

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

A philosophical/metaphysical essay that offers context for much forgotten wisdom. This piece was written as objectively as possible.

There is no possible way to find God externally: the divine presence may only be found while seeking internally. Further and further; deeper and deeper, yet, you must search, until you're looking outwards from deep within yourself. The Devil offers prolific myriads of distractions and sufferings in an attempt to make sure you never discover the true nature of things; lest you see through the factitious illusions. This has been understood for millenia and the teachings of the Christos has been so perverted that they do not even resemble his original sermons.

I think this is the reason some argue that Friedrich Nietzsch is the reincarnation of the 'anointed one'. Much of his work has the tone of one who has had his life long quest for peace, love, understanding and liberation from the shackles of this mortal coil perverted into fetters for the soul, mind and body. Into outright animosity and violence for those curious souls, like myself, who would dare question the dogma established in the church. Into crusading to convert others into their particular sect of completely missing the point of Christos' lessons (un)intentionally. I believe this is why it was so easy for me to lose faith in God at such an early age: it was rather obvious that something was very, very wrong with the conjecture that was being force fed to me as absolute truth since infancy. It became readily apparent that the true nature of things would not come from the same lips that threatened Damnation and Hellfire in the same breath; for even the most innocent transgressions. 
Now, let us examine an age old Neo-Platonic duality: the Demiurge vs. the Monad. Firstly, we shall define these terms. The Demiurge, which was originally a common noun meaning "artisan" or "craftsman" in Greek is the evil/blind/ignorant god that created physical reality; the god of the Old Testament ("Yahweh") and the Devil of the New Testament. The Monad, which roughly translates into "the one" or "the first one" is the loving creator of spiritual reality, the devil of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament ("Yeshua"). With these concepts in mind, let us inspect the nature of the Old vs. New Testament.

In the Old Testament, Yahweh is a very cruel and physically demanding presence; turning sinners to salt, washing them away in a flood or any number of the wicked, purely physical torments he afflicted upon them. Even his faithful were brutalized in such heinous acts as sacrificing their child to him. Even his "chosen people" were enslaved and freed through very physical means. Even his revelation, to "the tribe of Judah", of liberation was conveyed through physical means: the burning bush. His "sacred" laws to "salvation" were, again, written physically; of this, one is especially interesting: "thou shall have no other gods before me," or in other words, you must worship material existence, and nothing else. 

Let us contrast this with the teachings of Yeshua, which are purely spiritual, save his one use of force in kicking the money changers out of the temple. His gospel is one of turning internally for salvation from this wicked world. The original sin is being born into this physical plane of ours, and being born again is to ascend into the spiritual plane and to no longer let the material world control you. 
Now we shall delve into enlightenment and reincarnation as they relate to Heaven and Hell. I postulate that the physical plane is Hell, and if you endlessly commit metaphysical sin, you eternally reincarnate back into it. Thus, breaking those everlasting shackles allows you to attain enlightenment and finally ascend to Heaven. The Gnostics believe that the Universe is pure mind, which seems to coincide with the Tibetan Book of the Dead's pure consciousness afterlife. It also posits that the easiest point in your life to reach enlightenment is the three days after death. The oft sought first step will always be ego death, boundless Universal love for all and The All, and to understand that we are all one - just an infathomable multidimensional Matrix of existence, experiencing itself one consciousness at a time simultaneously. Alone, but truly together. I couldn't describe Heaven to you in any other words than as a purely spiritual plane. Anything else would be a lie.

Much of this information has been suppressed by the church ~100 years into A.D., in the form of completely omitting it - declaring it to be heresy! And if I'm a heretic, then I'm a proud one! One exemplary example of this is 'The Hypostasis of the Archons', which roughly translates to "the reality of the rulers". This particular heresy may have been the original tale of Adam, Eve and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Samael (Yahweh) is known by the other gods/Archons as "the blind god,"  which puts a new spin on "if the blind lead the blind, then both shall fall into a pit." Here alone we have two identifying characteristics of the Demiurge: the blindness and the body of a snake; for he is sometimes described as "the lion-faced serpent" or quite literally as a giant snake with the head of a lion. A symbol that could perhaps be seen as Sol and his nuclear mane. Conversely Luna has served as a symbol of Yeshua, despite only being made visible by reflecting the light from the Sun. This is actually a great symbol because of the way that God reveals himself through the totality of existence, to those willing to dedicate themselves to Peace, Love, Longevity, Truth, Understanding, Self-betterment, Belief in something larger than themselves and to always be trying to expand their sphere of Knowledge, Wisdom and Consciousness. And likewise are the Dharma, Tao, metaphysical laws or the Logos. In fact the halo was a symbol derived by placing the head in the foreground and a full moon into the background. Perhaps a means of showing that even if you do manage the Trek that was lain out for you by the Christos, you are still just one part of the inconceivable whole. Mayhap it's just to show the Unity of your consciousness with that of the Eternal Shepherd despite the oceans of time/space and dimensions apart. 

The saddest part of all of this is that they actually have you believing that you are the things you own, the job you work, the way you look - that you are a purely physical being, living in a purely material realm. But nothing could be farther from the truth! NOTHING! You are a spiritual being that is trapped in this sheath we call substance! A spark of the divine, slowly extinguishing itself by lack of a connection to the Source of Oxygen. My hope is that you're beginning to overstand why propaganda (or advertising/public relations, if those words are more suited to your palate) propagating this physical plane as pure; as the whole of potential, is profligately pushed to prevalence among the populace...As all that ever was or ever will be!

Now that we have this information; what is to be done with it? Well, there are three answers to this question, and they are as follows: The Right Hand Path, The Left Hand Path and absolutely nothing; choosing rather to keep your head in the sand, or, if you prefer, Plato's Cave. The Right Hand Path is defined by service to others, while The Left Hand Path is, simply put, service to self alone. You can also choose to do nothing and watch the shadows dance, without another thought; your neck chained to The Cave, in the seemingly permanent chassis that you've put yourself in!

All throughout history, the existential teacher/hero crop up. The Eastern Philosophy has the Buddha ("awakened/enlightened one" known as Siddharta Gautama or Shakyamuni) the Egyptians and their Mystery Schools have Thoth, the god of knowledge. Thoth is said to maintain the Universe, be an arbitrator of godly disputes and has association with the arts of magick, the creator and teacher of hieroglyphics, the development of science and the judgement of the dead. Thoth was such an influential archetype that he next made his way to ancient Greece, in the form of Hermes Trismegistus - the supposed author of the 'Corpus Hermetica' and composite of Hermes, the messenger of the gods and Thoth, their arbitrator. Both Thoth and Hermes are considered to be psychopumps which is a Greek term that literally translate to "guide of the souls". Jung viewed the psychopump as a mediator between the conscious and unconscious realms; typically anthropomorphized in the symbol of a wise man or woman, and sometimes even a helpful animal. But I digress, Hermes Trismegistus is, for the most part, Thoth with the addition of Astrology and Hermetic Alchemy - which is largely misunderstood as being the transmutation of lead into gold; when in reality it's much more tangibly connected to turning the self into gold. Not physically, quite obviously, but metaphysically. In the Western World, we of course have Yeshua, "the anointed one". Out of these existential teachers/heroes, you have Yeshua and Gautama who are great examples of both the Christos and The Right Hand Path. Thoth and Hermes Trismegistus are great examples of The Left Hand Path and the power that the Egyptian Mystery Schools  have held for millenia. There's an Obelisk (Osiris's chopped off penis) in the capital of the U.S. and nobody ever wonders why. It goes much deeper than that, but getting in depth on the mysteries is a topic for another day or another person. Bill Cooper has already done amazing work on exposing the mysteries: 'seek and ye shall find.'

Now let us examine the parable of Prometheus - the titanic creator of man, and their greatest benefactor; in offering the Fire of Mount Olympus. And the eternal punishment for such a transgression? He was chained to a rock in the Kazbec mountains, and every day an eagle would eat his liver; which would regenerate every night because he was an immortal. Seems a bit harsh, right? Just for fire? No way! It was illumination that he offered the common man. You probably already know the group based on the word 'illumine' alone; from modern times, but they're just one sect of the Mystery Schools. Something that the public can go "oh noes, it's the Illermernerty!!" jokingly as to dismiss the subject of secret societies and their control completely. But you'll never hear about: the Order of the Quest, the Black Nobility of Europe, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergerers, the Skull and Bones, the Scroll and Key, the Jesuits, the Masons, the JASON group, MJ12, Mount Weather and the list goes on ad infinitum to the point of ad nauseam. They're in plain sight, yet you still will not see them! The Left Hand Path takers often abuse metaphysical law by using cunning loopholes; in the way lawyers do our law. It is as they say: "as above, so below."

Now you're probably wondering just what I meant by loopholes. Are there metaphysical lawyers? In a way, yes. I don't pretend to know, let alone understand, the whole of the Dharma; but I know enough to paint a vague picture with broad strokes. Let us start out with Free Will, violating Free Will results in negative Karma. This is where that loophole comes in --> the Power of Suggestion. If you're merely suggesting a course of action (even dishonestly), you are not violating anyone's Free Will. Think of it like the income tax in the U.S. that's used to pay the usury on our currency. It is illegal under the Constitution to tax someone's income twice, but there's no law against giving the government donations. They just bait the hook and suggest what may happen if you don't comply. It's as simple as that.

Next we will delve into Will. Perhaps Will is all that really exists. Perhaps the Moon Wills the tides to move and the Earth Wills the moon to revolve around it. Perhaps the Demiurge  (if there indeed is one, and not just a personification of the laws of physics) Wills  the laws of physics. But there are more powerful Wills out there that can manifest and break that ruleset. Perhaps this is a better explanation for Quantum Physics or the seemingly impossible. But now you must be wondering why God doesn't manifest every time you pray for him to. The simple answer: you are the Universe experiencing itself, hardships are all a part of the scheme of things. You chose to incarnate into the physical reality, for one reason or another --> the whole point is to experience, learn and love. Will is indeed a powerful thing, this has even manifest in popular culture as The Secret or 'Chaos Magick for soccer mom's, as some call it.

Another fairly obvious law is that of Balance. Just as there is day, there is also night. Just as there is Eros (creation), there is also Thanatos (destruction). And so on and so forth. It is said that the number of God is  100, perhaps this is a symbol of the 100th percentile. A quote from The Gospel of Truth: "He is the shepherd who left ninety-nine sheep who had not strayed and went in search for the one who was lost. For ninety-nine is the number of the Left Hand (Path) which holds it. The moment he finds "The One" however the whole number is transferred to he Right Hand (Path). Thus it is with him who lacks "The One", that is, the entire Right Hand which attracts that in which it is deficient, seizes it from the Left Side and transfers it to the Right. In this way, then, the number becomes one hundred, This number signifies The Father." The symbol of balance in the Eastern tradition is the Yin and Yang. As a means of achieving, balance, perhaps, like attracts like, and Yin; Yang. If not the Tao to balance, then I am uncertain what the root cause may be, and thus; it becomes a law of it's own. 

Let us, now try to describe the metaphysical by comparing and contrasting it to the physical. If matter is the Corner Stone to the Material World --> then Consciousness is the base of the Metaphysical Realm. And if we may call consciousness the matter of the Metaphysical, then Loosh is the energy. Loosh may simply be defined as "emotional energy". Loosh goes by many names: the Germanic Tribes called it "Vril", The Hindus named it "Prana", the Christians know it as "the Holy Spirit" and the Chinese have hailed it as "Chi". Just as we have used nuclear reactions to give ourselves energy, those beings higher on the totem pole than us (and on the Left Hand Path of course) vampirize our Loosh for their own purposes. This is what the metaphor of the human battery in 'The Matrix' is meant to convey. 

Finally let us get into how the spiritual world may appear to us, or as Huxley defined it in 'Heaven and Hell' : "The Antipodes of the Mind". He posits that the Lotus is sacred in the East because of it's beauty (and that nature is often seen by cultures where precious metals/gems are not prevalent) while precious ore and jewels (due to their scintillating nature) are often seen as symbols of the divine by cultures where they are numerous. He also posits that the conditions our ancestors lived under (like the harshness of Winter, both in change in diet and frigidness; and also falling ill in a time before proper medicinal knowledge) may have allowed them to more easily access the Antipodes of the Mind. This may be part of the reason for our recent disconnection with the Divine, the other is simply put: Social Engineering, conditioning or brain washing. Jung suggested (in his own terms) that the Antipodes of the Mind are a source of creativity.
Now, I imagine you're wondering just how hot is this information? It could burn the modern world down! I don't ask that you blindly believe these concepts, I only ask that you consider them. And always remember Truth does not come from authority: Truth IS The Authority. The secrets of reality will never reveal themselves to lazily groping hands! Do not just grasp at this essay (or anything else for that matter!) as being absolute truth; until the postulations become self evident. 'Seek and ye shall find' more than you ever conceived about your own mind, as 'the blind lead the blind'.  

© 2015 Jonny The Savage

Author's Note

Jonny The Savage
Finished 10/3/15

My Review

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This is done in an interesting format
i like how you visit different concepts of a god
its very well rounded
Religion serves as a vessel for the soul
to remain in peace
and to love
and divert away from hate
I really believe that finding god
is in everything you do as a person
your actions lead you to god and to a better life
this was very enjoyable to read
i would read it again

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

Jonny The Savage

9 Years Ago

It's too bad that violence is glorified by many.

9 Years Ago

Yes and taught to others
its just really creepy
instead of teaching youth that violenc.. read more
Jonny The Savage

9 Years Ago

It's just such a net-negative of a chain reaction.
I feel like it's a good thing to teach ki.. read more
I don't think I can disagree with anything you said. You are a very clever man.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

Jonny The Savage

9 Years Ago

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, Satan.
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so much truth here

Monsieur Friedrich has been downplayed by many. He is my favorite philosopher. So much respect for women and he saw reality for what it is
Many thought he is a plain out pessimist ......contrary to common belief examining a downfall leads to so much positivism and light. Wisdom never came at anything but the pure expense of easiness and solitary

As for religion
I truly believe that all are to be respected
For each their own

But i love how you find god within
it is beautiful

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

Jonny The Savage

9 Years Ago

Thanks again for reading it, old friend. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. I hope you're right, I'd l.. read more

9 Years Ago

Almost a direct zevon quote. I dig it :)
Jonny The Savage

9 Years Ago

haha you know me too well sir. Although I'm not sure that's a bad thing.

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3 Reviews
Added on October 1, 2015
Last Updated on October 11, 2015
Tags: Dark Age, Truth, Reality, Esoteric, Kali Yuga, Knowledge, Savage, Logos, Metaphysics, Gnosis, Dharma, Tao, Philosophy, Metaphysical, Demiurge, Monad, Yahweh, Yeshua, Heaven, Hell, The All


Jonny The Savage
Jonny The Savage

Atlantis, Apple Rock

Aesthete, philosopher and scholar first; and a writer, poet and musician second. A rather blunt individual with no regard for dogma or taboo. A curious soul seeking the truth beyond this mortal coil. more..
