Hell in a Hip Flask, You had me hooked with the first stanza. Those eight lines could stand on their own and is a fantastic realization of your title. The imagery of dust settling, the calm after the storm, and of being beaten when you are softest, the risk of being vulnerable, was well chosen and will resonate with anyone who has matured to the point where they realize there is more to love than just attraction.
I'm not quite as enthralled with the fourth stanza. The explanation of doubt makes your point but doesn't share that feeling of ambivalence I think you could have if in addition to a list of questions you also described your visceral reaction to them.
"Do you still want f**k me?" Missing a word? The f-bomb threw me off a bit, but totally acceptable... The missing "to" was like a coffee stain on a white dress shirt. I kept staring at it wondering if it was intentional or a typo.
Grappling with the concept of instinctual attraction, intellectual attraction, and the reality of relationships will absolutely resonate for many, myself included. This piece pulls it together well and each time I read it I was happy to find a bit more depth in the words. Well done, and thank you for sharing.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Thank you for the detailed review, really appreciate these and good pick on the mistake, it was not .. read moreThank you for the detailed review, really appreciate these and good pick on the mistake, it was not intentional. I was a bit unsure about the fourth stanza as well, providing to the reactions to the questions is an interesting way of strengthening it but it may become a bit too wordy, I may just delete it. I'll think about it. Anyhow I'm glad you related to it.
This is nothing but trueness! I know this feeling so well. Whenever I meet someone new, I'm always sitting there wondering; "whats going to happen to us?" "How is this going to end?" (Terrible I know.) They say nothing good lasts forever..and when you like someone just the thought of messing up is maddening. And the thought of the spark dying is more than crippling. Love is terrifying because it can give us so much happiness but an equal amount of destruction and treachery. Thankfully my parents have taught me it works sometimes and does not die for some people. Well pinned. You nailed it! Keep writing. Keep living. :)
Hell in a Hip Flask, You had me hooked with the first stanza. Those eight lines could stand on their own and is a fantastic realization of your title. The imagery of dust settling, the calm after the storm, and of being beaten when you are softest, the risk of being vulnerable, was well chosen and will resonate with anyone who has matured to the point where they realize there is more to love than just attraction.
I'm not quite as enthralled with the fourth stanza. The explanation of doubt makes your point but doesn't share that feeling of ambivalence I think you could have if in addition to a list of questions you also described your visceral reaction to them.
"Do you still want f**k me?" Missing a word? The f-bomb threw me off a bit, but totally acceptable... The missing "to" was like a coffee stain on a white dress shirt. I kept staring at it wondering if it was intentional or a typo.
Grappling with the concept of instinctual attraction, intellectual attraction, and the reality of relationships will absolutely resonate for many, myself included. This piece pulls it together well and each time I read it I was happy to find a bit more depth in the words. Well done, and thank you for sharing.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Thank you for the detailed review, really appreciate these and good pick on the mistake, it was not .. read moreThank you for the detailed review, really appreciate these and good pick on the mistake, it was not intentional. I was a bit unsure about the fourth stanza as well, providing to the reactions to the questions is an interesting way of strengthening it but it may become a bit too wordy, I may just delete it. I'll think about it. Anyhow I'm glad you related to it.
I’m a new writer, I enjoy writing short essays, but would love feedback on anything and everything. Don’t be afraid to tear into my work, it will be appreciated more..