I Stand MotionlessA Poem by JontheNerdThere is a light It is faint But it is there Floating in the distance A glimmer of hope A reachable place With an impossible journey You tell yourself you can But you lie still, motionless Afraid to move Afraid to try The ending is dark, scary A place you do not want to be But the light is calling you Calling you to move To take that step You try but fear grips you A keeps you still Why try? Why not just stay here? I know this place The light is foreign The light is far away Why even try? So you don’t You keep motionless and remain safe But the light It calls It calls you This feeling of motion increases You can feel it in your chest Beating louder And harder What if I? What if I tried to move? To take step? To move towards the light… One step could not hurt Right? So you try Your body moves You close your eyes As your foot lands in front of you… Safe… It worked… How about another? Your feet keep moving Even though your mind is still deciding You keep moving Slowly at first but the fear subsides Your steps become faster More confident Why have I never done this? It is so simple One step after the other The light feels Feels warm And is getting warmer The warmth wraps around you Like a blanket Almost there One step after the other You are running now Wanting the light Getting closer Feeling the warmth I am so close… I was afraid… But I am not anymore… I will make it I will reach the light The journey is possible … … But… But what if I fail? What if I don’t make it? Your run slows to a walk… You stop… What if I can’t make it? What happens then? Do I keep going? What do I do… But you see the light It shines ever so bright… You made it The end… The warmth covers you And relief descends upon you A calm… A peace… You made it It is time to finish it Time for this journey to end You reach out To touch it To touch the light To end the journey Your hand gets closer And begins to shake You are nervous but excited You are almost there Just a little bit further… But the light disappears… Gone… Vanishes… Where did it go? What do I do!? So you stand there Motionless… Afraid to move Afraid to try Darkness surrounds you… It’s cold No more warmth No more light Just silence… And nothing… The end © 2015 JontheNerdAuthor's Note