Two Guys

Two Guys

A Story by Kaye Adell

"If you love 2 people at the same time, choose the second one. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one." - Johnny Deep I thought quote was fitting.


          On paper if I just look at Justin's qualities I might pick him over Peter, but honestly that’s not what matters. I mean Justin went to a two-year college in almost half the time it was supposed to take him. Justin is becoming a preacher and is very knowledgeable about the Bible.  He was converted to Christianity, and wanted to share it with everyone. I applauded Justin for being so determined and so hard working. I’ve only heard good things about him. When I approach Justin though, I don’t know what happens he grow cold and look like he's afraid of me. I just wanted to be friends; that’s all I’ve ever wanted, despite rumors Justin might have heard. I feel like everyone we knew was trying to force this relationship even though neither of us really wanted one. That’s why we can’t even be friends because he thought I was some desperate little girl, which I’m not. So when Justin transferred colleges I thought he might want a friend, but he just acted like I was annoying. So I thought Fine I won’t bother you anymore if you’re going to be like this.

           Then, Peter showed up. Someone who actually chased after me. However, I was warned that he was a bit of a player not that he cheated on girls, which meant that he did respect them, but, he almost just played with girls and let them go when he got bored. I was warned of his habits many many times before he began to chase me. So it isn’t like I don’t know what he’s like, unlike most of the girls he dated. He is also a Christian, which is something very important to me.

         This is where their resumes don’t matter. Peter is candid and is never afraid to ask me questions. He almost has no filter, which makes interesting topics come up.  Justin just acts like we're in a Jane Austen film. For example:

Me: “Hi, Justin, how are you?”

Justin:  “I’m doing very well, Miss Sarah Johnson. How are you?”

Me thinking: Who talks like this? “...I’m fine.”

Justin: “ The weather has been very pleasant. Don’t you think?”

Me: “Yes, I suppose…. How are you classes going?”

Justin: “Quiet well I think. I have some tests coming up I’m not quite sure about though.”

Me: “Yeah, I know how it is. Well, I’ll let you study then I guess, bye.”

Justin: “It was nice talking to you.”

Ok, maybe a little too dramatic maybe, but that’s almost how he talks. He lives in Oklahoma and has lived his whole life there. Nobody talks like that in Oklahoma. All I know is almost everyone has tried to force that relationship, and it’s not going to happen. I can’t live with someone who talks like that. For right now I think I’m picking Peter.

© 2012 Kaye Adell

Author's Note

Kaye Adell
I don't know what this is. I kind of got bored. I'm sure I just sound like a bunch of white noise. Review please. If you like it and tell me. I might find something else to ramble about.

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Featured Review

I actually liked this story. I think the idea behind it was intriguing and it peaked my interest. However, there are a few things that I did not like so much. Who are you talking to in this story? You refer to them as "you". I thought you might have been talking to Justin, but then you refer to him in the third person. You should just tell the story from a first-person point of view, not talking to someone else. It would make more sense then. Also, you say "he" a lot in the story which is incredibly ambiguous. Which "he" is it? They are both boys, so be specific. Overall good story and idea though :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kaye Adell

12 Years Ago

Thanks yeah, I'll edit this some. I will admit I didn't revise it very well when I put it up, which .. read more


I actually liked this story. I think the idea behind it was intriguing and it peaked my interest. However, there are a few things that I did not like so much. Who are you talking to in this story? You refer to them as "you". I thought you might have been talking to Justin, but then you refer to him in the third person. You should just tell the story from a first-person point of view, not talking to someone else. It would make more sense then. Also, you say "he" a lot in the story which is incredibly ambiguous. Which "he" is it? They are both boys, so be specific. Overall good story and idea though :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kaye Adell

12 Years Ago

Thanks yeah, I'll edit this some. I will admit I didn't revise it very well when I put it up, which .. read more

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1 Review
Added on July 13, 2012
Last Updated on July 13, 2012
Tags: forced love, akward, flirt, talking, boys, guys, men, relationship, choices


Kaye Adell
Kaye Adell

Writing is a hobby of mine that very few people know about. I hope your reviews will help me become a better author. I've thought about writing for a career but not too seriously. more..

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