When you get on this bitter pill, that I'm on, not a whole lot makes you genuinely Smile. But you still so desperately need to smile. People offer me pity, but it's got the same exchange rate as envy. Too many look at me as the enemy, a traitor within the ranks. When in reality, they've already sold my head. The blood lust reeks, you can't wash away that stank. You just want someone to whisper the predecided "truth". But that'll never be me to you, baby, that will never be me to you. Who needs that eternal struggle, with the answers coming straight from the horse's mouth to your ear?! Don't have fear, child; this place is only Hell when we pretend that it isn't. You're only a fool when you disagree with us - even when you're clearly correct. We'll kill you, just to watch you die; and yet, you're the one they detest! This is no accident, we're meant to prevent you; from showing that this "water" we offer you was never gathered from a stream, nor a river, nor a spring. In fact, it doesn't even have a casual relationship with reality (or water for that matter!) - but we'll still sell it to your children as truth. You must be violent and crazy, only we're allowed to make an open declaration of war!
THIS world is our world, if you're still too blind to see! We're the demons, the madmen, the psychopaths - the ones really causing your misery! And still, you will not see! In fact you worship us, deep down; don't think we're oblivious! Your god is
our god. We worship at the same altar. Yet you stare right at our texts, and decide not to bother. We survive on your ignorance and your arrogance; we are your murderer, your rapist, but we'll always be your "Brother". We're not concerned about how candid our candor - you'll forget that we even had this conversation. You are for ever our fool, forever the wrong job for the tool! But never worry! Never fear! We're here to tell you that we've always been, and always will be "here". Take our hand, follow us into the most brutal slavery possible. Of course, none of this is necessary, it just gets us hard. In time, you'll grow to love your bondage - our drugs and information warfare tactics were always voted number one. These fetters will be your fetish, before we're done. We'll have you both directly and indirectly worshiping the Sun (of god). He's pretty far off from the Son of Man, not that we think you'll mind. Everything is going according to plan. So Smile! Say "cheese!" Believe and conceive whatever foolish nonsense that you please. Just always remember, let it wash over you like a heart attack: I'm not in here with you...You're in
HERE with me!