A Years Worth of Theological Quotes

A Years Worth of Theological Quotes

A Chapter by Not A Writer

Most of these quotes are by me but there are some from various people and authors. These quotes are literally taken from a year ago and recorded on facebook. I have not pledgarized in any way.


1). It's not about gaining; it's about losing this life.

2). To say, "If" is but a word of vanity.

3). Reputation shant be of us but representing Christ.

4). A quiet time is a close time with God.

5). A consistent, carnal Christian, as I would like to say, is a better atheist than that of a non-believer.

6). Sheep fall prey of the materialistic whims and doth despise the Shepherd’s green pastures.

7). Rules are not to be broken but to be conserved by divine authority from faith alone.

8). The declaration of song in heaven repeats, " Glory be to God in the Highest." The thoughts of the fools in hell cries, "If only had I . . . ."

9). The heart desires what we do not have but the mind rebels against all what is true.

10). Give him a stick not too long will he covet a bigger stick.

11). An excuse to the skies is deemed worthy of death.

12). Not only am I a slave to myself, but I am a rebel of all that is good. Whatever stands righteously, I take it down. Whatever stands godly; I make it corrupt. Whatever is straight; I twist it beyond repair. Whatever is my Master's plan, I use it against Him. The irony of life seems for us to walk in hellish ways than in God's way.

13). I had everything; now I only have my memories.

14). An army always seems to be near when I sin.

15). People speak of Hell may I say that an unbeliever lives in hell already?

16). I counted thousands of cattle and many a fruit in my garden, I can't even count how many screams I hear in this infernal Place.

17). Believing is obeying. You would not say, "I will" or "I am" but you would rather say, "I have" or 'I did."

18). Let me be hopless that I may attain hope from You.

19). The one God Who clothed you with lovingkindess and forgiveness is the same God who watches the condemned from afar with glorious comfort of His most utmost holy justice in act. The one God Who loves His children, punishes them graciously for their many sins and restores them in the most upright manner. Glory in Him! He pleads; He saves!

20).It is unwise to say something does not exist if otherwise posed by the Word of God. This finite mind can not reach the skies, for Omniscience is of a divinely matter only known to God.

21). The darkness reveals the light as evil shows God's glory.

22). Before the foundations of the world, when you flagrantly sinned against Me, and while you are being tormented/rejoicing, remember that I love you.

23). Blessed is he who weeps due to the fear of the Lord by his anger and wrath.

24). If I love God I will seek to be holy, and if I love other people I will seek to be humble.

25). If my hope is in the Gospel, I will be firm, without blemish, and free from all accusations.

26). God's presence reveals man's infirmities.

27). Man has to be constantly reminded about the infinite goodness of God and of the cross.

28). Man's unbelief is the pefect time for the numbing of the heart for righteousnes and sowing seeds of sin.

29). Christ already was beaten. Why beat yourself to pay back your unrighteousness when Christ paid it all at the cross?

30). It does not matter how long you won't sin but how long you walki in God's grace.

31). God's desire for glory is so strong that an infinite sacrifice had to be atoned for.

32). "God doesn't accept the first birth; He accepts the second birth." Warren W. Wiersbe

33). Man can believe or disbelieve anything, even history itself. The Good news is actual fact from the past yet is still denied.

34). This reality is so fictionless. It is a veil over hell for the unbelievers and a veil of what will perish to the believers.

35). Stay sober that you may stay away from sin but be joyful for you are a captive of righteousness in the arms of a loving Father.

36). The Bible is an emotional book yet each of us are numb and are void of feeling until we come to the great Physician and swallow His prescribed medicine.

37).Wisdom is nought, flesh is dust, and life is vain. The world's wide spectrum of philosphies perish in burning brimstone, whereas the righteous are consumed with the bountiful grace, mercy, and fear that the Lord provides . . . this alone is enough to satisfy.

38). "The quickest way to the heart is through a wound." John Piper

39). True salvation is a true desire to know the true God.

40). True worship requires deep emotion and a desire for sound doctrine.

41). The truth of God creates strong Christ-like emotions.

42). Opportunities is God's gift and satisfaction is to be longed. Have not these and there is something lacking in your spiritual life.

43). Humility brings an unexplainable happiness. Pride brings an unexplainable curse.

44). Why should spiritual talk be confined when earthly conversations are not confined?

45). The idealogical, Christian norm is cowardice. The believer is neither willing nor desiring to declare the Gospel and of it's magnificent power to all peoples. I say, until the zeal of the Lord is found, we are in a Dark Age of the worst kind: able to produce apathetic Christians and unable to spread pure Truth. Unless you choose to further Christ's Kingdom, you are still in the Dark Age; and shall not Christ be ashamed to declare you to the Father?

46). If only you knew what you have instead of remembering what you had or recalling what you would have gained instead of remembering your position with Christ.

47). Who can fathom Christ's willingness to die on the cross and Christ's unwillingness to run away sin's atonement?

48). Be mindful who you think God is and who you are.

49). Remember God's judgement and my sin but, moreover, remember God's grace.

50). Worship requires participation; it is not a spectator sport.

51). Worshipers are called to be active.

52). Inappropriate actions of worship include manipulation emotions or manufacturing them by self.

53). Everyone worships something or someone.

54). False physical images come from false mental images.

55). Idolatry stems from crafting an image of God in our own minds.

56). An idol is created to represent God. What is your god?

57). God is God. God is not limited nor can He be defined.

58). God can't be and must not be limited by the mind nor by reason nor by results from actions or by previously works but who He truely is: the great I Am.

59). Joy is possible by loving God and loving God is possible because He first loved us. (1 John 4:10)

60). Jesus is recorded in history but we put Him out of it.

61). "The remarkable thing about fearing God is that when you fear God you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God you fear everything else." Oswald Chambers

62). What if God expects much more and what if God expects alot. After all is not grace greater than the law? Just think of it this way, people had an ox to work with; now we have machines. Coincidence? I think not. We are called to do a great work.

63). If the world texted before they spoke and if the world knew their ears outnumbered their mouth, we would sound like wise men.

64). If you say you are clean than why is it you have mud on your nose?

65). A converted Indian explained, "I have two dogs living in me- a mean dog and a good dog. They are always fighting. The mean dog wants me to do bad things, and the good dog wants me to do good things. Do you want to know which dog wins? The one I feed the most!" - Uknown

66). Opposition is our opportunity!

67). "The human heart becomes harder each time the sinner rejects God's truth; and this make it easier to believe Satan's lies." Warren Wiersbe

68). It is a Christian duty, as you know, for everyone to be as happy as he can." C.S. Lewis

69). "Never miss a good chance to shut up." Will Rogers

70). "One ship drives east and another drives west
With the selfsame winds that blow.
'Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales
Which tells us the way to go.
Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate,
As we voyage along through life:
'Tis the set of a soul
That decides its goal,
And not the salm or the strife."
---Ella Wheeler Wilcox

71). "The desire for greater theological knowledge . . . has supplanted the simiple call to know Him intimately." Charles Swindoll

72). "Three-fourths of ministry is just showing up." Ron Ritchie

73). A leader is . . . "A person who views the world from God's perspective, who exercises his gifts and talents with excellence and perseverance, and who strategically plans to serve others."

74). "Leaders are people surrounded by gifted, capable, diligent, successful people who stay around that leader because they see that all of his energies and all of his abilities enhance their lives and their successes. If you can convince people that you have their best interest in your heart, they'll follow you." John MacArthur

75). Humility, not a viritue but a skill, manifests itself in action prior to discipline.

76). Religion, not an exercise, it is the desires of the heart to know Christ intimately.

77). Songs are recorded in your heart but would you play them to God?

78). Running . . . not walking nor is it joggling nor is it even stumbling, you and I ought to race with a mindset with a burning desire for God.

79). “If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we
would literally astonish ourselves”- Thomas Edison

80). You cannot change without being changed yourself.

81). " . . . Love can not be perfected without mutual relationships." Steven Petit

82). "[Emotion] has a definite place in human affairs, but when forced to stand alone, feelings usually reveal themselves to be unreliable and ephemeral and even a bit foolish." Dr. James Dobson

83). How will you earn your spiritual money today for the Lord?

84). " . . . Undeserved guilt is one of the most powerful weapons in the devil's arsenal. By seeming to ally himself with the voice of the Holy Spirit, Satan uses the conscience to accuse, torment and berate his victims." Dr. James Dobson

85). "It is foolish to talk about living the Jesus way until one has a Jesus heart." John R. Rice

86). "sometimes the first duty of intelligent men is the restatement of the obvious.” George Orwell

87). Either you believe or you are coasting along like the waves of the sea.

88). Hardwork, responsibility, and personal motivation, with these three, anything is possible if it's in the Lord's will.

89). "According to the measure of your faith, so will the measure of your love be. Such as are without any faith are without any love; such as have but feeble faith have but weak love; and such as have the strongest faith have the strongest love." Thomas Vincent

90). "There is no use in studying God's Word if you have no intention of living it." Martin Luther


91). “Love is not something we have or are, it is something we do.” Joseph Fletcher


92). When life roars at you, you gotta sing louder to God.


93). Entertainment is like candy producing cavities. Love is like rocks producing joy.


94). Lukewarmness is lived out when entertained in the state of mind by not caring for the Scriptures, thinking that prayer is not a necessity, or you are just tired of running. Confession of sins and coming to God's grace and mercy through the blood of Jesus Christ heals us from all our sins. Jesus came to heal the sinners (Luke 5:32).


95). Seeing my sinfulness that I may attain unto godliness by the consistent confession of sin and the overwhelming power of God's grace and mercy freely given to me.


96). You can't love God to death if you don't discipline your body.


97). The moment you "study the scriptures" or "train yourself to be godly" more than focusing on the grace of God is the moment when you are called a Pharisee.


98). If God is infinite and the cost of propitiation incomprehensible to the human mind, then man's love should have no boundary but should be overflowing to the skies.


99). If you want to see a miracle, you must be outside yourself and live faith.


100). "Outward manifestations have inward desires." Will Galkin


101). Desire for God is received and maintained by time spent of submission towards God.


102). "All of the Christian life is repentance." Martin Luther


103). When was the last time you grieved so sorrowfully for sin?


104). Don't talk to yourself but rather let God talk to you by His Word.


105). A good atmosphere is created by encouragement.


106). Confession of sins is the foundation for victory over any sin.


107). The more spiritual a person becomes, the more they confess their sin.


108). Confession is the spark that lights the fire of spiritual revival.


109). God loves confession.


110).Emotions never precede the power of the cross. Come to the cross first and everything will fall into place.


111). Brokeness is a lifestyle issue.


112). Brokeness is dependency on Christ.


113). Grace says, "I can't but God can."


114). You can't have joy or godliness if you are not gospel-centered.


115). Joy is strength in the Lord. Joy is found in the Gospel. The Gospel is the Lord's strength.


116). Train hard in the Christian life by God's grace in order to win the race.


117). Dependency on God is shown by prayer.


118). Discouragement over sin should be encouragement for us for sin is sorrowed for and righteousness desired.


119). Christ doesn't want just people who live for Him, but also people who are willing to die for Him.


120). God is not made manifest if His love wasn't active.


121). Apply everything by the Word by centralizing everything on Christ and the cross Jesus.


122). God's glory is made manifest by the cross, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.


123). When I see my sinfulness, that is when I see God's glory.


124). Being content comes by enjoying the Lord.


125). If I'm not content only in God than I'm saying the gospel isn't good enough for me.


126). Contentment is not gained on circumstances but in God alone.


127). Contentment is learened when observed from God's perspective.


128). Love is required by the law but is produced by grace.


129). Feelings don't mean you love God.


130). Reading the Bible consistently without obedience is the worst danger a man can fall into.


131). Evangelism creates discernment.


132). Sin makes one's spiritual life numb.


133). Spiritual maturity results in spiritual authority, however there can be an evil deceitful kind of authority. Ex. Like that of Peter at Antioch.


134). Exhortation is possible by loving the light more then the darkness.


135). The man of God is known by what he follows after.


136). The man of God is known by what he fights for.


137). The man of God is known by what he is faithful to.


138). Carelessness is a numbing device spiritually. Words don't mean what they mean and the Bible is taken lightly as a result.


139). Pride is a lack of obedience.


140). If spiritual truths never move someone then there is something wrong.


141). Channels of grace come through the Word, prayer, and fellowship with the beloved saints.


142). Service to God follows after sacrifice to God.


143). "Instead of the believer applying the gospel to himself, he applies the gospel to the unbeliever and believes that he has no need of it." Jerry Bridges


144). The Gospel makes discipleship possible.


145). Motives are sinful if not based on the gospel.


146). I must daily consider myself a sinner.


147). "Discipline without desire is drudgery." Jerry Bridges


148). When distractions are gone, serving the Lord is made possible.


149). Consecrated minds create a life-service for God.


150). Whoever controlls your mind controlls your actions.


151). Realizing your sinfulness is the key for holiness, godliness, and sanctification.


152). One should read the Bible as searching for gold.


153). Spiritual depression when the water's torrent ceases from the inlet or the outlet is blockaded by the whims and fears of the world.


154). Put everything on the Lord's shoulders and don't worry about relationship with others or fears or anxiety.


155). Lack of joy should never be a problem when one is cross-centered.


156). Self-conscienceness and self-pity both have thrown away the grace of God and put in place the man of self.


157). Discipline and dependency always co-exist with each other. ex- There has to be two wings on an airplane in order for it to fly not just one.


158). Differing compartments of life shows a lack of security in Christ alone.


159). "Run, John, run. The law commands

But gives neither feet nor hands.

Better news the gospel brings;

It bids me fly and gives me wings."


160). Grace teaches you. Respond on grace not the law. Preach the gospel to yourself everyday.


161). Anger reveals your idols.


162). "What you delight in is what you seek. What you delight in is what you speak." Will Galkin.


163). It's not worth knowing if you don't entrust it in thy heart.


164). Thoughtful people are thankful people.


165). God-filled poeple are grateful people.


166). Brokeness is where grace is grown.


167). Faith is a prior prerequirist to the conceived deeds of a righteous man.


168). If I say God doesn't love me, then I doubt my salvation.


169). You won't walk with God on accident.


170). You become the person you hate the most.


171). Forgiveness fights annoyance.


172). I follow Christ so that I may suffer, be rejected, and ultimately be killed.


173). My view of God reflects who I am or what I believe about God.


174). Read each Bible verse carefully, meaninfully, and literally.


175). When I rejoice in the Lord that shows that I have no problems whatsoever.


176). I can rejoice in the Lord by seeing creation and observing His Omnipotence and Omnscience.


177). Worry and stress reek arrogance towards God.


178). Speak on earth as I would speak in heaven.


179). Christians are always growing.


180). Life always fragile! My life is never under control so I control my life instead of letting God take the wheel.


181). Everything I have won't matter when I am dead.


182). Fragile people don't take spiritual risks.


183). Evangelism is a job called by God.


184). Sin produces wasteful lives.


185). God can let me be the next person to die on earth.


186). "I will give others the joy I have and God will give me more joy." Brooke Bronkowski


187). It's possible to be taught that God loves you but it's also possible to not know what it means that God loves you.


188). Do not assume that I live in good soil.


189). Do you see evidences of God's kingdom in your life?


190). Taking the words of Christ literally and seriously is rarely considered.


191). "Lukewarm people are careful to be safe with what they have on earth and not give 100% to the Lord." Francis Chan


192). "Lukewarm people don't want to be saved from sin but the penalty of sin." Francis Chan


193). "Lukewarm people rarely share their faith with their neighbors, coworkers, or friends." Francis Chan


194). My leftovers, in God's eyes, are considered evil.


195). Don't assume that you are the few on the narrow way.


196). "When it's ahrd and you are doubtful, give more." Francis Chan


197). "People who are obsessed with Jesus give freely and openly without censure." Francis Chan.


198). "How we live our days is . . . how we lives." Annie Dillard


199)."People who are obsessed with Jesus live lives that connect them with the poor in some way or another." Francis Chan


200). "Obssessed people for God care more for Him rather then themselves." Francis Chan


201). Meditation isn't magic and it isn't instant. Guess what, IT REQUIRES WORK! 


202)."Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." Aristotle


203). "We become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions." Aristotle


204). "He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature." Socrates


205)." I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing." Socrates


206). "The unexamined life is not worth living." Socrates


207). "To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge." Socrates


208). "Excellence can be obtained if you:...care more than others think is wise;...risk more than others think is safe;...dream more than others think is practical;...expect more than others think is possible." Anonymous


209). "Excellence is in the details. Give attention to the details and excellence will come." Perry Paxton


210). "If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude." Colin Powell


211). "Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well." John W. Gardner


212). "There are no speed limits on the road to excellence." Anonymous


213). Natural desires do not know it's limit when it has been pushed.

214). " . . . Wisdom truths can be basically understood through personal observation of life alone, a teacher is not essential." Phillip Trach

215). " Wisdom can be arrived at alone through analysis of vast experience." Phillip Trach

216). The Lord will preserve the righteous for His praise

While the Great Judge will destroy the ungodly with many cursings.

The eternal plan of God is for His glory.


217). I can only enjoy God when I choose to love Him as much as He loves Himself.


218). "According to the measure of your faith, so will the measure of your love be. Such as are without any faith are without any love; such as have but feeble faith have but weak love; and such as have the strongest faith have the strongest love." Thomas Vincent

219). God only desires a human who is dependent on Him. A successful Christian life is only a plus in a humunastic sense; God only desires His will to be done. God's will aims for His name to be glorified as much as it can be.

220). "God's Word shapes our attitude to become His attitude." Vince Lenser

221). "If you accept defeat that's what you'll get." Facing the Giants

222). “A yieldedness to the will of God is not demonstrated by some one particular issue: it is rather a matter of having taken the will of God as the rule of one’s life. To be in the will of God is simply to be willing to do His will without reference to any particular thing He may choose. It is electing His will to be final, even before we know what He may wish us to do. It is, therefore, not a question of being willing to do some one thing: it is a question of being willing to do anything, when, where and how, it may seem best in His heart of love. It is taking the normal and natural position of childlike trust which has already consented to the wish of the Father even before anything of the outworking of His wish is revealed.” Lewis Sperry Chafer


223). Theology applied is theology learned.


224). "He loves thee too little, who loves anything together with theee, which he loves not for thy sake." Augustine

225). “Love leads to the Creator and . . . the discovery of love is the point of our lives.” Ted Dekker

© 2011 Not A Writer

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great writing and some really help a person out.

Posted 12 Years Ago

What's there to say? These are very wise quotes.

They make want to stand in a mirror and question how I portray my love for my loving God.

And then over half of these quotes belong to you, don't they? So much knowledge and wisdom hums inside your head doesn't it?

Wonderful job.

I have a question, though, on quote 65, wasn't it wolves, not dogs because I think Joel Osteen had used it once. I dunno, but these are very great.

Posted 14 Years Ago

These are all very wise

Posted 14 Years Ago

Very wise.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I love all these quotes. They are all recorded to show the glory of God. Thank you

Posted 14 Years Ago

I like this. So many I agree with in the quotes. The list is very good. The list made me think. Thank you.

Posted 14 Years Ago

some very interesting and thought provoking thoughts... I think 75 was my favorite... number 2 I can't agree with, nor 7 and number 9 I think needs to be reversed.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Some very good observations about being a Christian.

Posted 14 Years Ago


Posted 14 Years Ago

I would rather see a quote from you that you came to by your own experience such as this one I thought of a while back .A smart man learns from his mistakes .While a wise man will learn from yours !

Posted 14 Years Ago

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Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 18, 2010
Last Updated on May 30, 2011


Not A Writer
Not A Writer

Kyoto, MI, Japan

Japanese writer Into all things anime 日本万歳. どんなに頑張っても私を見つける .. more..


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