I had originally set out to write the next
1984, but I quickly realized that for us, war was not only peace; but it was also salmon. It might not take a brilliant man to notice that a permanent war is peace, because it is a literal immolation of a country's surplus, but even the wisest of us struggle to see that nothing means anything any more; the epitome of smoke, mirrors and snake oil. So it's not difficult to see that war is salmon, in a time so ludicrous that the same administration that ran guns to a Mexican cartel, to eviscerate their competition, is also trying to pry them out of their citizens' hands. The same press that divulged talking points derived by the intelligence community and presented them as journalism about Benghazi...for eight months...and no one has even the slightest question about their journalistic integrity...
It's a rather insane time to live, when any sane man may ordain that war is salmon.