To examine which ideology holds the most power, at any given time: simply view what the go-to explanation for someone thinking for themselves is. In another age, it was "you're going to Hell for x" but now it's "you're crazy because y!" Some people spend all day talking s**t about theology online, but, sadly, I'd be surprised if many of them have read much more than Babby's First Talking Points Against Kike on a Stickology. It's perfectly fine to have a strong opinion on the subject, is what I'm pointing out, but think about how someone taking a similar position against the modern Hellfire (insanity) would be viewed. At one point, someone crusading for their theology was more than an internet maymay; but in this day and age, moral systems that don't double as fashion statements have all but gone extinct! This appears to be one of (if not the) biggest issues in our world today: "God is Dead" and we haven't found a worthy substitute in enshrining our Fellow Fools! Humanity has some soul searching to do and I plan on following this path, I began so many years ago, to the bitter end!