I would want a book to be published, and maybe serious vlogger. Yeah, that's what I would do. So what's holding me back? The voices telling me there is no one that cares to know about your mundane day to day life. As for writing, they tell me you aren't talented enough. No one would want to read your silly novel that's the same as every other paper back author before you. This year....
This year I will silence those voices. I am going to start a book and I am going to vlog.To the voices that doubt me, I'm going to ignore you. I am going to fight this year more than ever. Why should I hate failure? I know that it will just make me stronger. This year I will do more and be more. I want to do something this year. Last year I feel like I stayed in my comfort so a little too much and my life became not much of anything. I was living without being. This is my year for doing. I'm going to care more about others. I'm going to be more productive. I'm going to prioritize things better. I don't want to feel like I have to settle when I am made for so much more. I have seen the dangers of settling, and it is unnerving to me. It makes me think, "What could that person had if they had just fought for their goal longer?" There are just somethings worth fighting for.