. Her eyes were full of fear. Dad's voice echoed from downstairs. "Vanessa, Its time. Hide August." My mind goes fuzzy, and fear fills every thought. I whimper as Mom pulls the vent off the wall. Everything seems to familiar. She slides me in and closes it behind. "Mommy and Daddy will be right back okay? We're gonna play the quiet game, so no matter what happens don't make a sound." Tears stain her cheeks. I hated the quiet game. She whispered she loved me softly, and a feeling of dread filled the room. The silence was shattered by footsteps on the stairs, Mom sat on the bed and kept her chin high. Dad entered the room with a woman and two men dressed in black. The woman looked to be in her thirties but her skin looked stretched and aged, the man beside her wore a mask. The other man made a shiver run down my spine. His long black hair was swept back into a fedora, his black trenchcoat hid his face except his eyes. His eyes darted around the room, piercing every crevice. Nothing escaped his gaze. The woman spoke. "Mr. And Mrs. Quinn. I trust you know why I am here?" They stay quiet, Mom clutching Dad tightly. "I trust you know Morpheous? He goes by Shadow these days. It seems he absorbed his brothers powers during the accident." Mom winces. "Good for us, bad for you." She snaps her fingers and he steps forward. "Search their minds, if they protest we will harvest the memories from their souls." He bows deeply. "Yes my lady." Mom falls to her knees in front of the woman. "Please Dr.Everette you don't have to do this. We never meant for this to happen." Tears fall from her eyes like rain. "Oh but you leave me no choice, you steal from me? Break our contract? And then have the audacity to ask forgiveness? Consider this my answer." She coldly nods to Shadow. He smirks and raises his hands. Mom and Dad scream and clutch their heads. Tears roll down my eyes, I cover my ears but I can't drown it out. He lowers his hands, they lay suspended in the air. "I have all I could gather." Dr.Everette turns to the other man. "Shinigami..." He bows, pulling a scythe from his trenchcoat. "Bring me their souls." He grips his grisly tool. "With great pleasure." I close my eyes. I cannot bear to watch the scene before me. Two sickening thuds and a scream later, I am alone. All alone. I lay in the darkness. I gather my courage and push open the grate. Mom and Dad lay on the floor. I close their eyes and cry. "I'm sorry I couldn't keep quiet." I stayed there day and night. Not sure of what to do, I sank lower and lower, then they came. It started as a whisper, slowly growing with the passing of days. "Come with us." They called."You don't belong here." They pleaded "Join us in death." They screamed. The spirits of dead children and lost souls reached out from the floor and wall, grabbing at me, pulling me down to hell. "Help me." I whispered with what breath I had left. "Help me." Willow sighed, August just hadn't been acting right lately. Then again, who had been acting right lately. She propped her head up on her arms and stared out over the Quinn's small yard. She'd always loved the West Brooke Suburbs, quaint houses with perfect little yards, but above all, happy families. Every family except her's. Happy families, she mused, images flooded her mind of summer days spent in this yard. She shook her head, her family would never be happy, she lost that chance the day August's parents died. They had been to her what her own parents would never be. She would spend weeks at a time here when her parents fought. This was home, but even this home was broken; the long grass, peeling paint, and rusty station wagon were only outward signs of that. The air hung heavy with sorrow, and lost love. "August...." Willow whispered to the wind. "Please be safe." August had been her everything for the past ten years. She could still remember standing by the sidewalk crying, covered with fresh bruises. August had held her hand and gently wiped away her tears, her eyes bright with compassion. "Whats wrong? Are you okay?" Willow nodded trying to hide her bruises. "Who did this?" She pointed back towards her house. "My Dad, we just moved in." August pulled out a ring pop and handed it to her. "I'm sorry, take this. They always make me feel better." Willow pushed her hand away. "No Mom would get mad, I'm not supposed to take candy from strangers." August put the candy in her hand and held it tight. "Silly, this means we're best friends. My name is August." She took the ring pop. "I'm Willow." August smiled. "Want to come over for dinner?" Willow nodded, then glanced back towards her house and shook her head. "I can't, it'd probably make Daddy angry." She touched the bruise on her arm. August stood up as straight as an eight year old could. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." Willow looked up at her new hero, standing tall, half covered in mud, a head of tangled hair and an oversized shirt that came down to her rain boots. She smiled, August looked more heroic then superman, spiderman and all of the powerpuff girls combined. "Promise?" August heldup her pinky. "I promise." Willow stood up and walked to her car. A voice came from behind her. "Hey there Willow." She turned. A girl around her twenties stood with her hands on her hips in the road. She tossed her auburn hair over her shoulder and met Willow's eye. She gasped, she remembered those eyes. Piercing blue eyes. The eyes of an... Willow whispered. "Angel?"
© 2013 Joshua Kyle |