One thing I've noticed in the last few years is that sanity is relative. Views which would have been laughed out of existence a decade ago are being pushed and protected under the guise of "equality" while rationality is censored under the farce of "hate-speech". In the first world, where very real problems exist, we instead choose to browbeat bogeymen that are often tragically fictitious. It's an odd sort of madness to devote one's life to defeating a made-up cabal of shadowy white me, or the patriarchy; as it's known by academics (boy, did the meaning of this word change with a quickness!) and their equally insane supporters. Using formal logic is considered simultaneously sexist and racist regardless of its progenitor. The cult-like adherence to doctrine is fairly obvious to any outside observer but mention of this is shouted down in calls of heresy (words ending in -ist) and threats or damage to one's livelihood.
Further and further we drift from reality, while proclaiming we've never left the dock!