War is Salmon

War is Salmon

A Story by Jonny The Savage

I had originally set out to write the next 1984, but I quickly realized that for us, war was not only peace; but it was also salmon. It might not take a brilliant man to notice that a permanent war is peace, because it is a literal immolation of a country's surplus, but even the wisest of us struggle to see that nothing means anything any more; the epitome of smoke, mirrors and snake oil. So it's not difficult to see that war is salmon, in a time so ludicrous that the same administration that ran guns to a Mexican cartel, to eviscerate their competition, is also trying to pry them out of their citizens' hands. The same press that divulged talking points derived by the intelligence community and presented them as journalism about Benghazi...for eight months...and no one has even the slightest question about their journalistic integrity...

It's a rather insane time to live, when any sane man may ordain that war is salmon. 

© 2015 Jonny The Savage

Author's Note

Jonny The Savage

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I like how you make this link of war and salmon
I wonder of its tie here
An aquaculture species
Capable of being thrown into any water and surviving
Note Salmon exists in the coldest of places to the slightly warmer rivers

One wonders
Are we all fighting all the time
Has fighting become a way of living

Versus extending an understanding unspoken towards others that we do now know
And have come to wish well irrespective of whether we are in the same boat or not
Truly appreciating acts of kindness for no soul came uncovered
Learning to live in peace with a heart anywhere it might be or it might go

Humanity is extremely hard to touch
And to acquire
not every breathing man is human

Posted 9 Years Ago

Jonny The Savage

9 Years Ago

And then those images, picture books.
And those picture books eventually into films.

9 Years Ago

Waw yeah
i never made that link :P
Jonny The Savage

9 Years Ago

haha I thought it was a kinda cool metaphor :P

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1 Review
Added on September 30, 2015
Last Updated on September 30, 2015
Tags: 1984, orwell, salmon, dark age


Jonny The Savage
Jonny The Savage

Atlantis, Apple Rock

Aesthete, philosopher and scholar first; and a writer, poet and musician second. A rather blunt individual with no regard for dogma or taboo. A curious soul seeking the truth beyond this mortal coil. more..
