Have you ever taken a minute and wondered just what's wrong with people? Why they'll fight amongst themselves for scraps but never dream of learning to hunt or forage? Why they'll lap up propaganda but never read Edward Bernays' book by the same title? Why they're all too happy to place the burden on someone else rather than stumbling, as they try to 'carry that weight'? Why they're all too happy to sit on their hands and demand others fight for them? Why they'd prefer a yes man god or no god at all instead of a real spiritual connection with the Universe? Why they'd rather everyone be equal in debt (and) slavery than for anyone to be rich in freedom? Why they will believe anything if it goes through the popular channels? Why? Just WHY!? Do we prefer this suicidal madness to the footloose freedom that we had once been known for? One can only blame social engineering to a certain degree, after that; it's a people willingly (and thankfully) killing their own sovereignty. Even expressing gratitude for their enslavement!