My Identity

My Identity

A Chapter by Not A Writer

Wherever you are at in life, I am sure you have had an identity crisis. Read this.


My Identity    

            Today’s thought (or question) has given me a deep uneasiness: who am I? First thing before we come to the arrival of any questions, we must wonder as to why am I asking myself this question?  I, Ethan, am asking myself this question because the existence of my life seems quite insignificant in the calm tide of life. Seeing that my life appears boring or how would you call it�"trite, mundane, slow, indulgent, etc. �" I ask myself, “Who am I?” The questioning of my existence must cease in order to ensure my happiness. Therefore, anything and everything must be done in order to vanquish the anxiety of my existence. Obviously, the conclusion will arrive to making myself busy, productive, useful, and etc. because that is contrary to the boring life. But, the question is how will this be done, and on what means do I have to accomplish this worthwhile desire? Look at this world! Many are the people who long to have a worthwhile life, yet they are living a wasteful and regretful life sitting behind the computer on Facebook wishing for close friends or a big dream to be accomplished. (This has been me, and it will be me if life doesn’t take shape and form.) Thousands are the men who grow to be thirty years old, and they live in their parent’s basement! (I do not want to one of them!) Listen. Every winter break and every summer breaker, my life is filled with time. Where a plenty of time lies, indulgence creeps right behind it. And, indulgence only makes the person wish death come sooner because he/ she sees life as vain. (We have all been there.) So, what can be done in order to make life worthwhile? I am beginning to see that you have to carve out your own path. No one knows your life better than you do, except for God. Saying this, even those who carve out their path of life on their own are doomed to fail their expectations. Every human needs God because only God can meet his/ her needs.. This does not condone man living passively because the laws of nature tell how the hard worker is rewarded more than the sloth. The only way in living a significant life is to live the way I imagine to be in the path that God directs for me.

© 2012 Not A Writer

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Added on March 21, 2012
Last Updated on March 21, 2012


Not A Writer
Not A Writer

Kyoto, MI, Japan

Japanese writer Into all things anime 日本万歳. どんなに頑張っても私を見つける .. more..
