![]() Galactic Marines sequealA Chapter by Josh Island![]() searching for galaxys and universes to call home![]() GALACTIC MARINES
Joshua Island and
GALAXIES AND UNIVERSES.....................................1
ALPHA CENTURY WAR..........................................2
PLANETS WITH LIFE..........................................3
UPGRADED SPACE SHIPS.......................................4
KILLOW OVER POPULATES......................................5
MANAGE ISTY JOINS LEXI’S UNIT..............................6
HORNEY ATHLETIC FEMALES....................................7
SEARCH FOR NEW PLANETS.....................................8
SPACE MISSION..............................................9
SPACE SIMULATION TRAINING........................................10
MANAGE ISTYS SPACE PILOT TEST..............................11
KILLOW TURNS INTO A LESBIAN................................12
DEEP SPACE ASTROID BATTLE.................................13
MASS VIOLENT WAR BETWEEN GALAXIES..........................14
MANAGE ISTYS SPACE MISSION.................................15
KILLOW DESTROY LEXIS WORLD..............................16
HALF MALE POPULATION DESTROYED..........................17
SPACE SEX...............................................18
MANAGE TEAMS UP WITH LEXI...............................19
KILLOW VS MANAGE ISTY...................................20
SPACE SHIP BATTLE.......................................21
SPACE PIRATES...........................................22
DEEP SPACE SURVIVAL.....................................23
SAGDEG GALAXY BATTLE....................................24
BLACK HOLE DESTRUCTION..................................25
PLANET NIVATION.........................................26
SEARCH FOR NEW HOME IN THE STARS........................27
A light purplish, bright bluish mix reddish brown star field, in a pitch black oceans of brownish pitch black red oceans of space, pearling beyond the nebula we happen to catch a glimpse of a bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship in the middle of an Astroid belt in the void, seeing few shooting stars in the distance. We see Chi and Manage Isty fixing the engine after it quit on them in the wormhole.
Facing the back of the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship we see Manage Isty handing Chi the last engine fan peace, seeing Chi put it back into place, he screws it on with a futuristic light up charged power tool, seeing flayers streak across it and sparks spewing out.
Chi grabs Manage arms as they backs away from the light up charged engine. “Okay Lexi do it!” CHI responds in a male voice
Inside the high tech futuristic cockpit, with pop up digital displays control pop up buttons on the mean look windscreen rotating, Lexi hovers her hands over the futuristic control panel, the U shape futuristic yoke transforms out of the bottom of the control panel opens up like an iPad.
The u shape futuristic yoke turns sharply left and right, rotates sideways for lift and descents. Lexi pushes the futuristic u shape, yoke forward the nose of the ship goes down, Lexi pushes the u shape yoke backwards the ships nose points up, From Manage point of view staring at Chi floating next to him, looks back at the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship, pulling its noes up, Chi radios Lexi.
Inside the high tech cockpit facing the mean look windscreen with rotating pop up images Lexi hovers her fingers on them leveling out the ship, Lexi sways Lexi, we see stars sway right of the dented mean look windscreen.
Outside the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship, Chi tapping his futuristic radio to get it to work, Manage point of view floating behind Chi seeing the ship levels out. Inside the high tech futuristic cockpit facing Lexi face seeing her take a deep breath, then... “Engines on!” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Engines online” A female computer responds in a erotic female voice
Facing the mean look windscreen, with rotating pop up images, we see the words engines pop up an inch on the mean look windscreen seeing a loading red bar pop up an inch with white rotating lines rotating to the left as the red bar fill up half way, we feel the war of the engines and a big rumble as the ships engines spool up.
Facing the back of the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship facing the huge curved colorful light up charged engines, we see, purplish red flames spew of the colorful light up charged engines spewing out right in are faces.
Back inside the high tech cockpit facing the mean look windscreen with rotating pop up images seeing the loading progress bar complete, the loading pop up bar underneath the pop up word engine disappears as the engines come on line.
Lexi rubs the futuristic control panel feeling the vibrations feeling the rumble on her stomach and waist from the colorful light up charged rocket engines spooling up. “Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, yeah yeah, yeah, uh, yes, yes, oh BABY!!!” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Having an orgy?” Chi responds on radio
Lexi thrust her head back after feeling her self and her bestie sweaty hot throbbing hard rock body and feeling her big hard rock but. “Uh, I want a female on top of me Chi, hook me up?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “I will after you hook up your brother, HELP HIM ILL HELP YOU!” Chi responds on radio
“Tis, fine!! copy, bringing you guys in” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice
Lexi floats in the futuristic cabin, inside the futuristic cabin of the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship the pink and purplish lights activate, Lexi hovers her hands on the pop up digital red and blue scanner the hovering futuristic plush luxurious leather soft egg shape seats that lights up underneath transforms from underneath the floor of the ship, the futuristic egg shape seats rotates facing us as it s back in attaches to the wall of the ship.
Chi and Manage floating and dogging through Asteroids speeding past them, Chi duck, punches a huge rock causing debris to spew out in are faces.
Chi covering Manage as they quickly floats towards the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship. Manage gets hit by an Astroid, Chi burst out laughing. “I knew it, no space alien females out here has the balls to go out with Lexi’s baby brother” Chi responds “They have no balls, guts, or responsibilities, to have sex with this stud or go out with me, their such baby's!” Manage Isty responds In a male voice “Boy This can't be easy for you” Chi responds in a male voice “It's true, none have the balls to sleep with me cry baby's, I'll give that one female credit in math class back in grade school that was all over me in a empty class room alone, she was AWSOME, but the rest of the females, why can't they be like the girl that was bold enough to tell me to pull my pants down? Hun why?” Manage Isty responds in a male voice as he throws a peace of rock at Chi’s stomach.
We see a shooting star in the distance of star clusters as Chi throws one back at Manage, Manage spreads out his arms, taking in deep breaths, bends over, spreads legs wide open and leaps in the air spends around, Manage Isty lets out all of his breath starts breathing normally. “Run on home to your mammas p***y’s I know some one for you Manage that will get the job done” Chi responds in a male voice
Back inside Lexi steps in the futuristic light up airlock, hovers her hands on the digital handle, the futuristic slide door transforms opens, from Lexi’s point of view Chi and Manage coming in hot, Lexi holds out her arms, facing her waist as Manage and Chi whams hardcore right into Lexi, Chi’s head lands right on Lexi’s p***y, Lexi trust her head back, seeing the futuristic slide door transforms close, shut.
The futuristic airlock door behind Lexi transforms and slides open Chi rubbing her head on Lexi’s p***y trying to get up, making Lexi’s curvy bestie athletic slimy waist grind up and down, from rubbing to hard forcing Lexi to lay flat on the ground grabbing Chi’s head in a submission, holding it tight on Lexi’s p***y tell Lexi has an orgasim.
Lexi has one, her eyes row backwards into her head, hearing her heavy breathing while gazing at her hot slimy wet oily sweaty athletic bestie chest and big sweaty b***s.
Chi, Manage, and Lexi exit the light up charged airlock, Chi sits in the hovering luxurious light up egg shape seats, the shoulder hornets transforms and come down over his shoulders.
Chi puts on his light up futuristic seat belt. Looks up at us starring at Manage and Lexi. “Guess what? I may have found a female for you, she is in the SAGDEG Galaxy a thousand Lightyears from Alpha Century, now I'm gonna let you fly the ship but promise me, you want crack up on us?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice raising her eyebrow “I'll do it” Manage Isty responds in a male voice
Manage Isty floats back to the flight deck, straps in to the luxurious leather soft hovering egg shape seat. The light up charged shoulder hornets transforms over his shoulders, straps him in, Manage puts on his light up charged seat belts.
Manage gases at the rotating pop up images on the mean look windscreen, looking at the stars out in space. “Alright crew let's see what I can do” Manage Isty responds in a male voice
The u shape yoke transforms out like an iPad out of its protective case popping up an inch on the mean look windscreen, Manage looks down over at the futuristic navigation display with pop up images, Manage hovers his hands an inch over we see the in tire Galaxy map pop up an inch in are face.
Manage hovers his fingers on the Galaxy map Manage scrolls down and left pass star systems and Galaxy’s tell he sees the SAGDEG Galaxy.
Manage hover taps the SAGDEG Galaxy we zoom on the planet, Dimond, The cornets locked and secured, Galaxy map disappears before Manage hovers his hands an inch on the pop up throttles, Lexi comes in sits on the hovering egg shape luxurious leather soft seat on the right side of Manage. “Good luck flying, just don't do anything crazy to make them think you don't have a space pilots license yet” Lexi Isty responds in a kinky female voice as her light up charged shoulder hornets transforms over her shoulder see Lexi fasten her light up charged seat belt.
Manage Isty takes deep breaths. “Here we go” Manage Isty responds in a male voice
Manage hovers his hands an inch over the pop up light up charged throttles pushes them up to the red line, we feel the war of the engines rubbing up, sounding like a seven thirty seven slash rocket engine, then on the mean look windscreen we see the pop up numbers pop up an inch read 99 percent, then feeling a big rumble as we begin to see stars stretch in are faces facing the mean look windscreen with rotating pop up images.
In the back of the futuristic cabin we hear alarms all over the ship seeing red lights aluminate then shuts off three seconds later.
Outside the back of the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship we see reddish purplish flames spew out right in are faces, inside the high tech cockpit Manage and Lexi are being pushed back hard in their luxurious soft plush leather egg shape seats, inside the futuristic cabin Chi sways to the left.
Inside the high tech cockpit facing the mean look windscreen with pop up images, from Manage point of view as the warm hole appear, quickly pops up quickly closing in on are faces.
Then outside the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship as we see it do a three hundred and sixty degree demential drift hard turn to the left.
Then the ship begins to stretch, we then begin to see stars stretch forming around the ship, inside the brownish colorful dark warm hole we see the nose of the ship comes inside, then few seconds later, BOOM!!!!!!
The bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship accurate in the warm hole feeling the rumbling war as we see the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship jumps into hump drive traveling inside the warm hole, as we see it closes after the ship quickly accurate all the way in hard and fast in the warm hole.
We then see nothing but stars and oceans of space, dwarfs and Asteroids after the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship disappear in the warm hole.
Inside the warm hole the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship traveling far doing curves and tight turns going through two ripple bumps from every accuration they travel from going at a high rate of speed.
Inside the high tech cockpit facing the mean look windscreen with rotating pop up images, Manage puts the ship on auto pilot turns to Lexi.
“Hey, may I ask I understand you know I " I personally have a hard time with getting a female in bed with me, but what makes you so sure I'll get a girl hyped up about having oral SEX!!” Manage responds in a male voice winding his eyes “Manage, let me show you something” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice
The planet Dimond, a reddish, blueberry mix alien world pops up an inch on the mean look windscreen, seeing clouds, and rain poring from the bottom few storm clouds, seeing different kinds of space ships leave planet Dimond on the mean look windscreen.
Manage hover tape his hands on Planet Diamond drags the planet towards him and spends it around, playing with the pop up image on the mean look windscreen like a basket ball. “Wow I hit a basket, in space! Now may I ask, why you chose planet Diamond?” Manage responds in a male voice
Lexi hover her hands an inch on the rotating pop up images, swipes the pop up rotating planet to the right, reveals details descriptions of planet Diamond, an video images of the exotic gorgeous alien world at the bottom of the description.
The video showing, a peaceful environment with space animals, Amazon, Highest mountains reaching the stratosphere, she shows Manage a Galaxy map pops up an inch on the navigation display.
Manage hover taps his finger on the rotating pop up image Galaxy map, we hear a beep follow by a DEEEEOOOOOO sound, we also see planet Diamond on the Galaxy Map.
We see beautiful, gorgeous, athlete, bestie, toned, ripped, oily smiley, eleven feet tall Amazon women on planet Diamond in the pop up video screen below the planets description.
Seeing the Amazon space alien females in the dirty south part of the Amazon where their always HORNEY and want to make love not to be in relationships.
We see the space alien amazons playing, working, and practicing safe sex on each other, while getting ready for hand to hand combat we can see on the pop up video monitors on the mean look windscreen. “Now little brother, the reason for are visit to the SAGDEG Galaxy is to not only find life on this planet, but to get you experience with a female in bed before you join my devision, where arriving in three, so your ready?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Yeah!” Manage Isty responds in a male voice “There is a space port not far from Ehgun Amazon on planet Diamond, where sky diving towards Ehgun, let Chi know in the back” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice
Manage picks up the digital futuristic inter come mic. “Ladies and aliens we would like to thank you for flying air Lexi, please fasten your seat belts, we'll be arriving in three seconds, also where sky diving to the village” Manage Isty responds in a male voice
Inside the futuristic cabin of the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship Chi lifts his head up eyes winding. “WHAT!!” Chi responds
Inside the high tech cockpit Lexi clears the rotating pop up images, only see the pop up throttles, the horizon indicator, speed and attitude on both sides.
The u shape yoke transforms out of the futuristic control panel like an iPad, on both sides by Lexi and Manage. Lexi flips pop up switches after setting the cornets.
Manage hovers his hands an inch on the pop up throttles, whams them down to the redline, facing the mean look windscreen from Manage point of view, we see the warm hole opening seeing nothing but darkness at the end, behind the rotating pop up images.
We then begin to see stars stretch, then planet Diamond quickly pops in are faces, like someone coming from behind the corner. We see a few bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ships flying through space, passing through Astroid Storm.
Punching through and dogging past hovering advertisements and a broken satellite, Lexi parks the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship in planet Diamond’s orbit.
Manage holds the futuristic u shape yoke tell Lexi comes back from speaking with Chi. “Hey Manage, I trust you with this stuff, now just practice flying, don't do a de orbit burn or we burn up on re entry got it?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Yes sis” Manage responds in a male voice.
Lexi kisses Manage on the lips, and floats back to the futuristic cabin, outside the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship, we see the gangster enemy athletic soap shape combat futuristic space ships four of them, pops out of the warm hole, out of hump drive closing in on the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship.
Inside the high tech cockpit Manage rotates the ship upside down, rotates the ship noes up planet now facing the left side of the ship, Manage looks to the right and left quickly close on his face seeing they haven't moved an inch. “Hey sis!” Manage responds in a male voice
We see sonic purple white brown lights coming out of light up charged cannons of the gangster athletic soap shape enemy combat futuristic space ships come on.
Meanwhile back in the futuristic cabin Chi bulked up, Lexi floats towards Chi, Lexi grabs hold to his shoulder hornets, Lexi lifts her head up at Chi reveal her long slimy throbbing wet neck. “Hey Chi, where gonna parachute out, the planets at war with the alien gangsters” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Yeah I know s**t there watching us” Chi responds
Lexi looks behind her, eyeing us staring at the futuristic window behind her long alien tail. From Chi’s point of view, we see him staining at Lexi’s long shiny wet sweaty neck all the way down her bestie athletic sweaty, slimy, wet perky chest down to her big shiny wet Brest.
Chi looks over at Lexi’s rock hard but gazing at her long alien tail seeing soap shape enemy gangster combat space ships with their weapons arm from outside through the futuristic window.
Lexi looks back at us, ducks her head down, getting Chi’s attention. “You have a hot rod body, I wanna ride you” Chi responds “Wanna take it for a spin? Or do you wanna rescue the aliens on planet Diamond?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “May I have both with a side order of whip cream?” Chi responds
Lexi shakes Chi then stops when their being hit by the space alien gangsters. Lexi floats over towards the futuristic elevator lift, takes her down to the living corders of the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship floats past the kitchen, two light up charged futuristic hovering bunk beds.
Down to the futuristic emergency bay of the ship, Lexi punches the touch steal futuristic glass window that breaks, glass spew out in are face.
Grabs three light up charged futuristic parachute’s floats back up towards the futuristic elevator lift, the ship Jules and rolls left and right as its being hit.
Lexi grabs hold trying to catch her balance rushes towards the light up charged elevator lift, takes her up towards the futuristic cabin.
Inside the futuristic cabin we here alarms sound, seeing red lights aluminate all over the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic combat space ship.
Finally Lexi appears quickly floating towards Chi, passing him the futuristic light up charged parachute’s. “Quick where gonna bail get ready to jump” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice
Chi puts the light up charged futuristic parachute on Lexi floats up towards the high tech cockpit. Inside the high tech cockpit Manage got the city on planet Diamond set.
Manage whams the pop up futuristic throttles up towards the red red line, he opens the rotating pop up weapons systems that pop up on the mean look windscreen.
Manage Isty hover taps on the light up charged futuristic tractor beam and EMP futuristic warhead, hover taps on the pop up button, ship opens fire, Manage whams the pop up u shape yoke up forcing the nose of the ship to go all the way up to a steep ninety degree climb on its back, Lexi grabbing hold of his light up charged hovering wolf leather egg shape seat struggling easing her way to the hovering egg shape seat on the right side of Manage Isty.
Outside the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship facing the front of the ship as its firing its weapons at us at the enemy gangster soap shape combat futuristic space ships.
Seeing flayers streak across the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship back, facing the back of the ship as reddish dark pink ion plasma balls shoots back at us, facing the enemy gangster soap shape combat futuristic space ship, as its weapons are firing at the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship, both fire back at each other close on their weapons and nukes as the enemy ship catches fire, blows up in a huge eighty thousand feet high fire ball blast right in are faces.
Seeing the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship punches through the fire ball, inside the high tech cockpit facing the mean look windscreen through the rotating pop up images we are punching through ninety thousand feet high fire ball of flames and weapons firing at us, Manage puts the ship in a dive dogging through weapons.
Inside the high tech cockpit we see Lexi struggling to get in her hovering futuristic plush leather luxurious egg shape seats, her waist grinding up and down trying to get settled in.
Light up charged shoulder hornets transforms over Lexi’s shoulders strapping her in tight, Lexi fastens her light up seat belts. “Gangster space ships every where!” Manage responds “Avoid them! Then plunge towards the planet, level out in the stratosphere!” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice
Outside the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship facing the back side, as we fly through blasters, retractor beam weapons flying all over, the ship banks left, dogged under neath enemy ships.
The purplish reddish flames increase in are faces, weapons fire from the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship, then does a three hundred and sixty degree, demential drift, c***s it's nose up to one hundred degrees on its back.
Punching through soap shape combat futuristic gangster space ships, blowing up in a hellish two hundred feet high fire ball of flames.
Facing the front of the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship weapons firing at us chasing the ship all the way down the planet.
A dozen more closes in from behind, then we begin to see reddish orange flames surrounding the space ships at they re enter the planets atmosphere.
The bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship takes a huge ninety degree plunge, inside the high tech cockpit we see Lexi holding on to the futuristic control panel, while trying to stabilize the ship, hover tap on the futuristic u shape yoke on the mean look windscreen.
Outside facing the back of the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship we see weapons firing from the ship firing at the enemy ship as it blows up in the atmosphere in a hellish three hundred thousand feet high fire ball flames.
We sway around the front side of the ship to see more gangster enemy space ships shooting at the ship, fazers and blasters in the back open fire on the enemy gangster ships.
A few blow up in the atmosphere in five thousand feet high fire ball of flames, reddish, purple engine flames from the light up charged rocket engines increase.
Making the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ships speed increase even more. Touching the Mesosphere all space ships re entering the atmosphere turns into a raging fireball.
Inside the high tech cockpit, Lexi turns to Manage. “Hey, theses cords on the shoots are advanced so please be careful, don't pull on them like your jogging off!” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Should I go now, your coming?” Manage responds “Eh, just go your sis got the ship follow Chi’s orders, I'll meet you guys in the Amazons!” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice
Outside the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship passing the stratosphere, we here the ship making two sonic booms, punching through clouds, still diving, fire ball of flames disappear from the ship.
We finally see a clearing, the Amazon appears, facing the front side of the ship as rocket flames from the thrusters spew right in are faces.
The bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship hovers in the stratosphere over the Amazon city. Thrusters spew out from the bottom leveling out the ships decent.
Inside the high tech cockpit we see the enemy gangster combat futuristic space ships made it through the tough atmosphere, then start attacking the ship.
Lexi steals the ship maneuvering it. Manage looks around at the enemy ships firing. “What are y’all waiting for a b***h to sleep with GO!!!” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice
Manage light up charged shoulder hornets, lifts up as he unfastens his light up charged seat belts, gets up and grabs his parachute storms towards the futuristic cabin, where we see Chi gazing out the futuristic window eyeing the enemy gangster futuristic space ships firing at them feeling the pounding of their weapons and blasters after every hit, we see Chi holding on. “Chi I'm ready for this, let's do it!” Manage responds “Hold on buddy” Chi responds holding out his arms and hands as Manage also looks out side see the battle getting worse as the Amazon fleet try attacking the enemy gangster futuristic space ships.
One of them blows up the Amazon enemy ships in a hellish ninety thousand feet high fire ball blast Chi sees peaces of the ship split in half, facing Chis face as he flinch hunches at us like he's about to attack us, as they felt the huge blast causing the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship to rock back and forth, they just backwards falling towards the floor as the ship accurate from the Amazon city.
Banking hard left, then stops, the slide doors transforms open, hearing a lot of weapons firing at us from the enemy gangster ships outside. Seeing one of em WHAMMING into us blowing up in a hellish ten hundred thousand feet high fire ball of flames.
Manage flench as Chi put on His and Manage parachute. “Get out abandon ship, JUMP, JUMP!!!” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice over inter com
Chi and Manage storms out the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship and jumps, now in the air free falling in the mist of weapons firing at them and the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship.
We follow Chi and Manage from behind as they free fall straight towards the Amazon, an enemy gangster space ship chases after them, opens fire.
Manage splits from Chi, facing the front of Manage as he quickly doge through warheads and weapons, fifty seconds tell impact, Chi pulls his light up charged futuristic parachute.
Manage free falling past Chi, Lexi opens fire on the enemy ship chasing her brother Manage, the enemy gangster ship blows up in a hellish sixty thousand feet high fire ball.
Thirty seconds towards the Amazon muddy serifs, Manage pulls his light up charged futuristic parachute, gently falls towards the ground.
Manage tangled in his light up charged futuristic parachute, pops his head out, looks up to see the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship seeing shields reflect from the enemy gangster space ships.
Engine flames from the light up charged rocket engine increases as Lexi fly's off to the space port. Lexi radios Manage. “Baby bro, I found you a female and a hot space ship to fly at the space port, it's a surprise after only the female takes your virgenity that's when you can have it, copy?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Copy” Manage responds over the crackle sound of the futuristic light up charged small radio in his ear.
Chi lands on Manage shoulders, his light up charged futuristic parachute transforms back inside as we'll as Manage. “Where your sister go?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Left us stranded in the middle of no where, she'll be back” Manage responds
“Shoulders feel good, chicks will be all over this” Chi responds “Eh! Can you get off the goods” Manage responds “If you say so” Chi responds “Guys, the hot amazons females are five center millers from where your standing, turn to the right of you and continue straight make two turns cut straight through the mud and leaves, and ur at Ehgun. I heard it's beautiful, I'm at the space port now, and my baby brother is gonna love this space ship I got for him after he gets his license” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Where on are way” Chi responds
Chi and Manage gets up and walks towards Ehgun. They approach the city to see beautiful, sexy, athletic, tall, females their raise is purple, with black n white long alien tails.
Chi looking at their hot throbbing shiny wet chest, look up to their head, Chi gulp. “Hello” Chi responds checking out their hot figure. “Hi” Sauna Smoke responds in a erotic female voice “Your looking for Tetra am I correct?” Sauna responds in a erotic female voice “Yeah, where is she?” Manage responds “Here I am” Tetra responds in a exotic female voice
Tetra appears from her hovering mother bike. Staining close on her shiny sexy skinny chicken legs as we see her shiny curvy legs lifts up over the top of the hover bike as Tetra slowly gets off.
We slowly see Tetra’s gorgeous hot athletic body core shiny slimy wet, ripped abs, big booty, big b***s, long neck, walks over towards Manage and Chi and welcome’s them to their home world. “Hi, my name is Tetra, Lexi told me you where coming, we have many fine women the on E45 or Z1, their lacking a bit on population but so focused on the importance of keeping their raise safe instead of taking care of their planet.” Tetra responds exotic female voice “Z1 is not that bad, of course the enemy is still attacking us, I mean I can't believe I " I mean me and Manage made it out with all those enemy fighters closing in on are ship” Chi responds
“Oh your gonna love it here, may I show you guys around while your staying with us?” Tetra responds in a exotic voice “Yeah” Manage Isty responds
Manage, Chi, and Tetra walks in a group towards their village Ehgun. Three minuets later they arrive at their beautiful village, with hovering light up, their light up futuristic hovering homes line up in dozens of rows. “It's too quiet out here” Manage responds “Yeah, and peaceful, where's THEACTION!!” Chi responds shouting
Then a heard of giant space alien wear woofs jumps out at us from Manage point of view, pounces on him, Manage's Advanced futuristic light up charged spaghetti shape machine weapon transforms from the inside of his left arm, an yellowish red light of ball glows, then spews out at the space alien wear woof attacking Manage Tetra doges does a back flip pulls her light up charged super sharp knife from her hips, slices the space alien wear woofs light up charged balls sack along with his dick, then Tetra cranks out her light up charged futuristic cannon open fire at the space wear woofs hart blowing them up in a hellish sixty thousand feet high fire ball fire of flames rising off the ground all up in are faces.
Then we see Chi fighting the space alien wear woof, Manage aims his weapons at it and opens fire, the noise from the light up charged machine gun bullets we feel in are guts scare away the space alien wear woofs.
We see them fleeing for their lives, Chi slowly gets up, dusting off blood and dust from his hot rod body, Manage picks up Chi puts Chi on his shoulders and continues on after his advanced futuristic spaghetti shape light up charged machine weapon with smoke spewing out after the battle transforms back inside his arm. “Be careful what you wish for” Tetra responds in a erotic female voice “Wow, after using that weapon do you still feel the pain after it goes inside your nervous system?” Chi responds “Naw, once you get use to it you'll only feel a pinch” Manage responds
Minuets later in the hart of the city Ehgun we see Lexi, with Manage sex partner Tega, super hot, stunning athletic bestie body with figure and curves in all the right places, rock hard but, big perky athletic toned shiny wet slimy chest and big Brest rock hard abs.
Long alien tail, juicy strawberry lipgloss lips. A body that has the same shape as a female porn star. Tega thirteen feet tall few inches from Manage, walks over towards him and makes out with him. “No one want even know we did it doing your mission on this planet copy?” Tega responds In a erotic female voice “Eh " Ye " Yes ma’am” Manage responds “My kind of girl” Chi responds “No she's mine” Manage responds “You better clam the tent she's going in before I do” Chi responds
Manage throws Chi two feet away from him into the futuristic grassy mud, rushes towards Tega, Manage front hips bumps into Tegas rock hard but.
Manage leans forward rubbing Tegas back, feeling her wet slimy Shiny chest. “I know what you want Manage” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “Eh, and what is that really?” Manage responds “Oh common mon you use my booty as a cushion to break your fall which tells me, I know what he wants after you held it after a minute” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “Hun? Eh? We just meet, though, I wouldn't mind, your free tonight, and may I sleep with you at your tent” Manage responds
Tega slowly rises from her light up charged futuristic hovering tent, seeing her athletic tone hard shiny slimy wet gorgeous stunning body glow in the Sun, turning on Manage.
Playing with her short hair Tega turns towards Manage's sister. “Let's go ask her” Tega responds in a erotic female voice seeing both run towards Chi, and Lexi talking to the Amazon females.
“You know we don't have to ask sis every time, I mean we can do this are selves right?” Manage responds “I want to make sure it's alright with her, I don't wanna here her mouth when you get hurt or lost, she was on my case about hooking up with you, it wasn't pretty” Tega responds in a erotic female voice
Lexi turns to Manage and Tega. “Hey guys ya’ll set up ya’ll tents?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “What tents I thought we where here to explore an alien world not live here” Chi responds “Where exploring and spending the night here got me darling?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice twisting Chi’s ball sack “OOO sees right their Lexi hands feel so HURTING!!!” Chi responds shouting when Lexi pinches Chi’s balls sack harder and harder, hearing creaking sound, Chi’s waist grind back and forth while Lexi’s hands move up and down, Lexi looking around.
Chi got Lexi’s hands out of Chi’s futuristic pants, raps her arms around her back tell Lexi quits. “Now, are they sleeping in the same tents?” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “Yeah, I'm happy your coming with us while where searching for samples” Manage responds “Oh hey buddy, I haven't seen you their! Can you hold your sis arms for me?” Chi responds “Yeah!” Manage responds “Lexi, you don't mind if your baby brother roles with me right? Just making sure” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “I don't mind, as long as you get me a favor in return, still his you know what's tonight” Lexi whispers in a kinky female voice while Manage is holding his big sisters arms “Copy” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “So what's the color of the space ship you picked out for me after I get my space pilots license?” Manage responds “Get your license and we'll come back here after we made peace with planet Diamond” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice
Chi comes back with the light up charged scanner and a futuristic light up charged bag and book bags, Lexi, Chi, Manage puts them on. “You wanna come?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Hail yeah!” Tega responds in a erotic female voice
Chi throws the light up charged futuristic scanner, book bag, and plastic bag at Tega, Tega puts on the light up charged book bag, then the scientists arrive. “Don't forget to bring back a life creature from the oceans two miles away” Gun Wrk responds in a male voice “Got it covered” Chi responds hearing Manage c***s his light up charged spaghetti shape futuristic combat machine weapon with steam spewing out of the hole. “Now if we had the space ship it would be easier” Chi responds “Hover your hands on the left side of your back pack and hover tap it” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice
They stop, and hover taps their hands an inch from their light up charged book bag, a light up charged marine futuristic jet pack transforms out from the top of their light up charged futuristic book bag.
Their digital futuristic pop up displays transforms from the inside of their heads, Manage turns to Tega. “Wow you guys got the displays to?” Manage responds “You guys though we can't keep up?” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “Ya’ll ready to explore?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Let's kill this!” Tega responds in a erotic female voice
Lexi, Chi, Manage and Tega lifts off the futuristic grass punching through the futuristic jungle tree leaves, accurating high in the sky.
Once air born, Manage and Tega are playing sky tag. “Tag your it!” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “Tag your it!” Manage responds “Tag your it!” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “Hey guys, in less you wanna live you might wanna help out the Galactic Government find planets with life I don't know starting NOW!!” Chi responds in a extreme voice
Both Manage and Tega split up, pounces on the futuristic grass, surrounded by space alien light up charged animals, Tega touches down besides Manage.
The flames from theirs light up charged jet pack disappears after the jet pack transforms back inside their light up charged futuristic book bag. “Alright you take the south side Ill take the west” Manage responds “How's about we both get theses samples, if you get lost your sisters gonna kill me” Tega responds in a erotic female voice
Manage pulls out the futuristic light up charged scanner, Tega pulls out the light up charged plastic bag, Manage hovers his light up charged futuristic scanner, points it at the futuristic light up tree.
Tega grabs Manage left arm. “Shh! Shut up!” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “I'm not even " Wait” Manage responds
They feel a giant quake, feeling the futuristic ground shake, they look up after they see a super large shadow on the ground and a light up charged alien tail waving almost hitting their faces. “Go, go, go, go, go!” Manage responds “But the Samples!” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “F**k the samples go!!” Manage responds
Both Manage and Tega charge down the futuristic woods and land, seeing few futuristic homes and a space sport three miles ahead, seeing futuristic monkeys jumping on futuristic trees, one laughing at them, Manage’s advanced futuristic spaghetti shape combat machine weapon transforms right in are faces from the inside of his left arm.
Red sonic ball of light spews out of the weapon blowing up the futuristic monkey in a hellish one hundred thousand feet high fire ball of flames spewing right in are faces. “I can't take this crazy planet any longer, where out of here, Lexi, Chi, where heading to the space port find us a new planet” Tega responds in a erotic female voice
On the ground Chi and Lexi half way done, when they here Manage Isty over the futuristic radio. “S**t he's gonna ruin the surprise!” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Manage who's chasing you!” Chi responds in a extreme voice “This Nine billion ton fifteen foot tall rhino!!” Tega responds in a erotic female voice
The rhino spreads his wings out, from Manage point of view as have of his wings covers his face, Manage trips, does a cartwheel, blast a huge hole in the rhino’s left wing.
Then the huge bird begins to light up revealing its light up charged ball sack, Manage aims his advances spaghetti shape combat futuristic machine weapon at his light up charged balls opens fire a dozen times tell they blow up ripped off back wards in are faces in a hellish three hundred thousand feet high fire ball of flames blowing up in are faces.
Their light up charged futuristic jet packs transforms out of their light up charged futuristic book bag and both Tega and Manage rockets in the air.
The light up charged rhino follows them, Manage c***s out all his weapons and warheads from his light up charged futuristic machine weapon and opens fire on the light up charged futuristic rhino.
Tega slices of his light up charged wings. “Tega MOVE!!” Manage Isty responds
The huge light up charged futuristic bird blows up in a hellish, eighty thousand feet high fire ball of flames, blood and alien guts spew out all in are faces.
Inside the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship facing the mean look wind screen diving towards the futuristic grass and leveling out.
Chi swipes his hands to the left, then seeing alien guts and mess hit the wind shield along with Tega that's covered in it, waves at Chi and Lexi inside when the ship, the ship stops.
Manage latch his feet on towards the ship, despite all the alien gue, guts, and sticky stuff, Manage feels Tegas flesh, all the way up her slimy wet sticky throbbing chest as Manage grabs her in a submission.
Manage pulling Tega off the mean look windscreen, Manage waist got close to Tega’s rock hard big booty, as he strain to pull her off the ship. “Hey baby bro what's her body feel like?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Slimy, and sticky, wet, OOO, I like it!” Manage responds
Facing the mean look windscreen pulling with all his might, Tega pushing her wet, throbbing, slimy stick body off, finally they detach from the mean look windscreen free falling towards the futuristic ground.
Tega’s light up charged futuristic jet pack activates transforms out of her light up charged futuristic book bag, two seconds a pond impact.
They both sky rocket into the sky. “Aim for the ship!!” Manage responds “What do ya’ll think I've been doing this whole time!!” Tega responds in a erotic female voice Tega aims for the ship, facing the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship light up charged futuristic slide door as the futuristic light up charged slide door transforms open.
They doge inside zig zag twice all the way inside the futuristic light up charged cabin, the rolling around stops as they bump twice into the futuristic light up charged elevator lift.
Chi comes to Tega and Manage. “What did y'all find?” Chi responds “Some kind of alien spirm we found in the creaks not far from here” “That's good info the scientists need, let's get it to them before more Rhino beast come back” Manage responds
As soon as Lexi comes from the high tech cockpit to close the light up charged futuristic slide door that transforms shut, we feel huge vibration, then two big shakes, we hear alarms seeing red lights aluminate all over the ship rotating, making elephant grinding nose and creaking sounds as the ship is being crushed, then a huge dive, the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship begins to sway left and right. “Relax its only the wind” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “Only the wind, I thought ya’ll got rid of THAT THING!!” Chi responds holding on as we feel the ship rocking back and forth like a swing hard as hell, swaying and making hard turns left and right. “I DID A*S HOLE I BLOWN HIS BALLS AND GUTS STRAIGHT TO PEACES!!” Manage responds as the bumps and swaying gets worse, Lexi struggling towards the high tech cockpit.
Inside the high tech cockpit, Lexi hops in the left side of the luxurious plush, leather, soft, shiny, hovering egg shape seats, crossing her legs, facing the mean look windscreen with rotating pop up images she hover taps on them, points the ships noes up, struggling to hold its position.
Lexi whams the light up charged futuristic throttles all the way up to max power, do to the shaking and violent swaying, Lexi whams back hard as hell in her hovering egg shape seat.
Outside the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship, seeing the huge light up charged futuristic Rhino’s claws grabbing the back of the ships light up charged engine’s as we feel a loud war from the rocket engines spooling up.
Before it crushes it, reddish black rocket heat flames spews out of the light up charged engine catapult the huge light up charged futuristic Rhino away from the ship, light up charged lights on the Rhino glow as the huge bird blows up in a hellish ninety thousand feet high fire ball of flames.
Rhino’s light up charged ball sack along with his alien green guts blow up in a hellish ninety five thousand feet high fire ball right in are faces after ripple effects of shock wave spew out at us seeing the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship flee back towards the camp site.
Sky rocking towards the stratosphere, inside the futuristic cabin after dangling from the hovering futuristic egg shape seats, Manage strapped in grabbing on to Tega when Tega and Chi drop to the futuristic floor.
Chi and Tega slowly get up. “That was insane!!” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “I know it's crazy, we should blow s**t up more often!” Manage responds holding his ears then let's them go.
Chi looks up at us from Tega’s point of view. “Nice try trying to look for your surprise, now you didn't think we had a ship that survived the alien gangster attack did ya?” Chi responds “Well?” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “It's been a long day” Manage responds
Inside the high tech cockpit, facing the mean look windscreen with rotating pop up images, Lexi flying the ship Chi checks in on Lexi. “So, Chi and Tega are fine, where departing or heading back?” Chi responds “If we quick f*****g around in are a*s holes we wouldn't be behind, fifty percent of spirm alien liquid samples, five more to go, we’ll collect more tomorrow after the tour” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice staining at the spirm alien liquid samples on the futuristic navigations display.
We take a look out of the mean look windscreen behind the rotating pop up images to see the arrow pointing and turning and rotating popping up an inch from the mean look windscreen directly right at their site, pop up numbers on top reading ten Miles per second showing how far they are as we see the futuristic light up jungle trees and drinkable light up charged futuristic creeks.
Seeing the horizon ahead, looking at a few alien hovering Amazon homes below from the mean look windscreen. Inside the futuristic cabin we see Manage and Tega, Tega breaks her neck to stair out the futuristic window behind her. “Hey Tega? So wanna do anything after this?” Manage responds “Like what?” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “Do you want ta do it?” Manage responds “Him, you haven't done it before had you?” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “No” Manage responds “Had you ever had eat any p***y before?” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “No” Manage responds “Are you kidding me! Have you ever been out of your cave! Do you know how to have sex let me guess!” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “Yo home girl give me a second to answer!” Manage responds “I already know your answer” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “All yeah Barbie doll and what's that?” Manage responds “Your answer is no and I know what you want, I can let you stick it in side me but you don't have any condoms and this planet is dry, how can I get you laid with out it?” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “Why don’t you sneak all the way to E-45, buy a pack of space condoms, then meet back on here on planet Diamond” Manage responds “Eh, huh, you trippen, one your sister has a tracking device on us, two if one of us try's to leave the planet, she shows up minuets later, it's like she was like that when she was trying to get me to hook up with you, I understand now, if you want this so badly I'll give you a shot at having sex with me, we gotta make are condoms, all we need is gloves, leaves from the trees, and layers of tape to rap around the glove, I don't know how strong your spirm is hone you thing might destroy the condom we made before we reach the climax” Tega responds in a erotic female voice
“I'll do my best to hold it in tell the bursting comes down then I'll let it out slowly not ALL AT ONCE!” Manage responds “Are you guys breaking up with each other?” Chi responds from the high tech cockpit “No I'm hook up with him after I get Manage laid!” Tega responds in a erotic female voice
Inside the high tech cockpit of the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship facing the mean look windscreen with rotating pop up images Lexi hover taps her hands on the pop up light up charged throttles, whams them down to the green line, puts on the breaks.
Outside the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship we see two rocket heat flames fire from the front of the ship stopping it completely.
Inside the high tech cockpit, Lexi slowly gets up after un fasting her light up charged futuristic seat belts and shoulder straps, rushes towards the futuristic cabin of the ship.
Inside the futuristic cabin of the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship Lexi sits next to Tega. “See what I mean?” Tega responds in a erotic female voice
Lexi makes out with Tega both their faces up to their hot rod exotic athletic bestie body's shiny, when Lexi and Tega turn their head left and right when they perkier and press their lips against each other.
Slime drips from their lips towards their hot athletic bestie perky Chest. “I hope where not getting you excited baby bro” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice as Lexi is rubbing Tega’s shiny face, down to her long neck as Tega turns to see Manage disappeared running towards the rest room.
Both Lexi and Tega look at the empty seat all stupid sequence their eyes. Inside the futuristic light up charged bathroom inside the cabin of the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship Tega knocks on the futuristic slide door. “Look, I understand it's your first time seeing two girls together getting crunk, but can you promise me you want try to flee away when we make love tonight dear?” Tega responds in a erotic female voice
Manage opens the light up charged slide door to the futuristic light up charged bathroom that transforms open. Tega runs inside presses her lips to Manage and makes out with him. “I got you hone, it's okay” Tega responds in a erotic female voice rubbing her legs on Manage crouch as they make out with each other.
Inside the high tech cockpit Chi, getting important looks back towards the light up futuristic cabin. “Can I just fly to Ehgun, where burning day light?” Chi responds
Lexi peaks her head in the high tech cockpit. “Yeah my arms are getting tired” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice
Chi hovers his hands an inch on the pop up u shape yoke and eases up the light up charged pop up throttles to the yellow line we feel the war of the engines spool up like a seven thirty seven slash rocket engine combined.
Reddish flames spew out the light up charged engines facing the back of the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship from the out side, as we see the ship accurate away towards Ehgun.
Back at Ehgun we see the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship come in, feeling the war of the engines in reverse thrust, seeing four rocket thrusters spew out from the bottom of the ship.
Then the ship makes a hard impact to the futuristic muddy grass almost got sunken three inches in then rises back level. We feel the engines S shut down, then the light up charged hovering stairs slide out along with the futuristic slide door that transforms open, Lexi, Chi, Manage, and Tega hops out the ship seeing oxygen smoke spewing out from the nose and the bottom.
Lexi, Chi, Manage and Tega heads over towards the space alien scientists. “What did you guys get?” A hot female scientists responds in a erotic female voice
Chi gets the sample from Lexi, from the hot female scientists point of view, Chi reveal’s the light up charged futuristic glowing spirm glowing in different colors inside the small circle light up charged rotating lights sield case. “This is amazing, how was it, the adventure up those hills?” A hot female scientists responds in a erotic female voice “Eh, it was fun, you should see this huge bird my baby brother tried to shoot out of the sky” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Yeah she I mean he was like pew, pew, pew pew, then alien slime and Lubricant spew all on my chest and Manage body” Chi responds “You where the one covered in slime the most charm boy” Manage respond “Charm boy? Alright I got you, when your girlfriend reaches the climax I'm gonna shout to the heavens like a nuclear war head shooting down a enemy fighter ship I'll be up on your a*s a*s cookie” Chi responds
Lexi looks towards the west of the direction of the space port watching other space ships and bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ships launching and arriving from the Diamond space port.
Seeing night time approaching seconds later seeing nothing but clear sky's and stars, we see the space alien scientists puts the samples in the futuristic light up charged case for study back at alpha century. “Thanks for the hard work guys, will let you have fun but just for a week, but E45 and your home world is at risk as well as the others, please get five samples if possible” A hot female scientist responds I'n a kinky female voice
“We'll do are best ma’am” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice saluting the scientists
The bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship arrives, the futuristic slide door transforms open, the light up charged hovering stairs slide out, the space alien scientists hop on board.
The light up charged stairs transforms inside the ship, the futuristic light up charged doors transforms shut feeling the war of the light up charged engines as the ship accurate towards the sky heading to the space port. “We have a big day tomorrow, Manage, Chi, and Tega get some rest, me and the ladies that welcomed us will bunk with me” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Copy sis” Manage responds
Manage gets in the light up charged futuristic tent with Tega, Chi sleeps in the tent next to him and Lexi, they zip up their futuristic tents and head to sleep.
Next morning inside one of the futuristic light up charged tents we see Manage and Tega half naked and sweaty from a wild night. Tega is the first one up with her arms raped around him rubs Manage chest and makes out with him. “Mmm, mmm, uh, your slob in my mouth, yeah, Tega” Manage responds slowly wakes up to see Tega hops on top on him after bursting slob slowly rubbing it in on his features. “You like that?” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “Yeah, it's just " I wish we and Lexi didn't have to leave today” Manage responds “Hey, you got your experience right, so when the wife ask how do you have sex, all you have to do is show her or teach her” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “I'll try it, I just have a feeling no other girl out their would go with me like you did last night” Manage responds
Just before Manage says something we feel the sound of the engines spooling up like a seven thirty seven slash rocket engine.
Manage and Tega step out the light up charged futuristic tents, half naked, surprised and shocked in aw to see what is going on in front of her eyes. “No, y'all didn't!!” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice winding her eyes closing in on them launching her head forward, as Lexi slowly walking towards them “Sis relax its not what you thank” Manage responds “I was just showing him how to” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “My space ship, the both of ya’ll!” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice grabbing Tega's arm, heading towards the ship.
An inch from the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship feeling the war of the light up charged rocket engines, Chi sticks his head out the left side window of the mean look windscreen. “She's coming to?” Chi responds “No I'm having a chat with her inside the cockpit alone” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Hold on let me shut off the engines in case Tega try’s any thing funny” Chi responds as we feel the war of the engines slightly shutting down
Inside the high tech cockpit of the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship, Lexi and Tega enter, Chi leaves the high tech cockpit shuts the light up charged slide doors. “She’s all yours” Chi responds as he leaves them alone, Lexi and Tega sit in the hovering leather soft luxurious plush egg shape seats seeing rotating pop up images on the mean look windscreen. “Tega, I understand my baby brother is " he believes females got a better shot then Manage because females are better looking and he's trying but I gotta help, I'm not mad at what you guys did last night” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “I didn't realize your baby brother have to go through all of that to get a mate and we females have it easy, if it makes you feel better me and Manage where, we'll I was showing Manage how to do it physically so it will be easy for him, hope you understand” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “I do, hope his hands are clean for are next exploration” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice
Chi pops in the high tech cockpit. “Ya’ll finished cause we gotta go” Chi responds “What happened?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice rubbing her round for head.
Chi points his finger towards, the left side of the mean look windscreen. Lexi peaks her head out the futuristic Window of the mean look windscreen to see blasters, beams, and light up charged futuristic warheads fires at them. “See ya guys!” Tega responds in a erotic female voice “Wait where you going! S**t Guys I just had her tell theses guys showed up!” Chi responds closing the futuristic light up charged door that transforms close watching Tega leave.
Lexi exits the high tech cockpit as soon as the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ships light up charged colorful engines spools up like a seven thirty seven and lifts off the futuristic ground slowly.
Lexi in automatic mode burst out the high tech cockpit, no one flying the ship, Manage lifts his head up to star at the high tech cockpit looking at the rotating pop up images on the mean look windscreen from the left side of the futuristic light up cabin.
Lexi approaches Chi. “What do you mean you had her!” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Well, I've been trying to get in touch with her, when oh wait, theses a*s holes start firing at us, you tossed her off the ship, Manage ur only baby brother is trying his best to get a wife before his father dies!” Chi responds “F**k Tega, I'm gonna give my baby brother a new b***h to f**k with” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Damn, I like your sister” Chi responds pointing to Lexi seeing Manage rushing towards the high tech cockpit “Well if no body's flying this thing, I will or we say are final good by's and meet are maker, your chose” Manage responds
Lexi and Manage both look at each other all crazy, then they try to shove each other out the way, Chi grabs Lexi's b***s, Lexi shoves Chi in the hovering futuristic plush luxurious leather egg shape seats.
Alarms sound red lights aluminizing all over the ship, Manage first one in the high tech cockpit right on time. Plops down in the right side of the high tech cockpit in the hovering egg shape seats on the ship.
Manage pulls an engine lever, outside the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship, we see the ship in a nose dive, futuristic grass coming up fast.
Facing the front view of the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship we see brown reddish engine flames spew out from the front of the ship slowing the ships rate of decent, we then follow the front nose of the ship pulling up as we feel a huge rumbling war of the engines spooling up like a seven thirty seven.
Inside the high tech c**k pit we see Manage hands slipping off the light up charged lever the other reaching for the rotating pop up images, Manage swipes his hands down pulling the nose of the ship up, Manage hand let's go of the rotating pop up images, we feel the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship drop.
Then accurate in the air back wards with the help of the ships engine flames in the front. Outside the high tech cockpit the brownish reddish engine flames give out.
The athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship drops like an egg five hundred feet rapidly descending, spinning towards the futuristic jungle.
Inside the high tech cockpit the computer screaming pull up in a erotic voice as we see Lexi burst in hard. Hover taps her hands and inch on the light up charged pop up throttles.
Lexi whams them up towards the red line, Manage and Lexi gets thrown backwards hard in their egg shape seats. Outside the back of the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship facing the back of the light up charged engine as reddish purple engine flames spew out in are faces.
Seeing the nose of the ship pull upwards to the sky as it accurate high in the sky quickly passing the stratosphere. Inside the futuristic cabin the shaking worsens as they are being launched into space.
We see Chi thrown side ways half of his body in another egg shape futuristic seat on the left side, as we slowly see Chi getting up, sliding off the seats he grabs on after an enemy ship blast Lexi, Manage, and Chi.
Chi fastens his light up charged seat belts and light up charged shoulder hornets, after he saw that huge sixty thousand feet high fire ball of flames and colorful shields reflect off the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship.
Outside the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship we see enemy fighter ships charging at the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship firing their sonic bluish yellow blasters at the ship.
Passing the stratosphere entering the Mesosphere, the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship breaking a sonic boom, seeing the ship row over on its back taking on atmospheric pressures.
Inside the high tech cockpit facing the mean look windscreen with rotating pop up images, Manage whooshes his hands left and right we feel the ship sway left and right pointed upward at a ninety degree angle.
Outside the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship light up charged weapons drawn from the front of the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship that transforms out as the ship flips on its back spins around level, flying towards us, weapons start firing light up charged nuclear futuristic warheads, sonic blaster beams, and EMP light up charged bombs at us from the enemy ships point of view.
Inside the high tech cockpit facing the mean look windscreen with rotating pop up images from Lexi’s point of view, She turns to Manage seeing his hands hover tap repeatedly on The rotating pop up images.
Firing the ships weapons at the enemy ships. Lexi then turns her head towards the mean look windscreen with rotating pop up images to see the enemy ship blow up in a huge fifty thousand feet high fire ball flames we feel in are stomach.
Outside the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship we see tittle shock waves spew out of the huge fire ball of flames, the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship ridding the tittle shock waves as it punches through the huge fifty thousand feet high fire ball of flames rising towards the atmosphere layers, facing the back of the ships light up charged engine as purplish red flames more spew out in are faces as not only feel the explosion feel the ship lifting up and the rumbling war of the engines as the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship is being pushed higher into space back at a ninety degree nose up attitude.
Inside the high tech cockpit Lexi rows the ship on its back by hovering her hands an inch on the rotating pop up images swaying to the right, Manage keeps the nose pointed towards the sky.
Passing the mesosphere entering the Thermosphere inside the high tech cockpit shaking worsens as well as inside the cabin of the ship, Chi, Lexi and Manage gets pulled harder into their seats due to the g forces.
Inside the high tech cockpit facing the mean look windscreen we see behind the rotating pop up images Lexi got her hands on as she's controlling the ship, we feel and hear oxygen spewing inside the ship as the sky fades to black and we see stars flying at us.
We then see the g forces pop up an inch on the mean look windscreen with numbers reading 40 g’s the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship is pulling.
Shaking worsens, seeing the horizon, speed and attitude pop up an inch behind the rotating pop up images we look in the cabin to see Chi pressed harder and harder in his hovering futuristic egg shape seat.
Back inside the high tech cockpit from Manage point of view we see the speed on the right side of the pop up horizon display reading thirty thousand miles per hour.
We see Manage hands hovering over the rotating pop up images sway up then back, finally seeing the planet Diamond, come in to view from the top of athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship as they arrive in orbit. “Manage! Kill the engines!” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice
Manage from his point of view hovers his hands an inch over the pop up throttles as he whams them all the way down to the red line.
We feel and hear a deeeeeoooo sound as the engines shut down, outside the ship facing the back of its light up charged engine as the purplish reddish flames disappears but the remaining glow inside for the ships maneuvers in space.
Inside the futuristic cabin of the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship as the lights go out after engine shut down.
Chi then sways right due to the ships heavy breaking and floats an inch from his hovering egg shape seat we see from closing in on Chi’s waist.
Inside the high tech cockpit close on Manage and Lexi's waist as we feel zero gravity, Manage and Lexi free their arms and hands, Lexi grinds her hips up and down.
Facing the high tech cockpit from Manage point of view behind the rotating pop up images we see stars flying at us as we are in outer space.
The athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship fully pumped with oxygen, outside the bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship as we see the ship glow white and shine as air is coming inside the ship to make everyone feel comfortable.
Inside the high tech cockpit Lexi unfastens her light up charged seat belts and shoulder hornets as Lexi floats on back to check on Chi. “You got the ship from here baby bro ill inform Chi where where going next” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice kissing her baby brother on the lips as Manage watch his big sister floats back towards the futuristic cabin of the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship.
Manage switch off the alarms still ringing by flipping off the digital futuristic pop up switches on the futuristic control panne, the alarms stops.
Inside the futuristic cabin, Lexi turns the colorful lights on, floats towards Chi. “Hey Chi” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Hi, who's flying the ship?” Chi responds “My baby brother, he knows what he's doing” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “When are you gonna take him to space flight training school in sector 3 in the Alpha Century system to get his space pilots license?” Chi responds
“Where going back to E45 after this, let's see if my baby bro can handle re-entry and the landing, with out no one noticing, then I'll take him” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “How much proof do you need to prove he can handle one little space ship” Chi responds
Lexi slams her hands on his hit shiny chest. “Hey easy on the finish!” Chi responds Lexi rubs her hands on his chest and her thumb up and down his long neck down to his chest, makes out with Chi “Lips taste good, listen, I got my baby brothers license part, you get him a flesh mate so it want be a problem with him understand me old a*s!” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Old? I'm younger then dumb dumb up their!” Chi responds
Lexi gives Chi a hicky on his finish after raising Chi up. “Owe, chick, you win!” Chi responds “Good we have an understanding now, get the flesh mate for my baby brother so I can really see what the problem is, someone around here been telling me a lot of bull s**t about him” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Don't listen to them then!” Chi responds watching Lexi float towards the high tech cockpit
Lexi floats inside the high tech cockpit, gets back inside her hovering futuristic plush luxurious leather soft egg shape seat. “I'm gonna teach you how to fly, now see the rotating pop up square on the control panel?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Uh, Hun” Manage responds “Uh, Good, boy, now hover tap your hands over it” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice
The futuristic you shape pop up display yoke transforms out of the rotating square futuristic pop up display from Manage point of view. “Okay, I'm gonna turn of the auto pilot, now be ready to grab hold when I say alright?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Ready” Manage responds
Lexi switches off the futuristic auto pilot by hover tapping her hands an inch over the pop up rotating button, alarms go off twice, Lexi shuts it off.
Manage grabs the digital futuristic u shape yoke popping up an inch over the mean look windscreen. Manage turns the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship to the left, the ship sways left, planet Diamond spends around towards the left hand side of the mean look windscreen with rotating pop up images.
Manage turns the digital pop up futuristic u shape yoke to the right, planet Diamond spends around towards the right side of the windscreen.
As we look at the digital futuristic u shape pop up yoke, Manage pulls the digital pop up futuristic stick up, we see the stars disappear below the ship, as well as planet Diamond.
Outside the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship once upside down now the planet Diamond is below the ship, inside the high tech cockpit Manage levels out.
Once he lets go of the digital pop up futuristic u shape yoke experiment the ship he can tell in surprise that the ship can hold attitude and level for a minute, Lexi grabs the u shape digital pop up display u shape yoke on the mean look windscreen. “Ready for departure to Alpha Century?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Give it to me, I'm ready to land this thing this is my surprise right?” Manage responds “Eh, naw, it's still in the space port on the Planet Diamond, now I'll help out with the studding after you pass the space simulation training” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “I got all night baby where gonna ace this” Manage responds in a kinky female voice “You believe that your gonna really pass your drivers license Hun?” Lexi Responds in a kinky female voice “Yeah, I want to see that surprise you got for me at the space port on planet Diamond we left behind” Manage responds “First, let's see if you can fly my space ship, it's a she so don't get to comfortable” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “He he he mmm” Manage responds feeling all over the futuristic dashboard
“What the? Are you okay? Wow I was right about finding you some new b*****s you need one bad, that's after or before the license, okay I'll enter the cornets” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice
Manage watches his big sister enter the cornets, the Pop up rotating digital Galaxy Map pops up in are faces with Galaxy’s and planets rotating and popping up and inch on the Galaxy map on the futuristic navigation’s display.
The Galaxy map zooms in, Lexi hover taps her hand sways to the left, browsing through different solar systems Universes and Galaxy’s tell Lexi finds Alpha Century.
Two seconds later the Alpha Century Galaxy appears, Lexi hover taps her hands an inch on the Alpha Century Galaxy hovers her fingers on E45. “Wait, why the same planet all the time, can we please go to a new planet in the system” Manage responds “Hold up player how did you know this was E45?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Uh because the planets colors, Im not deft now” Manage responds “Okay big shot you want a challenge fine, we'll go where no spirm has gone before!” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Ma, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, he, he, he, he, he, UH!!! (Sighs)man! That tore up my insides” Manage responds
Lexi hover taps her fingers on Z1, the Galaxy map disappears, inside the futuristic light up colorful cabin Chi thrust his head back sighing.
Pulls up his digital futuristic pop up display begins Galaxy Networking for a second. Minuets later Chi’s digital futuristic pop up display transforms back inside his head. “Are we in hyper space yet!” Chi responds shouting “SHUT UP! Where working are asses off to get us their!!” Manage responds from the high tech cockpit
Chi bangs his head on the light up charged futuristic shoulder hornet on the left side tell his head hurts, Chi stops banging his head seconds later.
Inside the high tech cockpit Lexi grabs Manage left hand, hovers it over the futuristic pop up throttles, Lexi let's go. “Alright Manage, ships ready, we may go now” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice
Manage pushes the light up charged futuristic throttles up to the red line, we feel the rumbling war of the engines spooling up like a seven thirty seven slash rocket engine.
Outside the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship the reddish orange engine flames spew out in are faces, as we see the ship de orbit the planet.
Traveling deep into space we come across commits coming at us. Inside the high tech cockpit Lexi whams the futuristic throttles back down to the green line. “Hold on baby bro let me sling shot us out of this in a zig zag fashion” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice
Lexi hover taps her her hands an inch on the futuristic rotating pop up images, Lexi sways her hands to the left, we feel the ship sway eighty degrees to the left.
We then storm into a commit flying at us as the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship plows through the commit we debris spewing out at us from Lexi’s point of view facing the mean look windscreen.
Lexi sways her hands to the right we feel the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship sway one hundred degrees to the right, Lexi pulls the ships nose up as we feel the ship climbing, Manage banks the ship to the left feeling the ship bank sixty degrees to the left. “Your trying to kill us!?” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice “Wait mr and Mrs Lubricant I have an ideal” Manage responds
Manage hover taps his fingers an inch on the rotating futuristic pop up display, sways them to the right. Outside the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship we see the ships light up charged futuristic weapons transform out the front of the ship, starts blasting, and shooting at the commits.
We see the commits blow up twice in a hellish eighty thousand feet high fire ball of flames. We then see the ship banking left and right through the commits as they explode, seeing the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship fly right in are faces banking hard right seeing red blasters and fazers and light up charged futuristic grenades launching at us blowing up the commits in a hellish two hundred thousand feet high fire ball of flames.
Inside the high tech cockpit hearing pounding sounds as their being hit by commits, Lexi sways her hands to the left on the mean look wind screen, Manage grabs the digital futuristic u shape yoke pulls the nose down.
Outside the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship firing and smashing through the commits, we see the ships nose go down and banking left plowing through two commits blowing them up in a hellish three hundred thousand feet high fire ball of flames.
Inside the futuristic colorful light up cabin we see Chi grab a futuristic light up charged Galactic barf bag as we feel the ship plunge nine hundred feet, banking right on its back, Chi holding on to the light up charged futuristic shoulder hornets on the right, starts throwing up in the Galactic futuristic light up charged barf bag. “What are y'all doing up THEIR!!” Chi responds “Non of your f*****g business!!” Lexi responds in a kinky female voice from inside the high tech cockpit
Outside the athlete bestie dolphin shape combat futuristic space ship still firing at the commits with tiny debris spewing out at the ship from the blast, we finally Clear the commits path headed into the void of darkness.
© 2016 Josh Island |
Added on August 2, 2016 Last Updated on August 2, 2016 Tags: Universes, Planets, space battle Author![]() Josh IslandChicago , ILAboutI'm an inspired writer with a huge imagination Love and Injoy working with other writers more..Writing