What You Put In Is What You Get
A Poem by Jonny The Savage
What people rarely seem to realize: you need to be worthy of the life you'd like to have. If you want to end up with someone special; you, yourself, need to be someone special! The most sought after people, in the world, aren't going to just fall into your life and take care of everything! That's why I spend so many sleepless nights; getting so much work done - so that maybe, some day, I'll be able to support a family with my learned skills and acquired talents. I'm hoping to raise my future children to be as self-reliant as possible, and that will never, earnestly, happen if I waste my time demanding money for my broken body. I would like to settle down with a woman that has similar values (hopelessly Romantic; with a sense of humor, an adventurous mind and a copy of the Kama Sutra. Preferably a painter too...women who paint are absurdly attractive and alluring..) so that means a lot of long days and lonely nights, right now...and that's just fine with me! Even if I die alone; tomorrow. There is not one who reaps what they have not sewn!
© 2017 Jonny The Savage
Author's Note
Jonny The SavageAtlantis, Apple Rock
Aesthete, philosopher and scholar first; and a writer, poet and musician second. A rather blunt individual with no regard for dogma or taboo. A curious soul seeking the truth beyond this mortal coil. more..