A Poem by Jonny The Savage
I always find it so breathtakingly exhilarating, the nearly daily epiphanies that I have when studying what some would call esoterica. There's nothing like coming to an understanding of the secrets of the ages...that most people believe are lost and forgotten (or worst still, useless and without point!) But alas, we are fools who contain ourselves in hugboxes; never to have another thought on these Mysteries again! With every passing day, I can feel it, I can stare into that age old abyss and understand it. Perhaps only partially, but that's more than most will ever come to see! I have a feeling that most people will be pretty upset with themselves when they "get it" too.
© 2017 Jonny The Savage
Author's Note
Jonny The SavageAtlantis, Apple Rock
Aesthete, philosopher and scholar first; and a writer, poet and musician second. A rather blunt individual with no regard for dogma or taboo. A curious soul seeking the truth beyond this mortal coil. more..