A Place of ShadowsA Poem by JontheNerdEverything seems fine The pain subsides Another night Another night… What about tomorrow? How will I… The pain… I want it to stop I want it to go away But it lingers… It stays The morning is bright Almost warm… A blanket of safety To mask the demon To hide the dark A wicked beast And I play the part As the sun drops My eyes grow tired The warmth fades away And the cold creeps in I can feel it Beginning to rise Beginning to break The pain comes crawling back Like a shadow Lying in wait The black takes over Consumes my being Nothing left but pain and sorrow I try to fight it I try to fight it… But I fail The pain swallows me Like a pill It takes control Darkness surrounds me No way out Is this me? Is this who I am? Why the pain? Why the loneliness? I want it to stop To go away But it lingers… It stays… The fight is useless A waste So I sit In my darkness In my pain The demon takes control Takes over me Leads me away To a place Of loneliness A place of shadows I am not fighting I am not trying Only following Full of pain Full of nothing Empty… We arrive… The pain… It is gone Forever… I look around Nothing… The demon rids me of pain Of suffering It is over But I am alone Forever… I wish I would have waited I wanted to say goodbye To try again But I didn’t try I let him win Now I am alone In this place Surrounded by darkness Empty… Alone… Afraid… I want the demon to leave But it want go away It lingers… It stays. © 2015 JontheNerdFeatured Review
1 Review Added on September 8, 2015 Last Updated on September 8, 2015 Tags: dark, life, death, loneliness Author